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"Sir Lee groups want to arrange a meeting with you."

"Okay schedule it for tomorrow."

Jungkook instructed his assistant walking back towards the office. But before he could even enter his office he heard loud voices and saw a crowd forming just a few steps away.

He turned around walking towards the chaotic place, only to see his so called girlfriend insulting one of his employee. The workers made way for Jungkook as he approached the raging girl.

Nara noticed his presence, and immediately walked towards him and started her rants about how the employee and his head officer, had insulted her. Jungkook raised his hand for her to shut up.

His eyes darted towards the said males. He was surprised seeing Yejun and an old worker.

"What happened here?"


"I don't think it's a good idea."

Taehyung sighed. Jimin climbed out of his car, holding taehyung's hand dragging him towards the enormous building.

"Taetae you should show him you care about him. I'm telling you these are just baby steps both of you have to take to strengthen your relationship."

Jimin stated as both of them entered the elevator. Taehyung nodded in agreement, gripping the lunch bag tightly. After a few minutes they exited the elevator to see....

"What happened here?"

Jungkook asked with authority. The workers stayed quiet. Yejun stepped forward.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir. It's just this lady was asking Mr. Yong to clean her shoes because he accidentally spilled coffee on her."

Yejun explained. Nara butted in.

"Look who the heck are you? Just because you told me you are head of a department means you can boss me around."

She then turned around to Jungkook who seemed unimpressed.

"That old rat ruined my designer shoes and that bitch of the he-"


Taehyung interrupted walking towards them. His eyebrows furrowed. All three of them were astonished seeing Taehyung. Taehyung walked towards Yejun holding his arm taking everyone by surprise again.

"Watch your tongue while addressing my boyfriend."

Nara's eyes widened as saucers. She didn't expect Taehyung to date someone after all those years of loneliness and the way he talked was nothing like how he usually does. Jungkook looked down clenching his fists while Yejun was trying his best to not faint. His cheeks were red by now.

She recovered from the initial shock.

"Taehyung still he's a mere worker here and my Jungkook is the-"

"Talk about your own position not your Jungkook's. Cause we both know what position you hold."

Taehyung taunted. Jimin was trying his best contain his laughter after seeing Nara's expressions. Jungkook never expect Taehyung to be that.... Straightforward and sassy.

He coughed catching everyone's attention. He didn't want his private life to be discussed like this. And no matter what Nara was currently his partner. It could affect his reputation.

"I see Yejun thank you for explaining. I apologize to you and Mr. Yong on her behalf."

He was embarrassed by how low Nara acted. His workers got something to gossip about. Jungkook had never provided any reason to be made fun of in these all years but thanks to her he was first time feeling ashamed.

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