DAY 35

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sua slowly picked at the breakfast on her plate, her hunger fading under hyeseon's sharp gaze

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sua slowly picked at the breakfast on her plate, her hunger fading under hyeseon's sharp gaze.

the youngest hesitated before grabbing her glass of orange juice and taking a shaky sip. the brunette's eyes didn't move.

when the tension became too uncomfortable to bear, sua placed the cup down and faced her elder. "w-what?" hyeseon shrugged, staying quiet as she kept a blank face. sua watched in confusion as the other pulled out her phone.

"hey!" the younger shouted when the phone was shoved in her face and a camera clicked. "what was that for?!" she gasped in disbelief at the sudden action. 

still silent, hyeseon flipped the device so that the screen was facing sua. "i don't wanna..." the girl stopped talking, mouth falling open as she scanned the image.

sua's face then turned beet red and she dropped her head into her arms to hide from hyeseon's boisterous laughter.

"it's nothing to be embarrassed about!"


"what? it looks so cute~!"


"aww it's your first one. gasp! i need to call hui!"

"i wanna die."

hyeseon tsked and patted the girl's head. "oh whatever. you hush, it really is nothing to be embarrassed about."

sua snapped up from her curled position and grabbed the phone, zooming in on her neck.

yep, it was real.

the girl panicked, gently touching the deep red-purple spot on her neck and winced. "ow! it hurts." "well of course it does, dummy. it's a hickey."

sua covered her ears, her face warming up once again. "ew, don't say it like that! it sounds so dirty..." hyeseon snorted, watching sua drink some juice before raising her own glass to her lips.

"so... did you do it?"

sua choked on her drink and turned into a coughing mess as the elder laughed.

"w-we didn't!" the noirette practically screeched through her coughing.

hyeseon raised a brow. "uh-huh, sure. liar."

at this point, sua thought her face would explode. "we really didn't... you and johnny came back early..."

hyeseon's eyes widened momentarily, lips falling into a large, surprised grin. "wait, was he hiding under the bed?!" sua buried her face in her hands as she nodded, ignoring the brunette's scream.

"oh my fucking god, in sua! you should've just put a sock on the door!"

"no, that's embarrassing!"

the elder smirked. "as if you haven't walked in on me multiple times."

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