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Jacobs POV

I walked to geometry class. I sat next to John and Auden was already here. "Hey John how was your night?" I asked.

"It was pretty good." John said with a smirk. "How about you Auden?" John asked.

"Ehh it was ok." Auden said with a straight face. He really doesn't like showing emotion.

"Why do you guys think about the delay in school?" I asked.

"Could of been the weather but the weather is fine." John said.

"Maybe they got a threat to the school." Auden said. But they would of shut down school not delay it.

"I thought it was just because we have more hours from last years make up with the blizzard." I said.

"Maybe." John said.

"Yet again it could of been a threat to the school." Auden said.

"So talking about the delay?" The teacher asked.

"Yeah do you know why?" I asked.

"No the principal didn't tell the teachers. But I go with Jacobs idea because that blizzard was big and we stayed in school a little in the summer." He said.

"Really?" Auden asked. I forgot he just transferred here.

"Yeah it was pretty huge got like 3ft of snow." I said.

"More like 2." John said.

"No it was 3." The teacher said.

"I thought it was way more than that." Auden said.

"Umm you weren't living here." I said.

"Yeah but it's not like I haven't heard of it." Auden said.

"Yeah it was all over on the news." John said.

"That does make sense." I said.

The bell rang again to start class. The lecture started and Auden was taking a nap. How tired was he? "Auden did you get any sleep at all last night?" I asked.

His head was still down. "Yeah but only for like an hour." He said. Only an hour? Is it because of his arm?

"Ok." I said. John was taking notes as usual. I was just starring at the board with a blank face not really paying attention. I was like that about 10 minutes. Then I saw Auden's head jerk up really quickly then looked straight at me. Did he want to say something it looked like he did.

"So Jacob? Do you know an Anthony blond hair green eyes?" Auden asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah I've seen him around here and there I have an idea of what he is like but he never really talked to me. Why you asking?" I asked.

"He's in my history class and he was wondering why I wasn't in gym and he was pretty talkative." Auden said.

Well he is new to the school. "Well he's popular especially with the girls but I don't really think he cares about his popularity." I said.

"Yeah obviously if he's talking to me yeah." Auden said.

"Why you guys talking about Anthony?" John asked.

"Auden brought him up." I said.

"Oh do you like him?" John asked looking at Auden.

"No just wondering plus apparently Jacob knows a lot of people." Auden said.

"Well I don't really know him." I said. But why the sudden interest?

The bell rang.

Auden slowly gets up. "So Auden are you going to the class or going to the lunchroom?" I asked.

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