i dont want to miss a thing

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                    friday, february 27th, 1:15 am

"Hi Maureen! Thank you so much for coming this late." Patrick said opening the front door and bringing her in for a hug, "Its so great to see you again Patrick!" Maureen said walking in, "Talula, and the boys are asleep in their rooms, Juliette is with Ellen upstairs. We have to leave by 1:30 so Ellens gonna put her back to sleep and we'll head out." Patrick said, "Aw I wanna see her!" Maureen said, "Walk up the stairs and our room is the one with the French Doors on your left." He said as Maureen walked up the stairs. "Ahh! Maureen! Hi!" Ellen said holding the baby on her bed, "Hi El! Is that my cute little niece I see?" Maureen said hopping on the bed, "It is! Wanna hold her while i go get ready? I only have about 10 minutes." Ellen said, "Yes!! Oh look at those pretty blue eyes!" Maureen said looking at Juliette, "She definitely got those from Patrick." Maureen added, "Yep theyre twins for sure." Ellen said.

1:28 am
"Thank you again Maureen, everything you need to know is on the fridge." Patrick said hurrying Ellen out the door, "Yep I know! Were gonna have so much fun right J?" Maureen said as Ellen and Patrick walked out the door. As they got in the car Ellen asked "Who are we picking up again?" "Jess and Kate." Patrick said, "Oh god, of course the ones that are obsessed with our sex life." Ellen added laughing, "Oh yes. Theyre just mad cause they dont get any." Patrick said rubbing Ellens leg. As they pulled into Jessicas driveway Kate was there too, they put their bags in the back of the car, "Hey guys!! Ready to go?" Ellen said as Jessica and Kate got in the car, "Never been more ready in my life!" Jessica said, "What are the sleeping situations like? Im tired." Kate said wearing her sweatshirt and sweatpants looking exhausted, "You and Jess share a king size bed in the room next to me and El, and then justin is on the other side of us. So me and El are in the middle, acrosse the hall Chyler and Eric share a room, Sandra and Chandra share a room, and Jesse and Sarah share one too." Patrick said, "Oh great, me and Jessica get to listen to you 2 have sex all night." Kate said laughing, "No! No sex when we're there!" Ellen replied, "Yea lets see how that works out for you guys." Kate said, "Yea El, lets see how that works." Patrick said laughing, "Oh whatever! We will be quiet." Ellen said, "Mhmmm" Jessica said.

As they pulled up to the front of the Airport they went into the parking ramp, They parked next to Sarah, Jesse, Chyler, and Eric, they all drove together and Sandra, Chandra and Justin who drove together, would be coming soon. "Hey Dempsey! How you been?" Eric said to Patrick doing their "nan hug" "Good how about you?" Patrick replied, "Good, hows your hot Wife?" Eric said, "Oh shut up Eric... Hey Jesse! How are ya?" Patrick changed the subject, "Im great how are you?" Jesse replied, "Im good." Patrick said, "How are your kids?" Jesse asked, "Theyre great! See Eric, THOSE are the questions you should be asking ... not how my hot beautiful sexy wife is." Patrick said laughed, "Well, my bad." Eric said laughing. As they got inside the airport they Immediately went to their gate, Jesse, Patrick, and Eric walked together while Jessica, Kate, and Ellen walked together, "God im so sick of Chris and Luke. All they do is complain!" Jessica said, "Oh my gosh, i wish i had someone to complain to. I live alone with cats." Kate said, "Damn Jessica i definitely wont trade husbands with you! Mine never complains." Ellen said, "Wow Ellen. First you have a great husband, you get laid literally every night. And you have 4 gorgeous kids! Youre perfect!" Jessica said, "Oh i know right. Its amazing." Ellen said, "Theres our gate. You guys both have first class seats right?" Ellen asked, "Obviously we do." Kate said, "Im gonna go grab Patrick and make him hold my carryon" Ellen laughed. As she walked over to Patrick she got a text from Sandra.

sandra: were already on the plane, right by the first class bathrooms. seats C23, C24 And C25.
ellen: okay me and patrick are in seats B23 and 24 so just a row ahead see you in a second

2:55 am
As they boarded the plane they saw Chandra, Sandra and Justin and said Hi, "Patrick sit down! You can talk to Eric, Justin and Jesse later." Ellen said making Patrick sit next to her, "You must be tired honey, lay down." Patrick said as she layed her head on his chest and he stroked her hair. "Hey Patrick, what movie you watching?" Eric turned around and said from sitting in the row in front of him, "Im not watching anything, just cuddling with her." Patrick replied, "Aw so cute it almost makes me wanna gag!!" Eric said laughing, "Oh shut up Eric" Patrick said laughing and soon after dozing off to sleep with Ellen in his arms. They were going from LAX to Charlotte Amalie in the US Virgin Islands, a almost 14 hour flight. A few hours into the flight at around 4:30 am Kate and Jessica started to laugh, "Oh my god you 2 shut the hell up." Chyler said sitting next to them and laughing, "First, I have to get this super cute pic of Pat and El and put it on Instagram!!" Jessica said smiling, "Oh my god ahaha your followers are gonna go crazy everyone is obsessed with them." Chyler said. As Jessica got the picture she went to Instagram.
love these two❤️❤️
She commented the post, made sure to turn off her notifications to not wake anyone. They all fell asleep after a while, but patrick and ellen woke up flying over florida, where it was still very dark. "Come to the bathroom with me." Patrick said standing up, "Patrick!! No! Were gonna wake them up." Ellen said, "No we wont. Come on, you know you wanna." Patrick said winking, "I cant resist" Ellen said grabbing his hand and leading him to the bathroom. They got in, locked the door and immediately started making out, Patrick lifted her up onto the counter and unbuttoned her shirt, kissing down her neck he could hear her moans in his ear. Ellen started unbuttoning his pants and took of hers and wrapped her leg around his waist. "Oh- Patty" Ellen said as Patrick started going faster, "Oh Ellie this is great-" Patrick was stopped by a knock on the door, it was Eric. "Hey I uh- Need to pee." Eric said, "Just hold on." Ellen said, Patrick came out first, "Shes uhm- putting her clothes on." Patrick said walking out, Ellen following, "We got caught. Again." Patrick said as they sat down in their seats, "We never get a break do we." Ellen said, "6 more hours." Patrick said. "I love you, Goodnight, again." Ellen said, Patrick kissed her forehead and fell back asleep also. As soon as Eric saw they fell asleep, He texted Kate.
Kate Walsh
Eric: Kate!! Patrick and Ellen just had sex in the bathroom.
Kate: They really cant get enough can they.
Eric: Wanna? My divorce just got finalized ;)
Kate: Eric!! No!
Eric: When we get there??
Kate: We will talk about it.
5 hours later.
The plane was about to land in Charlotte Amalie US Virgin Islands, they all woke up from the pilots announcement. "Hey did you guys hear Ellen and Patricks plane bathroom sex?" Eric said, "Eric!! Shush!!" Ellen said, Kate gasped and looked to Jessica and giggled, "You guys just dont ever stop do you?" Kate said, "By the end of this trip youre gonna be pregnant.. again!" Jessica said, "So will you Kate! We all know about your and Erics 'thing'" Ellen said laughing, "Yall need to stop being so sex crazy. The Dempsey's can do it because theyre happily married.. You other dumbasses get way too attached to eachother." Chandra said. They all laughed and eventually got off the plane, as they got into there rental cars, Patrick and Ellen were sharing one with Justin. "You know what guys? Im SO happy that i get to sleep in a room next to you all week!!" Justin said sarcastically, "That was the last time, i promise." Ellen said, "Yea we'll see about that." Patrick said winking, "Yea, what he said." Justin said.

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