Chapter 19

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歩士  (Ayuto)

From Japanese 歩 (ayu) meaning "walk" combined with, 士 (to) meaning "samurai, warrior"

Mina's pov

"Go! Go! Now!" I yelled as I shoved at Hanta's back, almost tripping as I followed him in a sprint to the building we were supposed to meet the rest of the team in. He caught me by the arm and pulled me forwards just as a Zombie snapped at me when we passed it. There were hundreds surrounding us and blocking the way.

"Mina, we aren't going to make it! We have to find somewhere else!" We slid to a stop behind a car and turned in circles, only to see there was no where to go. "Oh no. No no no, Mina, what do we do!?" I could feel his panic as he let go of my arm to hold the now one-year-old Ayuto closer to him.

"I don't know! We don't have enough bullets, and knives will get us killed!" I checked my clip and cursed as I saw I only had three bullets. "But we've gotta go!"

"Where Mina!? They're everywhere! We aren't getting through that herd alive!" He huffed and I could see tears forming in his eyes as he kissed the top of his son's head. I went to open my mouth but stopped when I realized they had finally heard us yelling and were all now closing in on us.

"In the car!" I opened the back door and slid all the way over, allowing Hanta in as well as he shut the door just as the first Zombie reached us. They all slowly started to pile around the car and I could hear the old machine squeaking as it dealt with the pressure.

"Mina, this won't hold for long. They're gonna get in!" Hanta started to hyperventilate and I looked around, eyes locking on the wind shield.

"Hanta listen to me." I grabbed his chin and made him look at me as Ayuto started to whine from all the yelling. "Whatever you do, you get Ayuto somewhere safe. Do you understand me?" My face was serious and he furrowed his brows.

"What? You're coming with us!" He jumped as something snapped around us and I hopped into the front seat.

"Maybe not." I leaned back and kicked my leg out, just barely cracking the glass of the wind shield.

"Mina, what are you doing!?" I ignored him and continued to hit the same spot with the heel of my boot until glass finally shattered and fell around me.

"I'm gonna distract them! You go east and get the hell out of here!" I climbed up out of the broken wind shield and onto the roof of the car. I heard him protest but I quickly looked west, pulling out my gun and shooting a big window, glass shattering loudly and falling everywhere. That leaves two bullets. It got their attention long enough for me to take off in a Sprint towards where I had Shot. "Hey! Dirty little scumbags!" They all looked at me and I smirked. "Yeah! Over here assholes! Im reallll juicy! Yeah, you know you want a piece of this nice ass!" I backed away slowly, raising my gun to shoot another bullet into the air. One more.

Now I was faced with hundreds of rotting corpses. All of whom wanted to rip me to shreds and eat whatever part of me they could. Every single one of them had their attention on me, and I walked slowly backwards, letting them follow me but keeping a safe distance. I saw the car door open and Hanta stepped out silently, running in the opposite direction and into a building. I sighed in relief and holstered my gun, taking off in a Sprint.

I cursed as I found myself in a dead end, turning as I went to run, but saw that the way was blocked by zombies. I grabbed my gun and shot another window further away, but what I had hoped would take their attention, only distracted a few. Most were still headed for me and I backed myself into a corner. I was trapped, and I had run completely out of bullets.

Sliding down the wall, I brought my knees to my chest and hid my face in them. Maybe it'd be quick. Not painless, of course, but at least quick. I felt tears fall down my face and I let out a quiet sob. I'd miss my friends. My family really. We'd all grown so close over the few years we'd been together. Maybe Kirishima wouldn't cry so much since he had Katsuki there to comfort him. Maybe my Baby would move on and have a good life with someone like she deserves instead of mourning over me for too long. I'm gonna miss my love for sure.

Poor Hanta has been through enough in his life, but maybe with Ayuto, he'll be okay this time. Ayuto. A blessing to all of us. He's gonna grow up nice and strong. Being named after Denki, I'm sure he'll grow up to wield a sword better than anyone ever could. Hagakure will deffinetly help with that. I let out a chuckle and wiped my face, covering my ears as I squeezed my eyes shut tight and waited for the inevitable.

But after what felt like years, it never came. A gentle hand touched my head and I flinched before whoever it was reached down and tilted my chin to look up at them. I looked around behind them, seeing hundreds of bodies lying in piles, and some decapitated heads even snapping in whatever direction they were facing. I noticed the cuts were clean and looking up at the person, I saw the hilt of a sword, but the sheath was hidden beneath a layer of fabric. I was pulled to my feet and stood shakily, leaning against the wall behind me.

The person was in all black, the hood of their jacket up and a mask covering the lower half of their face. Their hair was pulled back so I couldn't make out what color it was under the hood. Black gloves hid their hands and a gun rested at their hip. Thick pants were tucked into black combat boots and different weapons like chains, a slingshot, and a pouch of -most likely- projectiles for said slingshot hung from their belt. I locked eyes with them and they took their hand away from my chin as they gently examined me closely, raising my arms and checking the back of my neck and legs. I didn't have to ask who they were, considering the stories we'd heard from nearly everyone we'd come across.

So this is Sami, huh?


I've been WAITING to write this chapter and I finally got to.

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