Chapter 3

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Denki's pov


I groaned and rolled over in bed.

"C'mon Denks. It's time to get up" I pulled the blankets up to cover my face.

"Nooo." I heard a soft chuckle as the blanket was pulled down off my face.

"Yesss." Hands were gently carded through my hair and I smiled softly, leaning into the touch.

"Wanna get up now?" I gave in and opened my eyes, looking up at Hanta as he smiled.

"There's those beautiful eyes." I blushed slightly and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Shut up." He smirked and leaned down so he was only inches away from my face.

"Make me." I groaned as I sat up and shoved him playfully off the bed.

"Ya dork."

"Oh, Denki! How you have wounded me! How must you betray me like this?" He sat on the floor with a hand over his heart and one on his head, being dramatic. I gave him a blank look and cocked an eyebrow.

"Get up."

"Can't, I'm dead."

"Mmm- No you're not." He laughed and pulled himself back onto the bed, sitting next to me.

"You don't know that. I could be a talking dead." I giggled quietly as I felt an arm snake around my waist.

"That doesn't make any sense. The dead don't typically talk around here."

"Oh, but you know-" he leaned in close to my face. "Where I'm from, they're very different" I held in my laugh as I played along.

"Oh no! Don't kill me Mr. Talker! Please!" His free hand rested on my thigh as he leaned to whisper in my ear.

"Oh I won't kill ya." He leaned down to my neck as he spoke.

"But I might. Just. Bite." I couldn't contain my laughter as he leaned back up.

"J-Jesus you're weird." He looked away slightly, smiling and blushing a little. He looked back and just stared at me, smiling.

As I calmed down I looked him in the eyes, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. Who knew you could smile so much when you're in the middle of the apocalypse?

"Mm- am I weird?" I nodded as he laid his hand back on my thigh.

"Very weird." He leaned closer, smirking and putting more pressure on my thigh.

"You're as weird as me."

"I know..." I bit my lip slightly as my eyes flickered to his lips for a split second.

I really want to kiss him.

"Anyways! Ya want some breakfast?" I pouted as he stood up, walking to the door.

"Yeah..sure." He threw one last smile my way before walking out of the bedroom. I fell backwards on my bed and covered my face with my hands, groaning quietly.


I just wanna kiss him at least once before I die. We flirt, we cuddle. We're basically a couple!

He just doesn't flirt with me or hold my hand around the others. He only calls me by my first name when we're alone.

And he won't kiss me. Ever.

We've been only centimeters away from kissing each other, but he always finds a way to avoid it.

"Denki!? Come eat!"

"Coming..." I stood up out of bed and made my way to the kitchen area of the camper.

"What is it?" He snorted as I sat at the table

"Oh your gonna love this. It's a,"
He turned and placed a sandwich in front of me, "Peanut butter and honey!" I took a bite of my sandwich and smiled.

"Thanks, Hanta."

"You're welcome, Denki." He sat across from me and we laughed as we enjoyed our meal before the rough day began.


"We're gonna be searching most of the day today, so I hope you've all had your breakfast." We all nodded towards Kirishima as he continued, pointing to the map.

"Sero, Kaminari, you two will be in the main town area where all the stores are."

"Got it."

"I'll be leading, heading towards the outskirts of town to the weapons shop. Mina, you'll be behind the other two, scouting."

"And I'm meeting you at the weapons shop, right?"

"Correct. Are we all set? Todoroki? Hagakure?" The two Watchers nodded and the map was rolled up.

"Okay. We're leaving the campers outside of town. It'll be easier to sneak around if we don't have loud ass vehicles with us." Everyone chuckled and I felt an arm slide around my waist, looking over to see Hanta.

I smiled slightly and leaned into his touch, turning my attention back to our leader. Eventually we piled out of the cabin, and made our way into our respective campers, Hanta jumping in the drivers seat.

I climbed into the passenger side, slamming the door behind me before three engines were started and we were off, driving to the town. A few minutes into the ride I felt a hand on top of mine. I looked down to see Hanta's hand so I flipped mine over, interlacing our fingers.

He glanced over to me and smiled as I smiled back at him. He raised my hand to his lips, gently kissing my knuckles. My breath hitched and I blushed slightly, turning to look out of the window as our hands were lowered and a finger gently rubbed over my hand.

"Hey, Denki?"


"Do-...just...well I-...I want you to be careful. Okay?" I looked over at him, confusion on my face.

"Why? It's not like what we're doing is dangerous." He sighed and squeezed my hand slightly.

" out. I can't have you getting hurt" I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Okay. I'll be careful, I promise."

"Thank you, Denks." I looked down at our intertwined hands before looking out the window.

"You're welcome."


"Oh come on! We're searching this shit!?" I looked at the four stores in front of us. They were huge!

"Yes, Denki, we're searching this. It won't be so bad."

"Ugh..okay. We might as well get started I guess..." He snorted and pulled me by my shoulders.

"That's the spirit! C'mon, we're starting with this one" He pointed to the smallest one and I nodded.

"Okay. Let's go"


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