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Freddy's POV

It's been a couple days since we got T back and it's bad. She been waiting up from nightmares ever night since then. I feel so helpless, and I hate this feeling. I want her to be happy, but I don't know what to do. I can't stop the nightmare all I can do is be there when she wakes up.

I've had to leave her a couple times but never by herself, and I made sure I wasn't gone long.

Am at the warehouse when I get a call from Tomika. She was frantic and crying, asking me where the hell I was, saying that she needed me.

Without a second thought I rushed out, got in the car and did 80 in a 50 mile zone. Once I got to the house I got out and and run in. I found her in my room shaking with tears coming from her beautiful eyes.

"Hey baby. Hey I'm here I'm here your ok. I won't let nothing else happen to you. No one will ever touch you again. "

I rocked her back in forth trying to calm her down, whispering sweet nothings in her ears. We stayed like that until I for her to fall back to sleep.


Tomika's POV

I'm so tired so so tired and I don't know what to do. I'm tired physically and emotionally. I'm completely drained.

I'm still in pain and I still have bruises everywhere.

While Freddy was gone I decided to to take a nap. I was sleep for at least 45 minutes and then the bad dream started.

___________________ Dream _________________
I was laying on a bed naked and tied up. I started to struggle. As I was struggling the bounds got tighter. I hear a laugh and a door shut. It was Isaiah.

"Damn your so fucking sexy. Did you miss me? I know you did."

"Fuck you, you sick bastard. I fucking hate you and that'll never change! "

He didn't like what I had to say so he smacked hard.

"You will fucking respect me and do what I say. Your mine now."

I rolled my eyes and spit at him. I know it's nasty but in my position there wasn't much for me to do.

Isaiah laughed, hit me again, and started to untie the ties on my ankles. He took his pants off and got on the bed. I knew what was coming so I tries to fight. That was pointless cause he gripped my leg and pushed them down. He have no second thought before he started thrusting into me, hard.

All I could do was scream and the pain and cry at the situation.
________________ End of dream_______________

I woke up screaming with tears coming down my face. The boy Freddy left me with ran into the room and approached me. I screamed louder and told him to leave me alone. I picked up my phone and call Freedy, telling him on needed him.

After about 10 minutes he came running in that the boy he left me with left.

He held me whispered in my ear trying to make me feel better, until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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