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Busy hallways, chaotic people, some chattering voices, some cries, some painful shrieks, nurses and medical staff rushing here and there. Amidst of all this busy scenario, a twenty four year old male stood out because of his ethereal appearance and elegant walk.

His hair dark brown hair falling onto his eyes, grey ash eyes wandering here and there, plump red lips pressed into a thin line, eye brows knitted as he hurriedly entered a room, his assistant immediately helping him take off a white lab coat and giving him scrubs and latex gloves to wear.

"Doctor Kim."

A voice called out when he came out after changing clothes.


He questioned with his soft deep voice.

"Senior surgeon Mr. Yang is stuck in a traffic jam, you are the only available cardiovascular surgeon at the moment, I'm afraid you have to perform surgery."

Taehyung's eyes widened, he was still new in this field, he assist senior surgeons in operation theatre and was still studying specialization along side.

"W-what? You know Miss Daegun ... i-i never directly lead an operation."

"I know sir but it's emergency, it's a twelve year old child whose surgery is required to be done."

Taehyung's palms started sweating as he gulped. Assisting and leading are two different things. He was here already assisting because of being a topper and extraordinary efforts.

"I-i can't."

He murmured slowly as he lowered his gaze, before his assistant could open her mouth, loud cries filled their ears. Both padded outside to see what's happening.

A woman in her thirties crying loudly as she begged hospital staff to call out doctors to perform surgery. Taehyung nibbled on his lips as he took in her dishevelled appearance and red eyes. He was the only, present at the moment because the other senior doctors went for a seminar, and Mr. Yang who was supposed to be here couldn't reach at time at all.

He heaved a deep breath, he knew it was a risk but watching a crying mother and dying child was no better. He was a certified doctor and he had assisted multiple operations, he just wasn't a senior surgeon and didn't have a lot of experience. He gulped as he thought of consequences, but still called her assistant to ready the operation theatre.

And that was how he performed his first major surgery. Not only that but a successful one. He remembered the proud smiles on his senior's faces and blessings of that mother. A smile adorned his beautiful face, when he entered his office after getting praised by the chief physician.

He sat down on the swivel chair and opened his phone, picture of a  baby girl on his lock screen. He smiled looking at her. Memories still filling his mind, wounds still fresh as ever, heart still broken and painful past still dominating his mind.

Six years passed away, a fragile boy grew up into an independent man. But heart still soft as it used to be. No matter how many wounds the world gave him he didn't give up his good attitude for others. He treated others with kindness. He just thought of his actions only, leaving the rest on Karma and didn't let pain destroy his charms.

Somewhere in his heart he was still that scared boy. But now he didn't let his insecurities conquer his mind. In all those six years he tried his best to just miss two people in his life and not think about a certain someone.

One was Aera and the other was his father who died five years ago in a plane crash. How unexpected! But that's how life is; unpredictable.

He got up and started packing up his things, after taking all of his belongings with him, he exited his office. Bidding goodbye to the hospital staff, he went to his car and drove towards the same house where he grew up, where he just had bitter memories.

He had just a sister left, all his blood relations ended with first, his mother's, then Aera's and lastly his father's death. His mother and father both were only child of their parents. All he has now was his half sister, whom he can call his family.

Other than that he was grateful he have Jimin and his now husband Yoongi and the namjin couple. Hoseok was a secret admirer of someone whose name he hadn't spilled yet. Only he was left, still standing at the same spot where he was six years ago.

After all he went through he could never bring himself to even think about dating again. Falling in love ruined him and he was terrified by the idea of going through it again.

All he did was, being focused on his career. His long slender fingers gripped the steering wheel, as he turned his car around the corner of the street. Mind hazy with thoughts. Today, he had to do a lot of things, which Nara has already planned for him.

Like helping her set her wardrobe,  cleaning the whole house, and doing groceries. He knew these two days are gonna be really busy and tiring for him.

He finally pulled the car into garage, after exiting it, he locked it. Taking out his belongings he walked towards the door of the house.

The reason why he hadn't moved out of this house after his father's death was that----- his father, to his surprise, has given the house to Taehyung along with some other property in his will.

Nara and his step mom also got shares but surprisingly Taehyung was given the biggest share. He didn't know why his father did that as he didn't even get to say a goodbye to him.

How surprising that all those people who left him, all of them forgot to bid him last greetings. He lost people in just a blink of eye.

Opening the door, he entered the house as he looked around, in the living room. No one was there. He heard voices coming out of his mother's rooms. Rather than hearing their gossips, he just made his way towards his room.

His life was dry and quiet. And he didn't know why he never even pray for a change now, the loneliness was now his home and darkness his comfort.

His eternal partners.



So! I did research. I don't know a lot but still I haven't written anything bogus. You might be like if he's still doing specialization, how's he already assisting surgery. I'm not sure abt your country, but after becoming a doctor you usually do job in a hospital alongside you do specialization.

You are a doctor but not a specialist until you complete that too. So, if it's still not correct or smth, or misinterpreted, then  suppose in this FF that happens. Cuz at the end it's fiction, don't compare it with real world.

Thank you!

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