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Read this first! (Or ignore it upto u🤷🏻‍♀️)

Guys, some of you do understand this is a story? which has a plot, storyline, synopsis, character development, events designed before a final epilogue.

Or do you just want "they kissed and forgot everything. The end"

If that's what you want, sorry. Cuz I write a story which has some sense, emotions and some logic. I don't write random sh*ts.

So please, stop sending me DMS to tell me to end this story, end this part, exclude that part/character and blah blah. Cuz that's not happening.

You don't like it then please don't read. I'm gonna introduce the plot I have in my mind and then do happy ending, I'm not going to end it abruptly.

This book literally contains "angst" tag/warning. I didn't mention it's going to be fluff anywhere. You should read the tags before choosing a book.

I get stressed over such DMS/ comments. I didn't write the story to get mental pressure. So for the last time, if you don't want me to put the story on hold. Then enjoy the book rather than complaining.

If you can't handle angst don't bother reading it. Thank you:)


"I'll break things off with--"

Taehyung cried harder as he was violently shaking his head. Jungkook rubbed his back trying to coax him.

"No you won't."

He uttered as he pulled away from Jungkook.

"You would never!"

He hiccuped, Jungkook raked his hand through his hair.

"I will! Just now."

He reached for his phone but before he could Taehyung spoke.

"I'll kill myself if you will ever do that."

Taehyung blurted out sternly. He turned on his heels and tried walking away but Jungkook was quick to stop him.


Jungkook was horrified by taehyung's word. His hands were trembling as he held taehyung's arm tightly. Taehyung's words were enough to shake his entire existence.

Taehyung sniffled, he wiped his tears seeing Jungkook's state.

"Don't leave her too.. please."

He pleaded with a heavy heart. Jungkook heaved a deep breath as he entwined his hands with Taehyung.

"Get in the car."

"I-i won't-"

"Please sweetheart."

Taehyung shut his mouth complying to jk's request, who opened the car door for him. Walking towards the other side of car, Jungkook rubbed his temple trying to relax his mind. He opened the car and sat in the driver's seat.

"W-where are we going?"

Taehyung asked. Jungkook kept his eyes fixed at the road, he turned on the ignition, starting the engine.

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