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Marie's pov:
After Bella yet again went out with Jacob I was alone once more which on one side soothes my frigid nerves but also saddens me. Some years ago I was this outgoing person that had tons of friends and was always happy. But ever since that night I am a shell of myself. Quickly shaking my head to get reed of my memory's again, still the panic is still holding onto me with a fierce grip. A loud knock from downstairs only makes me panic some more. My fingers grip tightly onto my blanket while trying to get my breathing back under control, sadly with small success.
„Marie?" a quiet voice questions from in front of me. A hand softly touching my face which of course makes me scream out. Never liking to get touched especially not when I don't know who is touching me.
„It's me, Alice. Take some deep breaths Marie." Alice instructs and kneels down in front of me so she now is on my eye level. Her haselnut eyes bore in mine with worry clearly written all over them.
„That's it Marie! Deep breaths, in and out." she keeps on saying with encouragement. After I don't know how long I finally am able to breath better again.
„What are you doing Here?" I ask her in a whisper like voice. Still not completely calm. Even less do I understand what she is doing here nor how she got into the house. I after all didn't let her in and other than me, there is no one at home.
„I heard that Bella jumped off of a clip so I drove here to see how you guys are doing after her death." she answers me, but something on her face changed which lets me think she isn't telling me the complete truth.
„Why do you think she is dead? Bella went out with Jacob." I ask her and scoot slightly away from her. Never have I liked to get lied to. I have more than enough trust issues as it is!
„I am sorry Marie, I didn't mean to worry you. An old friend called me and informed me about it." she says with honest eyes to which I nod slowly. Just than I hear a car park outside much to Alice irritation and my relief since that can only mean bella got back and therefore is fine.
„Marie!? Marie where are you?" Bella shouts out the second she opens the door in a frenzy. At least that's my guess since the door has slammed onto the wall.
„Bella." i say and feel myself relax some more. She and dad have been pretty much the only ones who still treat me like I belong and that they still care for me, no matter how much I have been drawn back from everything around me.
„Gosh! I was worried when I saw a car standing outside!" bella sighs and hugs me tightly into her taller form.
„Alice is here for you." I softly answer her with a small nod towards the older girl behind bella. In her hurry to come to me she must of overlooked her. Her worried face quickly transforms in a mask of disbelief before it yet again changes into astonishment.
„Alice?" she mutters still in disbelief.
„Are you back? Are the others back too?" my sister hopefully asks the still quietly watching girl. Instead of answering any of her questions though she only shakes her head in confusion.
„Bella what where you thinking? Jumping off of a cliff? I thought you died! We thought you died!?" she lectures my sister who is still looking to be in total shock if I am honest.
„the guys from the Reservat do it constantly. It's not like i was doing it on my own, not was it risky." bella answers her and finally walks towards Alice to embrace her tightly.
„I missed you so much." I hear bella whisper softly.
„Rosalie called Edward to tell him about what I saw. He ran to Italy since he wanted to join you in death! Do you have the slightest idea what you have done?" Alice asks bella sounding rather furious. What did she mean by what she saw? Or by join her in death? What the hell is going on here?!
„What? I didn't know! What can we do?" bella frantically questions, her voice already wavering like it always does if she is about to cry.
„We have to fly to Italy and stop him before it's to late! We need to hurry though." Alice answers her and that's where I decided to speak up again. Edward has broken my sisters heart by leaving her like that! How on earth can they even think that she now will help them? And why do they have to go there? It sounds like something a phone call should be able to fix. Right?
„You can't go with her Bella." I say. Both their heads turn around as if they only now remember me being even there as well. Alice looks very guilty before she shakes her head vehemently while mumbling something I wasn't able to understand.
„I have to." bella softly says with tears already running down her cheeks.
„You promised!" I say and she right away runs back to hug me.
„I know. No need to cry Marie. I won't leave you alone. You are completely fine. Deep breaths." she softly whispers while swaying slightly left to right. Only now do I realize that I in fact started to cry and panic again. The fear of being left alone in that house simply too much for me. Dad needed to leave the town for a week so if bella leaves too I am going to be completely alone. The thought alone makes me choke even more.
„Marie! I promised I won't leave you alone and I won't!" bella promises me again and again.
„Come on, let's get our passports and than we fly to Italy together." she adds when she slightly pulls away from me, however still holding onto me.
„You can't be serious Bella! You know fully well that it's not safe for her to come along. Hell its not even safe for us to go." Alice try's to reason but my sister only crosses her hands in front of her chest with a scowl.
„It's either her coming with us or I won't come with you!" she states matter of factly. Alice eyes widen before she shakes her head again.
„You can't be serious!" she whisper shouts which of course frightens me slightly so I quickly grab onto Bella's shirt.
„No! You can't be serious Alice! Look at her and than tell me honestly it's going to be safe for her to stay here all alone for days!" bella seethes right back. One of her arms simply pulling me into her side to comfort me. The glare from earlier right away change as Alice looks at my huddled form.
„You are right. Ok, she can come. We will figure something out on the plane right." she says much calmer again. So with her approving nod bella grabs both our passports while Alice grabs a bag with a few clothes from us before all three of us hurry towards Alice car. Guess I am flying to Italy. But with what I have heard till now it's a place I want to go. However as long as Bella is there it's going to be alright, hopefully....

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now