where have i been all my life.

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     {time jump} 1 month, February 10th, 2012

"Guys we gotta go! Come on!" Ellen said to her kids instructing them into the car, "Talula help me get Juliette in her carseat would you?" Patrick asked Talula, "We really need a bigger car." Patrick said as he sat in the front seat, "I second that." Ellen said, once everyone was buckled, they pulled out of the driveway and drove to the kids school. Charlotte was now 6 weeks old and old enough to go to daycare with Juliette, "Bye Tal, I love you honey." Ellen said as Talula got out of the car, "Bye boys!" Patrick said, "Bye C and J!" Ellen said as all 5 of their kids got out of the car. "Wow. This has been easier then i expected!" Ellen said smiling, "Oh yea. I agree." Patrick said smiling and holding her hand, "I love you." Ellen said smiling as she turned to look at Patrick from the passenger seat, "I love you more." Patrick said smiling bigger than ever. "I think we should go look for a new car this weekend." Ellen said smiling, "I think so too. What car are you thinking?" Patrick said, "Well remember when i wanted to get a new car after J but we never did? I still want the same one." Ellen said, "I remember we talked about it but i dont remember the car. Clarify." Patrick said laughing, "The 2013 Cadillac Escalade!" Ellen said smiling, "Youre still hung up on that car? What about like, a bigger porsche?" Patrick said laughing, "They dont make bigger porsches dippy! Lets get this one, pleeeeeaaaaseeee"Ellen said begging, "When we get home, you can get on the computer, and customize the one you want." Patrick said turning to her with a smile, "Really?! Really! Oh my god! Youre the best husband ever! Not that you already werent. I love you!" Ellen said smiling, "Anything for you my love." Patrick said

"Well well well look who it is!" Justin said as Ellen and Patrick got out of their car and went on to set, "Hi Justin! How are you?" Ellen asked, "Im good! And you guys?" Justin asked, "Im AMAZING! Paddy just told me i could design our new car!" Ellen said, "Ive only seen her this happy once before, and thats when we got married." Patrick added in, "Wow El! Youll have to show me when you get it!" Justin said, "Oh i will. Ill make sure of it." Ellen said laughing, "I bet. I gotta go to set, catch ya later." Justin said walking away, "Wanna go talk to Kate and Eric?" Patrick asked, "I would love to." Ellen said with a smile, "Hey! Its the McDreamys!" Eric said as he saw them walking towards them, "Hey Eric! How are you?" Patrick asked, "Good! What about you guys?" Eric said, "I just told my wife who knows nothing about cars, that she could design her own. So shes pumped, and im ready for a lot of money to be taken out of my account!" Patrick said, he saw Ellen do a little happy dance out of the corner of his eye, "Oh wow. So its not a porsche?" Eric asked, "Never thought he would say this, but no. Its not a porsche!" Ellen added in, "Yes, sadly, not a porsche." Patrick said smiling, "Wheres Kate?" Ellen asked, "In her trailer." Eric said, Ellen started walking away and went to Kates trailer, "Ahh! There she is! Ive missed you!" Kate said as ellen walked in, she pulled her in for a hug, "I missed you too! How are you?" Ellen asked, "Exhausted, but managing!" Kate said, "I feel you." Ellen said, "Anyway, hows the kids?" Kate asked, "Charlotte is good. Starting to sleep like 16 hours a day now so that's definitely changed since we brought her home. Juliette is starting to walk more and more, the boys are getting their own rooms for their 5th birthday, and Talula is about to get her room re-done too! She doesnt like how pink it is." Ellen said, "Oh wow you guys are doing a whole room re-model!" Kate said, "Besides Juliettes, hers was recently done and Charlottes is almost done." Ellen said, "Oh shit El! I have to be on set in 5 minutes. Ill see you later." Kate said, Ellen went to hair and makeup to get ready for filming, everyone in there went crazy over Baby Charlotte and wouldnt stop asking to see pictures.

"Trailer, 5 minutes." Patrick said sneakily in Ellens ear as he walked by. After 5 minutes of Ellen wasting time went by, she went to the trailer, Patrick pulled her in by her waist and started kissing her right away, he put her on the bed and kissed down her neck, "No- no sex." Ellen said, "I know. Not after what happened last time." Patrick said laughing, he lifted her up onto the counter and unbuttoned her shirt, kissing down her torso, Ellen was moaning in his ear, she knew he liked that. They heard a bang on the outside of the trailer, "I swear to god get a room!" They heard Kate yell, "Tonight." Patrick said buttoning her shirt back up. "Oh yea. Maybe even a shower." Ellen said, "Youre just getting me all excited! What if i use protection?" Patrick said, "No! No sex! Just because i didnt tear doesnt mean it doesnt still hurt!" Ellen said laughing, "But, thats what they boys want for their birthday, is for their mom and dad to have good sex!" Patrick said begging, "Pretty sure that wasnt on their list." Ellen said laughing. "Oh whatever." Patrick said walking out with a smirk, "Hey come back here." Ellen said, "What?" He asked as he got back into the trailer, she placed her hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss, "That." Ellen said with a wink, "Youre making this no sex thing really hard." Patrick said as he left the trailer.

"Hey Ellen! How are you? Glad to see you back!" Shonda said as Ellen walked into the room where they did the table reads, "Im great! How are you?" Ellen asked, "Good! And how are the kids?" Shonda asked, "Theyre the best. They're adjusting better then i thought with Charlotte around." Ellen said, "Well thats good!" Shonda said, "Im so sorry i have to be to set in a couple minutes, can we talk later?" Ellen said, "Oh of course." Shonda said as Ellen walked away, "Hey Ellen so Harper has been pissed at me and not letting me hold her at all so i think her and Juliette need to have a playdate. Please." Kate said desperately, "Shes 1.5 what harm can she do." Ellen said laughing, "Oh i dont know, color all over my kitchen cabinets, take all her clothes out of the bottom drawers of her dresser, scream her head off at night while Brady and Beau are sleeping in the next room, scream when i hold her. Pretty much everything you could think of." Kate said, "Holy shit. Of course, bring her by tomorrow, we can hangout too!" Ellen said, "Oh thank god. I need a break from all the men in my house." Kate said laughing, "My men are pretty good. Except when Darby and Sullivan feel the need to abuse eachother." Ellen said laughing, "Ah dont you just love having twin boys?" Kate said smiling, "Right... Oh how i love having twin boys." Ellen said laughing.

hey guys! i was thinking about something earlier, how would you all feel if i started another story after this? it would be greys behind the scenes during covid so based in 2020, but with some twists. lmk if you think i should! thanks!🤍

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