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"Oh god hyung you didn't have to come to pick me. I would have just---"

"It's fine Tae. Just tell me how are you doing?"

"Just fine."

Taehyung replied as he checked his belongings, making sure he didn't forget anything at the hospital.

"Are you really okay baby?"

Taehyung smiled lightly as he pressed his head with glass window, now looking outside at the passing trees and cars.

"I don't know hyung....but I want to be..... happy."

Jin caressed his shoulder, comforting him. He knew by giving him the same advice, he had been giving for years isn't the solution. He had to let Taehyung tackle things on his own, in his own way. And just pray for his happiness.

After twenty minutes of drive they entered Jin's house. Taehyung's ear perked up hearing giggles of a child. A wide boxy smile blossomed on his face as he excitedly ran inside.

There he saw the source of the cheery laughter. A four year old boy playing with Jimin. The boy stopped his actions when he saw the new comer enter the living room.

Taehyung stood there for a few minutes staring at the boy wordlessly. He then slowly walked towards him and crouched down to his level.

The boy peered at him with big doe eyes. Taehyung showed off his beautiful boxy smile seeing the baby looking at him, confusedly.

"Hi. I'm taetae."

He muttered in a small voice. The boy smiled shyly as he hugged Taehyung out of nowhere. Taehyung hugged back surprised by the sudden display of affection by the kid.

"I showed picture of you all to him and he called you a fairy he was so excited to meet you."

Jin announced gaining his attention. Taehyung laughed, patting the boy's back.

"What's your name bub?"


The boy answered snuggling closer to him. Taehyung's smile faltered for a second as he remembered the day when Jungkook brought him to an orphanage and he met Jungkook's favourite kid... Haneul.

//Jungkook smiled and walked towards the other. He picked up the kid and made him sit on his own lap. The cute kid immediately latched onto Jungkook's neck burying his head there.

"I'm sad."

Jungkook spoke while patting the kid's back.


The kid's muffled voice was heard.

"Hanie didn't give a hug to hyung. He's been ignoring hyung."



He pointed his cute chubby hands at Taehyung and spoke.

"Angel hwung is alsho nice. I hugged h-him when you hugged othersh."

"You like him?"

Haneul nodded his head shyly. Jungkook smiled and kissed his head.

"Mwe too."

Jungkook spoke in a baby voice making Taehyung and haneul both laugh.//

Taehyung smiled bitterly as he diverted his attention back onto the kid, who was latching to him.

"What a pretty name you got there. Can I call you hanie?"

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