because i love you

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                Saturday, February 28th, 7:22 am

"Shit! Eric we have to go upstairs to our own rooms- where are my clothes?" Kate said as she got off the couch where her and Eric had sex the night before, "Right there, on the chair." Eric said, Kate went to walk up the stairs as Patrick started to come down, fully dressed and ready for the day, "Well Good Morning Kate-" Patrick said laughing knowing what her and Eric did, "Dont even look at me- im gross." She said as she passed him up the stairs, she approached the bathroom she shared with Ellen ans Patrick, "Oh hey Kate.. Jeez! Youre a mess! Get in the shower." Ellen said, "Me and Eric had sex. On the couch. He forgot a condom. How dumb are men?" Kate said, "Very dumb. Ill get you the shampoo." Ellen said as she handed Kate the shampoo and walked out. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Patrick and Eric were sitting and talking, "Good Morning honey how are you?" Patrick said kissing Ellen, "Good! Eric, we need to um, chat." Ellen said pulling Eric aside into the pantry, "You forgot a condom?!?! How dumb are you?" Ellen said, "Uh- uh oh." Eric said, "You are so stupid! Go shower." Ellen said to him, she walked out and Eric went upstairs.

"What was that about?" Patrick asked, "His dumbass forgot a condom." Ellen said, "Oh shit.. well so have i lately" Patrick said laughing, "Well- true. but thats fine because were married and have kids! Eric is just divorcing." Ellen said, "True true. What do you wanna do today?" Patrick said, "Honestly. I wanna go back to bed." Ellen said, "Mmm me too... together?" Patrick said, "If you can be quiet then yes." Ellen said laughing and running up the stairs. They got in the room and took off eachothers clothes and got in the bed. He was already hard, he starting kissing her neck and down her chest, she started to moan in his ear. "Patty- this is mind blowing." Ellen said, "Ellie- i think im gonna-" Patrick said, She felt him inside of her and it felt so good. He rolled off of her and they were both sweating "That was-" Ellen said, "Amazing." Patrick said out of breath. "Feels great to not be interrupted for the first time in a while huh?" Ellen said, "Oh yea, amazing." Patrick said, "Lets go downstairs." Ellen said, "Im gonna sleep." Patrick said, "Me too then. You exhaust me." Ellen said laying her head on his chest and dozing off to sleep.

There door flung open to the sound of Justin, "Get up! Now! Were going to the beach." "Justin shh! Shes tired, were gonna stay." Patrick said, "Suit yourself. Its gonna be fun." Justin said closing their door. They slept until around 10:30 then finally went downstairs, "Where is everyone?" Ellen asked, "They went to the beach, theyll be home at like 12." Patrick said, "Well that gives us time to have plenty of hot couch sex." Ellen said, "On the couch Eric and Kate did it on? Absouletly not." Patrick said, "No the other one silly." Ellen said, "Oh- well- then say less." Patrick said pulling off her robe and jumping onto the couch. An hour and a half later the front door opened. "Fuck Patty cover us with a blanket!" Ellen said, "Theyre doing it again! On the couch??" Jessica said, "Relax guys were not messy, "Sounds messy to me. We could hear you guys walking up the steps." Chyler said, "Get a room!" Sandra said as they went into the Kitchen. "Are you guys gonna leave so you dont see us naked?" Ellen said, "Nope. Do your walk of shame." Jesse said, "We might aswell just stay here." Patrick whispered in her ear. "Sandra get me my robe." Ellen said, "Here madam." Sandra said bowing down, "Oh you clown. Patricks too." Ellen said, "Ill shield you so Eric doesnt get all horny." Sandra said, "What?? I do not get horny anymore im a grown man." Eric said, "Thats not what you were saying last night.." Kate said, "Damn Kate!" Chyler said.

"Lets go out to eat tonight guys" Jesse said, "Okay, what time?" Ellen said, "6:30" Jesse said, "6:30??" All the girls said in sync, "Thats in a half hour! We will have no time!" Chyler said, "Welp, better get going!" Jesse said, "You all come into mine, Jess, and Kates bathroom. Its big enough for the 7 of us." Ellen said, all the girls rushed upstairs and automatically started getting ready. "Its so funny to see them rush." Eric said, "Ellie is gonna lose her shit when she comes down here. If shes even a minute late shes gonna kill me." Patrick said, "Well thatll be even more funny!" Justin said. "Ellen, give me the hair dryer now!" Jessica said, "Hey this one is mine! Get your own from your bag, we have the same one its not different." Ellen said laughing, protecting her $500 Dyson hair dryer, "Oh just let me use it for a second you bitch!!" Jessica said laughing, Ellen handed over the hair dryer and started on her make-up. They all got dressed in their dresses and headed downstairs, Ellen walked down the stairs first, wearing a romper with pantlegs that went down to her feet in a gorgeous sage green, hair curled and flowed with the way she was walking, "Damn!" Patrick said standing at the bottom of the stairs, all the boys whistled and clapped for her. She smiled and nodded it off thinking it was funny, "You are-" Patrick said with his breath taken away, "Gorgeous." He added, Ellen and him locked arms and waiting for the next girl to come down, it was Jessica, She wore a navy blue dress with a halter neck line, Justin was her 'date' that night, "Wowwwww." Justin said, the Men all clapped again, Justin and Jessica locked arms and stood next to El and Patrick. Sandra and Chandra came next, they were a pair you couldnt separate, bestfriends. Sandra wearing black and Chandra wearing a mustard yellowish, sounds gross but very gorgeous. "Looking very amazing ladies!" Eric said, "Thank you kind sir" Sandra said, Next was Kate, Wearing a blue/teal dress, really brought out her eyes. "Woah. Kate you look, unbelievable." Eric said giving her a hug and a kiss. Next was Sarah, Jesse was her date. She was wearing this sheer white dress, and bright red lipstick, Jesse clapped and smiled, you could tell they had a 'crush' on eachother, "Sarah you look astonishing." He said. Next was Chyler, She didnt have a date and she didnt want one. She curled her mid arm length hair, turning it into beachy waves. With a gorgeous red dress. They all cheered as they walked down the stairs. "Are we ready?" Patrick said, "Yep!" Chyler said. They all got in their cars and went to the restaurant.

a/n: how long should i continue to right this story for? i have a couple of really good ideas, some even coming up in the next chapter. but if you have any ideas feel free to put them in! thank you so much for reading!💞💞

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