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It was two weeks after that particular Sunday when Jungkook neglected Nara. She had been upset all those days so today she went out with her friends. Their mother as usual went to hang out with the women in neighborhood.

Taehyung was wearing a purple furry sweater with white jeans .  The weather was chilly today. He hummed a beautiful melody as he made coffee for himself.

The cold wind entering the warm house, from windows, played with his hair, making them fall on his eyes. He hugged himself and went to close the window. He had closed it, when suddenly the door bell rang.

Turning on his heels he walked towards the front door. Just as he opened it, he stilled as he came face to face with the same man whom he wished to never see again.

Jungkook stared at him with bored expressions, Taehyung bit his lips in nervousness. He continued gawking at Jungkook, who had also noticed taehyung's gaze.

"Where's Nara?"

Jungkook asked coldly. Taehyung felt a pang in his chest, hearing his tone. He fiddled with his fingers as he stammered;

"S-she went for o-outing with her friends."

This was the first time he was talking to Jungkook after so many years. Jungkook looked at him blankly then turned around, ready to leave.

"Y-you can wait for her. I'll inform h-her you are here."

He didn't know why he uttered those words, maybe because his sister was waiting for two weeks to see her boyfriend.....or maybe his own heart was longing-----

Jungkook sighed and walked passed him into the house quietly. Taehyung stood there for a few seconds as he calmed his racing heart then closed the door.

He walked inside and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch doing something on his phone. Heaving a deep breath, he padded back towards the kitchen, not knowing what to do.

Taehyung was deep into thoughts, after sending a text to Nara about Jungkook's presence, that he didn't even realize the cup in his hand slipping and falling onto the floor making a loud noise. He flinched, startled by the shattering sound.

He sat down and started picking up the broken pieces but a hand on his wrist made him stand up.

"Are you hurt? You should be careful sweeth-"

Jungkook stopped mid-sentence when he realised what he just called the other. Taehyung was just standing there, mouth agape and eyes wide open.

He looked down at Jungkook's hand still holding his wrist and then again raised his head as he peered at Jungkook's face. The black orbs staring at him with emotions he couldn't decipher.

Taking a deep breath, he jerked his hand out of Jungkook's hold and turned around, his back now facing the other.

"Get out of kitchen and go sit at the couch. Your girlfriend will be here any moment."

Taehyung muttered with a frown as the words left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was startled when Jungkook turned him around harshly.

"Who are you showing this attitude huh? I just got worried when I heard the noise so I came to make sure you weren't hurt."

Taehyung chuckled humourlessly. As the other knitted his brows.

"You? Worried about me? Since when this egotistic person started caring about someone other than himself."

Taehyung blurted out as he tried to walk past Jungkook, but Jungkook gripped his arm stopping him in his tracks. Taehyung glared at him and tried wiggling out of his hold.

"Look who's talking. I'm impressed a cheater and a liar has the audacity to talk like that!"

Jungkook spoke with disgust. Tears already started forming in taehyung's eyes as he took in aforementioned's words.

"I'm not a cheater! You are a selfish monster just like your father who always blame and punish others, forgetting your own faults!"

Taehyung exclaimed teary eyed, his hands now resting on Jungkook's chest as he tried pushing him away.

"I'm selfish!!? You are selfish Taehyung! You hid things from me, lied to me because of your own benefits! You always thought about yourself--"

Jungkook raised his voice, the vein on his neck popping out, with anger. Taehyung was crying by now.

"I-i always thought about us! I was just scared that you'll leave me if i told you about my mother!"

He cried out. And Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue.

"And what about cheating huh?"

Taehyung frowned. Both looking at each other now.

"Wow... I cheated? I have told you thousands of times I didn't!!"

He yelled as he grasped Jungkook's shirt collars.

"Then why were you all over each other that day!? Not just that day but so many other times? Then why did you sleep with him----"

A hand on Jungkook's cheek made his head turn sideways as he was cut off. Taehyung slapped him.

"Don't you dare think of me as a loose character person! I was an idiot to fall in love with a person like you! Let you be my first kiss, my first boyfriend! Let you take my virginity, make a baby with you, only for you to leave me and abandon your own baby!! You didn't even hold her, love her, kiss her, name her or even see her!--"

He was hiccuping and sniffling as tears poured out of his eyes.

"--y-you didn't even come at her funeral. You weren't by my side when I had to bury my baby six feet under the ground. You know how hard it was for me!! No, you just cared about yourself! I hate you! I regret falling for you Jeon Jungkook."

He sobbed. Jungkook stood there silently crying as he held the beauty in his embrace. Taehyung calmed down after a few minutes and pulled away.

"I don't want to remember that anymore. You are Nara's boyfriend now. I have paid enough for my mistakes. I don't want anything from you.... Let's just forget it...... I wish you best of luck.. hope this time you'll be happy koo---"

He sniffled and bit his lips, Jungkook wasn't saying anything as he stood there with tears streaming down his face.

"--- she's not a cheater or a weak, pathetic person like me. Her mother isn't a slut, a homewrecker in everyone's eyes. She's not...... Me koo. I hope you would be happy this time."

With that said, he stormed out of the kitchen leaving Jungkook to ponder over his words and feel the hurt concealed in them.


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