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Jungkook harshly wiped his tears.

'How can you cry idiot! Get a hold of yourself!'

He knew what he was going to do now.... But the only problem is Taehyung won't be happy with it.

He scolded himself as he walked towards his car, and drove away. He entered his penthouse with slumped shoulders and walked inside his room. Just then he received a call from Yoongi.

"Kook where are you!? I heard what happened. Don't worry hyung will take care of this matter."

He rambled with worry laced voice. Jungkook sniffled.

"I-i can't believe such a thing happened on a big event like this."

"Kook I understand but don't think about it too much. You are young, you need more experience, such mishaps can happen. Don't take stress. I'll keep the media shut to avoid making any drama about it."

Jungkook nodded in understandment. He talked for a few more minutes and finally cut off the call.

He leaned against his bed. His mind wasn't working properly anymore. He reached for his medicine.

His headaches have been getting worst day by day. Clutching his head in his hand he shut his eyes. A pumping sensation felt through out his head. Hot tears brimming out of his eyes. He spent the night yelping in pain. His chest felt heavy making it difficult for him to breath.


Yejun was taking Taehyung back to his apartment after the eventful night.

He laughed all of a sudden, gaining Taehyung's attention who was busy playing with his fingers. Taehyung looked at him, confused, at his sudden joyful laughter.

"Did you see Jungkook's face? Gosh that was so humiliating. If such a thing happened to me in front of so many people I would die of embarrassment. Man! he still had the courage to walk away keeping his head high."

Taehyung frowned not finding anything amusing at all. He took a deep breath as he parted his lips to speak.

"What's so funny?"

"Isn't he your boss? Then why are you so happy about the humiliation he faced."

Yejun was quiet for a moment but then he started laughing again. Taehyung was astounded by his unusual behaviour.

"I don't like him."

He answered briefly after few seconds. Taehyung was speechless, whenever Jungkook was in front of him Yejun would act as if he's happy and excited about meeting him, but now...


He asked.

"I mean what's there to like about him? He's an arrogant asshole. He always thinks so highly of himself------ and all this, what he has now is just because he's heir of a filthy rich businessman otherwise, do you think he deserves all this luxury--"

Yejun scoffed.

"So why did you act like that in front of him as if you're his well-wisher?"

He asked, with a frown. Yejun chuckled.

"That's called pretending baby. You have to flatter your boss."

Taehyung turned away his head. He felt----- horrible. He didn't know why. It's Yejun's life, his point of view, his opinion about someone yet..... It made Taehyung feel bad.

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