Chapter 20

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Mina's pov

"So, hey man- or lady, person, whoever you are- do you ever take your hood off? Like, ever?" They shook their head no and I sighed leaning back against the wall. We had decided to stay holed up in the dead end until tomorrow. More so, they had decided. There was a small fire going and Sami was sat against the opposite wall to me, head leaned back, but face still fully covered.

"Can I at least see the face of my savior?" A shake no. I smirked. "Then how will you kiss me?" Their head shot up and tilted to the side quickly and I smiled. "Oh come on! You must know how it goes! A princess, locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight, and then they share true loves first kiss." I heard a sigh followed by a chuckle as their shoulders relaxed. They nodded and I could see the crinkle at the corner of their eyes as they smiled.

They gestured between us as they shook their head. I hummed, raising a brow. "You don't find me attractive enough to kiss?" I feigned offense as I held a hand over my heart. They quickly shook their head and waved their arms around as I laughed. "Im joking! Calm down." They did so and rubbed at their palms before hesitantly pulling off their left glove, showing a ring. "Oh, you're married." I crawled over and took their hand, looking at the ring. It was a simple gold band with a few tiny diamonds set into it. "It's beautiful. You're very lucky." They nodded as I let their hand go and I furrowed my brows as I heard a sniffle, watching them reach up to wipe their eyes. Once I had scooted back to my wall, I heard them speak for the first time.

"I got separated from my husband a while ago. He gave me the ring one day while I was sick. I have no clue where he got it, but I've worn it since." Their voice was scratchy from lack of use, and I was fairly certain it was male, but I didn't know for sure. "Now go to sleep. You need it." I nodded and used my jacket to lay down, closing my eyes.


When I woke up, the sun was shining and I groaned at the brightness, covering my eyes. I sighed and sat up, ruffling out my hair. Sami was nowhere to be found when I looked around. I looked and saw the fire was still alive so I quickly stomped it out as someone walked around the corner. I looked and smiled as they tossed me a can of fruit. "Hey, how did you know strawberries were my favorite?" I used my knife to open the can and Sami handed me a plastic fork. We ate in silence until we were both done and we had a competition to see how far we could throw our cans. They won. Not surprising.

"Hey, you know," I started, "there's No stories of you staying with them afterwards. You always save them and run." They shrugged as we began our walk of checking buildings. "Aww, am I special?" I bumped their shoulder with mine and they stumbled before balancing and shrugging again. "What is it with you not talking?" They looked at me and I could see a hint of a smile in their eyes. I pointed at them. "Don't-" they shrugged and I groaned.

We eventually came across the building Hanta had ran to and I pushed open the door, checking it thoroughly, but finding no one. "He's not here. He'll be with the others." Sami nodded and we continued around to each building. Once we arrived at the one my group was supposed to meet in, I pushed the door open and sighed, climbing the stairs with Sami following. We reached the third floor and I opened doors until finally I opened one to see everyone asleep, including Hanta and Ayuto, who were cuddled up together.

I sighed in relief and quietly stepped over sleeping bodies until I reached Hagakure, kneeling down and petting her head. "Hey baby. Wake up." I kissed her cheek and she opened her eyes before shooting up, almost knocking our heads together.

"Mina!" She hugged me tight. Her yell had startled everyone awake and they all sat up, looking around in alarm.

"Holy Fuck!" Hanta was the next to hug me, nearly squeezing the air out of my lungs. "Do you know how stupid that was!? You could've died!-"

"I know-"

"Stand up!" He pulled me to my feet and started checking me for bites. I laughed and took his hands into mine.

"I'm fine Hanta. I promise. No bites, no scratches, no cuts, no bruises." I let go of his hands and he looked me up and down one more time before nodding.

"How did You even survive that? What, are you superhuman or something?" Kirishima mumbled as he hugged me and I shook my head when we pulled away.

"No. I had some help." I looked to the door and everyone tensed up as they saw Sami standing in the doorway. They simply nodded and turned, walking out the door and down the hallway.

"Dude...Sami helped You? That's friggin sick!" Ojiro laughed and I chuckled, nodding my head.

"Yeah. They're nice, although, they don't talk much." I shrugged and looked down, smiling as I saw Ayuto, arms raised and asking for up. In his own baby way of course. I picked him up and he hugged me tight, letting his head rest on my shoulder.

"Come on guys. We should get going while it's still early." Kirishima picked his things up and everyone followed suit, walking out the door in a single file line. Once we passed an alleyway the sound of a gun cocking stopped us. We all turned to see it aimed at me.

"Pretty little kiddie you got there. Who's is he?" The man was tall, bulky (just not with muscles), and looked a little crazed. Hanta stepped up next to me.

"He's mine. Why's it matter?" Hanta gently guided me behind him and I handed Ayuto over to Kirishima.

"He'd make a real good fighter with some training. Say, why don't we do a little tradesies, hm?" Hanta looked disgusted and I could honestly say I felt like it too.

"You're nuts if you think I'm going to trade my son for anything. Have a good day." He went to turn around but stopped when the gun was on him.

"I don't think you really understand, boy. You're gonna give me the kid. Unless you don't want your little friend to live." A second guy walked out, arm around Sami's neck in a choke hold so they didn't go anywhere.

"Now hand over the baby, and I'll let the guy go."


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