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"Taetae thank God we have done groceries, I'm sorry you have to take a day off from hospital because of me."

Nara muttered as she entered her room and saw Taehyung changing bed sheets.

"It's okay... You shouldn't be upset, don't ruin your happy day."

He muttered as he continued his work. Taehyung had surely changed a lot, the old cheerful Taehyung now became quiet, smiling rarely, talking slowly, not complaining about his pain at all. He stopped caring about how others treat him and just went through everything silently, he simply stopped feeling.

Nara excitedly walked towards her bed and sat down. Her nails freshly painted, as she blew on them.

"You know Tae it was so hard for us to stay away from eachother and keep this long distance relationship for two years. His calls and voice was the only thing keeping me alive."

Taehyung smiled lightly, love surely do things to you. It takes no time from throwing you down from the highest cloud in the sky to the deepest grave. Nonetheless, he was happy for his sister. Everyone deserves to be happy, although he never considered himself in that category.

"I love him so much Tae. And I feel lucky that he loves me too. He's finally coming to meet me. I feel like I'll faint when I'll see him in front of my eyes..."

She continued his rant. Taehyung was lost in his own thoughts. He won't lie but the idea of love scares him, he wanted to warn his sister too, after all, the boy just became his boyfriend online, never met him face to face before. He hadn't seen him though, because she never showed him to Taehyung and he usually stay out of others' business.

But again she'll ask a reason for not dating that boy and he can't tell he has a experience of getting devastated by love, and it's not like everyone's fate is same. He just hoped she'll be happy.

"Tae you are still looking for an apartment?"

She suddenly asked making Taehyung snap out of his daze.

"Yeah.. I can afford it now, besides mom and you, need this house more than me."

He said taking a seat in front of her. She held his hands and smiled.

"Thanks Tae... You are the best brother in the whole world.... It's your house but you gave it to us. You are so kind."

Taehyung shook his head.

"You are my family. It's my responsibility."

They both hugged and then Nara again started her random talks leaving Taehyung to listen to her with a soft smile.


A man with guards and wearing expensive tuxedo exited his private jet as he walked towards a black car. His eyes fierce and dark. Dark aura surrounding him. The guards opened the door for him as he got in the car.

Opening his phone, his eyes got stuck to the person's face who was set as his home screen wallpaper. He gazed at the photo with hatred as he pressed his tongue against his cheek. The wallpaper is just a fuel he always adds to his burning heart.

The car stopped in front of a large mansion as he got out. His walk screamed dominance and his facade was intimidating. Just like his heart turned black he let his soul too.

Breathing just to stop someone's breath, living just to make someone regret living, facing the world just to make someone unable to face the world. Surely his black heart turned him into a devil.

But amidst all of it, a boy with a devastated past and shattered heart was still breathing. No matter how much he tried hating his first love, still flashes of memories, made him vulnerable. That deep buried love always got stronger with that burning heart.

His only weakness. After all everyone has a weakness and his weakness was his heart, which won't let him forget the love he has for a certain someone.

But who he was kidding he was Jeon Jungkook, a foolish lover and a stubborn man, who blindly trusted a man who broke him. He can't forget that. He was here for a special reason.

And this time he was sure of his success.

"Mr Jeon your clothes are ready."

He nodded and started walking towards his room. Entering the room where he spent his childhood made him froze up as shreiks of his mother rang through his ears.

He left that mansion at a young age and started living in his penthouse, but now being the CEO and owner of all this property, which he get by rebelling against his father, he decided to live here. After all he needs a reminder that he has to punish all her culprits.

He padded towards the big vase full of white roses, placed on a wooden table and swiped his fingers against it. No dirt, it was clean and shiny. He picked it up. It looked expensive.

Wetting his lips by his tongue, and smiling maniacally he gritted his teeth as he angrily threw the vase on the floor, glass pieces got shattered here and there. A maid got startled hearing the loud noise as she worriedly knocked and slowly opened the door.

"Mr Jeon?"

Her shaky voice reached his ears as he swiftly turned in that direction and glared at her. She gulped and looked down.

"Next time if I saw these fucking white roses in my room, it's not gonna be good for you. Clean this up."

He murmured dangerously as he entered the bathroom, slamming the door shut. The maid slowly walked out to call the sweeper.

Jungkook pressed his back against the closed door, as he heaved a deep breath trying to calm himself, his anger issues had gotten worse and especially after seeing things which reminds him of a beautiful boxy smile, it makes him angry.

He just had one picture of Taehyung, in which he was looking down writing something. His eyes or smile nothing clear. It was just for torturing himself but reminding him of their happy memories together boiled his blood.

And he hated all those memories.



Is Minjun Nara's boyfriend?🤔

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