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"Jungkook?? Where are you?"

Jungkook let Taehyung go as he took a few steps away from him. Taehyung turned around and picked up the spatula, turning on the water to wash it.

"Oh here you are."

Nara chirped as she walked towards him and circled her arms around his neck. Taehyung didn't look at their direction.

"Did you sleep well?"

Nara asked sweetly and Taehyung bit his lips. 'Did they sleep togeth-"

"Yeah your guestroom is actually great."

Taehyung exhaled in relief. He knew he was trying to let go his feelings but if he couldn't succeed in six years, it's not like he can just in a few days.

Besides Jungkook was Nara's boyfriend now. And he isn't a type of person to disturb someone's relationship. So he decided to stay away from them.

After doing breakfast in complete silence, Taehyung left for hospital. Jungkook also left for his mansion.

He went home and changed into an expensive suit. He raked his hand through his silky black hair as he smirked remembering the earlier events.

He shook his head and chuckled as he left his room to go to work. He sure was ready to give Taehyung a lot of surprises.


"Doctor Kim."


Taehyung hummed absent-mindedly as his assistant Daegun called his name.

"Ummm...you are holding the report upside down."

She stated awkwardly. Taehyung's eyes darted towards his hand as he hurriedly held it correctly.


He coughed, embarrassed, as he heard a few chuckles. His cheeks turning a little red. There were other doctors sitting in the meeting room too. Mostly to give briefings about their particular fields and records of medicine and discuss health conditions of their patients.

Taehyung wasn't able to concentrate as his mind kept wandering to the situation he was in. How was he gonna face him everyday? See him acting lovey dovey with none other than his own sister.

He never wanted to see Jungkook again. Of course they aren't in a relationship now but Jungkook being with someone else surely stung. He maybe would have been okay....  if it wasn't his sister or in front of him.

Besides Jungkook's actions from the morning made him frown. Why he was still touching him? Calling him pet names?

"Looks like our adorable Dr.Taehyung is troubled today."

The chief physician muttered as he entered and saw Taehyung sitting there lost. Taehyung instantly sat up straight as he blushed even more.

The chief laughed and sat at the main chair and smiled lightly as all the doctors greeted him. He was a man in his fifties. And really fond of Taehyung as Taehyung would always impress his seniors with his extra ordinary efforts and performance.

"I'm looking forward to your report Dr.Taehyung."

He addressed, as Taehyung nodded confidently. The meeting ended with Taehyung getting praised as it surely lifted up his mood.

He entered his office and sat down. His smile faltered as he again started thinking about Jungkook.

"I can't stay there any longer. I need to buy an apartment as soon as possible."

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