Chapter 3.

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my sister and my mom help me bring my luggage inside.

my step dad meets me at the door.

he's been in my life since i was 5 and he was the only father my sister and i have known so he was ours.

"hey kiddo", my dad says.

"hi daddy", i reply hugging him and following him inside.

putting my stuff down i take off my jacket and hang it up.

walking towards the living room, i see my grandma and aunt sitting on the couch.

"hi honey", my grandma says standing up and giving me a hug.

"hey nan", i respond.

moving towards my aunt kelly i hug her too.

"you ready to do holiday shopping with me?", she asks.

kelly was my dads younger sister. we were so close that she was basically my big sister.

"oh most definitely", i respond sitting down next to her.

"jess your stuff is by the stairs, so when you go up to your room you can take it up, okay?", my mom says walking into the kitchen.

"so are you planning on hanging out with that guy?", maggie asks plopping on the floor next to where our grandma is sitting on the couch.

i throw a pillow at her.

"what boy?", my grandma asks.

"ooh what's his name?", kelly chimes in.


i take a deep breath.

"you know you should invite him over for thanksgiving dinner", my grandma suggests.

"i mean she does have his number, so..", maggie trails off.

i glare at her.

"just ask him", kelly says.

"ask who what?", my dad says coming into the living room handing me a corona, my favorite beer.

"your mother wants me to ask the guy i met at the airport in california to thanksgiving dinner". i explain. "who i barely know by the way".

"what better way to get to know him then to invite him over to see you and to get to know your family", my grandma says.

"he did seem like a nice boy", my mom adds from out of nowhere.

"now wait a minute.." my dad tries.

"do it honey", my mom encourages.

i realize that my dad and i are outnumbered and i sigh taking out my phone with my free and get up from the couch and walk toward the stairs, sitting on one of the steps.

we've been texting ever since we left eachother at the airport and he already wanted to hang out but i don't think this is what he meant.

taking a deep breath, i press the facetime icon under his name and wait.

he answers on the third ring.

"hey stranger", he says.

i laugh.

only because quite literally we were still strangers.

"hey christian", i say back hiding my flushing cheeks.

"to what do i owe this pleasure?", he asks closing the door to what i'm assuming is his room.

"i have an awkward request. feel free to say no since we barely know eachother".

he looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"i'm afraid to ask".

i smile.

"it's not bad i promise".

i take a deep breath.

"my family thinks it's a good idea to invite you to our house for thanksgiving dinner", i say.

i brace myself for the response.

"deal. only if you come to mine", i responds.

i look at him and don't say anything for awhile.

"jessica?", he questions.

"sorry. are you sure you're up for this? you don't have to", i try to say.

"it's just my family can be a little much and they've been, in not so many words, wanting me to bring someone home for the holidays again".

he shakes his head.

"oh? and i'm that person?", he jokes.

i hide my blush.

"you're cute. don't worry jessica. i'd love to go over just as long as you come to mine", he says.

i sigh.


there was a few moments of silence. just us looking at eachother.

before long my grandma calls me from the kitchen.

"i have to go my nan is calling me", i say.

he smiles at the name i call my grandmother.

"we'll talk soon?", he asks.

"of course. bye christian", i smile ending the facetime call.

I get up off the step i was on and walk through the living room to find my nan sitting on the stool drinking some wine and eating a cookie.

"You called?" I ask taking a bite of the other end.

she smiles at me.

"yes. I need help putting the blueberry cheesecake together."

I sigh,"where's mom?" I ask as i chew setting my beer on the counter.

She gets off the stool and walks towards the fridge.

"with your dad getting me some more wine."

Oh goodness.

Wine plus christian.

that will not mix well with my family.

"Alright, only if i get to lick the bowl." I say with a sly smirk.

"You know you always get to." She smiles and pulls out all the ingredients.

that night we eat dinner and hang out before i go and take all my stuff up to my room.

closing the door i plop onto my bed with a sigh.

my mind wanders to the conversation i had with christian and my stomach erupts with butterflies.

my phone chimes with a text and a smile forms on my face.

"goodnight jessica❤️"

it reads.

oh gosh. what have i gotten myself into?

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