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Jacob's POV

Why would Auden have to be pulled in from lunch. Is he even going to go? I'm now in world history. I haven't seen Auden on the walk this morning I wonder why.

"Hey Jacob have you met the new student?" Ella asked.

"Uh yeah actually I have. Why?" I asked.

"Is his name Auden?" She asked.

"Yeah but why?" I asked.

"He didn't show up in gym. The teacher keeps on saying his name every day and we never met him." She said.

"Well if your asking about his personality. It's different than I'm used to but still. I don't know if he's good in things I would describe him as lazy." I said. Yeah lazy that's what he is.

"Huh I guess I'll find out for you if he's good at anything." She said.

I look at her. I've had a crush on her for a while now but shes more like a friend but I kinda want to be more than friends. "Well yeah I guess you will." I said.

"So how have you been doing we haven't hanged out recently." She said.

"I've been alright." I said.

"So I got a job like a week ago." She said.

"Really where?" I asked.

"Walmart." She said.

"Oh nice." I said. Why there? Was it the only place she could go? Oh wait she lives close to it.

"Yeah." She said and then smiled.

"I did become friends with Auden. Wait I just remembered something." I said.

"What?" She asked.

"He's a good fighter, also good at math too, and Brie has a crush on him." I said.

"Really? Now that's weird." She said.

"Yeah that's not her style really." I said. Brie's a little weird about him.

"Then he must be special for her." She said.

"Are you really going to ship them when you don't even know him?" I asked.

"Well yeah I guess. The name Auden kinda rings a bell in my head though." She said.

"Yeah same here but I can't remember where I heard it from." I said.

"Are you going to be quiet?" The teacher asked.

"Yep." I said. Then kept on talking to Ella.

10 minutes pass.

Bell rings.

"Ok see you at lunch maybe." She said.

"Ok bye." I said then went straight to my next class Gym. We all are playing basketball I'm ok at it but there are like 3 people that are better than I am.

Auden's POV

Brie and I go to world history. She didn't sit next to me because Anthony was already near my spot. "Come sit with me?" Brie asked.

"Ehh I like my spot it's calming there." I said. Plus I wouldn't have to deal with a very horny Brie. While we were walking here she was secretly trying to play with my dick.

"Ok." She said. I walked to the spot where I usually sit.

"Hey Auden?" Anthony asked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why are you never in Gym class do you skip?" He asked.

"No I just had some troubles finding it." I said.

"Well I get it, it does say Gym 5." He said. GYM 5?!!

"Yeah so I got lost these couple of days." I said.

"I could show you where it is." He said.

"Uh sure. I'm going to sleep I had a bad night." I said.

"Ok I understand I'll wake you up." He said. Anthony is pretty chill. See I didn't really fall asleep I was just so tired that I was still awake for myself but I was sleeping for other people.

Jacobs POV

I got to Gym class a while ago but there's only like 10 people here. So we split the team in half. The leaders choose the people to come in their group and of course all the good people want to be on the same team. To bad for them I'm a force to not be messed with.

I was thinking to much in gym class that really I was lost at what I was doing. I'm mostly thinking about that dance that is coming up. Wondering if Ella even likes me, cares, or just as friends would be fine. Alex hasn't really shown up lately either.

I feel a ball hit my face. "Hey gay boy get your head out of your ass." Vince said. I'm not gay. I can't really say anything back or do anything back.

I mean Auden would stand up but I don't know. He probably shouldn't. I've heard that Vince was in a gang but yet again I don't remember there being a gang here.

I don't really like today somethings really off today. Is it because I didn't see Brie a lot today?

"Hey faggot get your gay head in the game." Vince said. Why does he always think I'm gay?

Auden's POV

I wake up then I sneezed. "Are you sick?" Anthony asked.

"No someone must be thinking about me." I said.

"So you took about a 30 minute nap but we have like 10 minutes left." He said.

"What did you do in gym yesterday?" I asked.

"Basketball I throw a mean three pointer." He said.

"Well I don't know how good I am in that I haven't played sense 5th grade." I said.

"So like a team or class?" He asked.

"Team it really wasn't a big deal I couldn't last 2 years it was tiring I couldn't stand it." I said.

"How come?" He asked.

"Waking up at 4am just to take a shower and change uhh that wreaked me and it was on the weekends." I said.

"Well you could say that I played last year and this year too because I just really like basketball." He said.

"Well at least you have a thing to enjoy." I said. I saw that Brie is looking at me I then saw her hand down on her jeans. Stop it we are in school.

"Wanna hangout sometime maybe play a some ball?" He asked.

"I don't know it's been a busy week for me." I said.

"Do you have a phone?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You could just add me on Facebook." He said.

"I could but I don't really know you that well." I said.

"Yeah I guess that is true. But that doesn't mean you can't get to know me better through text." He said.

"Then I can't tell if your lying or not." I said.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

The bell rang.

Once Anthony left Brie went straight towards me. "So what were you two talking about?" Brie asked.

"Basketball that's basically it." I said.

"Oh ok." She said. "Where are you going next?" She asked.

"Geometry." I said.

"Ok well say hi to Jacob for me." She said.

"I will." I said and walked to geometry.

Old friend (Before, Beyond Life Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now