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The Sun rays peeking through the thin curtains shone brightly on a certain male's face. His beautiful eyelashes resting delicately on his reddish cheeks.

Taehyung groaned as he set up on the bed. His hair messed up, silky strands falling in random directions on his forehead. He sleepily rubbed his eyes. He flinched when he suddenly heard loud yells from the room just a few steps away from his.

He stood up and opened the door of his room to see what's happening outside. A fuming, angry Jungkook with an equally irritated Nara bickering and arguing over something. But not after so long Jungkook grabbed his jacket and padded towards his direction to go downstairs.

But seeing Taehyung standing there, he halted for a few seconds as he took in taehyung's state, it was clear from taehyung's nose and eyes that he had been crying. Taehyung immediately turned around, so that his back was now facing Jungkook.

Jungkook continued gazing at his back with eyes full of unsaid emotions and then stormed away. Taehyung finally turned around and looked at Nara who now was striding towards him .

"Tae, I don't know what's wrong with him. Last night he was the one who was eager to sleep with me and now suddenly he's acting all moody!"

She angrily blurted out and walked away. Taehyung bit his lips and clenched his fists. He didn't want to know anything about them. With a heavy heart, he went towards his wardrobe and started taking out his clothes as he started neatly folding them and putting in a suitcase.

It took him a few hours to pack all of his things. He had made a call to inform his seniors that he wasn't feeling well and couldn't come to hospital.

After zipping up the large suitcase he looked around, gazing at his room for the last time. He knew he can't stay anymore at this place. Yesterday night was the last hit to break his already broken heart and he had enough of all these bitter moments.

He called Jimin and told him about his decision. His best friend supported him and told him he'll be there after giving his last lecture of the day at the university he works.

Taehyung cut off the call and picked up his belongings. He exited his room and found his mom and Nara happily chatting sitting on the couch.

He wanted to at least bid goodbye but both seemed completely uninterested. Nara pretended as if she can't even see him.

'It must be because of mom.'

He thought to himself and padded out of the house. It took him a while to load his luggage in the car and then finally reach his apartment. But he happily entered his new home.

He had bought a furnished apartment and he was happy that he did so. After settling down his things in his new bedroom.

He went to the kitchen to make himself some food. Jimin came near four in afternoon and helped him setting his wardrobe and room.

Jimin obviously loved the apartment but he unfortunately left early because he had to go somewhere with Yoongi.

It was night time now, Taehyung was sitting cross-legged on the couch watching a movie on the big LED screen. He ate chips, laughing occasionally while watching the comedy movie.

A doorbell made him frown. He looked at the time, it was ten at night. He slowly stood up, unsure if he should open the door or not.

With quiet footsteps he approached the door, he leaned forward to peak out of the door hole. Because of his past experiences he never opened the door without making sure it was safe enough.

He gasped and moved back. Nibbling on his lips whether to open the door or not, he continued battling with his thoughts. A sudden banging on the door made him flinch.

He heaved a deep breath and slowly moved forward and opened the door with shaking hands. Taehyung was gently pushed aside as the man entered the apartment, with wobbly steps.

Taehyung was still confused about the situation. He shook his head and closed the door. Just as he turned around he didn't expect to be caged in the arms of the new comer. His back meeting the door as he was pushed back by the man.


Taehyung froze as the man brought his face closer to taehyung's.

".... Is this your new home?"

The man slurred, Taehyung continued staring at his face not grasping the situation at all. The man nuzzled his face in his neck as he babbled.

"Tae.... Baby.... I-i missed you..."

Taehyung bit his lips as tears started filling his eyes. He brought his hands to the man's chest as he pushed him away lightly.

"Why are you here Jungkook?"

The dark haired male knitted his brows.

"What? Can I not come to see my love?"

He again hugged Taehyung putting his head on his shoulder. Taehyung tried pushing him again but the man didn't budge.

"Jungkook.... please stop this. Nara is going to be---"

"Don't talk about that selfish witch!"

Jungkook cut him off angrily. Taehyung stayed quiet.

"I hate her!!Don't talk about her!.... Tae.... My sweetheart..... Let me---- hold you."

Jungkook murmured, hugging Taehyung tightly again. Taehyung sighed.

"You are drunk koo. Go back home."

"You are my home."

Jungkook stated as he inched closer to taehyung. Taehyung gazed in his eyes as he took in Jungkook's state. Just as Jungkook was going to kiss him he moved his head to side.

"You destroyed that home long ago koo. There's nothing left between us...."

Taehyung was teary eyed by now, Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I-i.... can't live without you... Please Tae.."

"You have to. I can't forgive you. I'm not good for you kookie... Just live your life happily with Nara... Don't break her heart too---"

"Please I'm sorry.... They all said the same thing...I didn't know whom to trust... I misunderstood. I'm sorry... Baby forgive me."

"Koo.... please stop---"

He was cut off ......


To be continued.....🙃

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