Chapter 8

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Hanta's pov

"Oh my gosh, Denki." I gently rubbed his back as he threw up into a random stall toilet that we found.

"Are you alright, Baby? Need some water?" He spit and nodded quickly, reaching his hand out as I handed him a bottle.

"Th-nks." His voice cracked and he sounded weak and tired.

"You're welcome." We've been in the school for a week I think, and we've cleaned out an entire fourth of it.

"Think you can walk back? Or you want to be carried?" He huffed and sat up reaching up and flushing the handle. I'm surprised the shit still works to be honest.

"I c-n walk."

"Alright. Come on, up you go." I pulled him to his feet and steadied him as he walked forwards, stumbling a bit and using the wall for support.

"Yeah, no. I'm gonna carry you." I heard him sigh in defeat and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and his legs went around my waist as I picked him up.

"You holding on okay?" I felt him nod into my neck and I grabbed the backpack we had with us and slipped it over my front, Denki being on my back. Slowly, I made my way back to the dorm area, Denki eventually having fallen asleep.

I laid him in the bed we had claimed and covered him up with a gentle kiss to his head. "Goodnight. Sweet dreams." I walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly.

Down in the commons I found most of the others, not including Mina or Hagakure. Izuku was blushing as Shoto ruffled his green hair. Shouji was sitting on the old couch with Ojiro leaning into his side. Katsuki and Eijiro were in the kitchen area, pointing at a map.

"Hey, any reason the water still works here?" I leaned against the table and both pairs of red eyes looked at me. Kirishima was the one to speak.

"This place was built like a fortress. The outer and inner walls are the strongest kind of material you can find. It runs on it's own water and electricity system. It was built for something like this."  I nodded slowly and pointed to a circled part of the map.

"What's that for?" He looked back down and pointed to the center.

"That's the hospital. And all of these red dots are pharmacies." He looked up and Bakugo continued.

"We're taking a trip down to the hospital and then a pit stop before we return. Everyone needs clothes so we'll be stopping at a store somewhere. Probably the mall." I hummed and stood up straight, crossing my arms.

"Who all is going? Is anyone staying?" I walked around the table to get a better look at the map.

"Well, we were hoping for everyone to go-"

"Denki can't travel. I don't want him getting worse, so someone needs to stay here with him while the rest of us go." I cut Eijiro off as I looked up to him.

"Alright. Mina will stay with him and the rest will go. You'll get what Denki needs and 'Kure will take care of Mina's stuff." He gave a quick nod and I returned it before walking out of the room.

Kirishima's pov

As I finished telling the group the plan for the day, we all began packing and getting ready to leave.

"Ei, get my knife please. I left it on the table." I grabbed the knife and turned to face Katsuki, my automatic resting on my back.

"Here." I tossed it to him and he strapped it on his belt. Eventually, everyone was ready to go.

"Alright, everybody load up!" We filed into cars and campers, one being left behind. The lowering and rising of the gates was easy now that we had activated them.

On the way to the hospital, I just held Katsuki's hand. A silent reminder to be careful, that I loved him, and that I'd be there.


"Holy shit. Ohhh, that's gross..." I turned to Ojiro, who was pulling his mask up to cover his nose at the smell. Everyone else was doing the same and I nearly gagged.

"It smells like shit in here." Snickering, I looked back at Todoroki.

"No, it smells like death."



"Enough! Ei, if you don't fucking move, I will make you. And, Halfie, just do me a favor and shut the fuck up please." Katsuki pointed to Todoroki and the man scoffed.

"What did I ever do to you, 'splodey?" He crossed his arms and I groaned, walking away from the two.

"You Fucking existed, that's what- hey! Don't leave me!" I heard Katsuki yell before looking back to them.

"Then pay attention and catch the fuck up, Kat! Lets go, we have places to be!" I walked off down a hallway and heard two pairs of footsteps following me, still bickering quietly as I shook my head.

Mina's pov

After watching the sun set in the sky, I approached Kaminari to shake him awake. He hadn't eaten since breakfast and had thrown that up earlier in the day, so he needed to eat.

Crouching down beside him, I gently shook his arm with a whisper. "Kami. Come on, Buddy, get up so you can eat something." After a few moments with no response, I shook a bit harder, my voice a little louder. "Kaminari, get up."

Nothing. Frowning I placed my hand on his shoulder and rolled him to his back, still, with no response. "If this is a joke, it's not funny Kaminari. Come on, wake up." Not even a twitch.

As worry settled in the pit of my stomach, I paused to pull away from him, the rise and fall of his chest barely noticeable with slow, shallow breaths. Reaching out to him, I pressed my fingers to his neck, sighing in relief when I felt a pulse.

I shakily balled my hand into a fist and placed my knuckles against his sternum, rubbing harshly, knowing that would get a response if he could feel it. When no movement happened, is when I really started to panic.

I quickly grabbed one of the red markers we use before slipping his shoe off and holding it against the tops of his toes. Squeezing tight enough to cause pain, I watched his face, whispering, "Come on, Denki. Wake up." Thirty seconds passed.

Nothing. No twitch, groan, or even a stutter in his breath. Yelling, I threw the marker to the ground. 

"God dammit!" Slowly, I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath to make sure it never stopped. "Come on, Kam. You can't do this to everyone."


Please Don't hate me.

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