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"So... who was that boy?"

Jimin questioned excitedly, taehyung was waiting for Jimin to ask though. He knew how much interest his best friend has in such things.

Before bidding goodbye, Jimin had made him exchanged numbers with Yejun. He wasn't going to give him his number but Jimin already gave him.

He sighed and turned towards Jimin.

"I met him at the festival, when I went there with Jungkook and Nara."

"Hmmm. He's good looking though."


Taehyung raised his brows. Jimin smirked.

"I mean why don't you--"

"Oh we already reached cinema. Yoongi hyung! I'm going to buy popcorn."

With that he got out of the car not caring about jimin's calls for him. Jimin sighed and got out too. He decided to talk about it later.


"What are you doing here?"

"I just came to meet you."

Nara muttered walking close to Jungkook who continued glaring at him. She wrapped her arms around Jungkook's neck. His body stiffened.

"I know we have been in an online relationship for two years but you are here now Jungkook and----- "

She stopped as she played with his collars. Jungkook narrowed his brows.

"---- and we still haven't kissed. You are my first love Jungkook. I wanted to have our first ever kiss to be initiated by you but it's okay, I don't mind, me taking the first step.."

She whispered as she inched closer, just a few centimetres between their lips were left. She closed her eyes so do Jungkook.


"Taehyung did you enjoy the movie?"

Yoongi asked after hugging Taehyung who smiled prettily and nodded. Jimin was still sulking as Taehyung ignored his calls earlier.

He then went to Jimin and hugged him.

"Hyung you have to treat chim really good tonight. He's upset."

Jimin grew red as both Yoongi and Taehyung laughed. After they drove away, Taehyung sighed and entered the house.

"Oh so you finally come home after whoring around."

He saw his mother uttered, sitting on the chair wearing a navy blue dress and heels, one leg over the other and a cup of tea in her hand.

Taehyung just walked past her but before he could even climb a stair she spoke again.

"You see you are twenty four and still no sign of dating. Look at my daughter she's dating an extremely rich businessman, a handsome young man. You know everyone's fate is different. It seems like my daughter's fate is gonna be like me and perhaps yours is gonna be like that slut."

Taehyung clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

"Good luck to you and her. I'm glad your lives aren't like mine. I bet you won't be able to stay alive for twenty four hours let alone twenty four years living this pathetic life....."

He turned around and glanced at her and continued.

".... I hope your happy days stay forever because as far as I learned in my life, everything is temporary here, nothing stays forever...not even happiness."

With that said he turned around and climbed up the stairs and went to his room.

He changed into his night pajamas and layed on his bed, scrolling through the pictures he and Jimin took today. He closed the app, just as he was going to shut off his mobile Nara barged in.


He sat up and looked at her. She was panting probably because of running all the way to his room.


"Tae... here you are."

She sat near the edge of bed and smiled at him.

"I have a request."

She beamed.

"What is it?"

He asked cupping his cheeks.

"You are gonna help me do arrangements for my birthday party."

Taehyung smiled and nodded.

"You don't even have to ask me. Of course I'll do it."

She grinned as she got comfortable at the bed.

"It's just.... I want you to help me prepare my room too."

Taehyung's smile faltered as he looked at her.

"Your r-room? What for?"

He stammered trying to control his breathing which was getting heavier by each passing minutes.

"Oh c'mon Tae! You know ummm....how do I say this... Jungkook is gonna stay the night...with me."

She murmured bashfully and Taehyung felt like throw up. Jungkook is gonna stay with her. He tried controlling his tears. Yes he said to him to move on but....

'Was I that easy to be replaced and forgettable?'

He questioned to himself as tears slipped through his eyes.

'Maybe those six years were enough for him, he's not me that he would be standing at the same spot forever.'

Nara again opened her mouth only for him to get hurt more.

"You know Tae.... We..... kissed today."

Taehyung couldn't breathe anymore he abruptly stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom. He started throwing up as he started feeling dizzy. Nara hurried towards him and helped him.

"Tae let's go to hospital."

She worriedly spoke but Taehyung stubbornly shook his head.

"No... Leave me alone. I-i wanna sleep."

"Oh okay. Here let me help you."

She held her hand and helped her lay down again in the bed. After that she quietly left the room.

Taehyung hugged the pillow closer to his body. And closed his eyes.

'Is moving on this easy?'

'All those moments we spent together, got discarded by you this easily.'

'You were the one who promised to be together forever, yet you broke off everything with me based on mere misunderstandings and now you are with my sister.'

'I want to hate you Jungkook, but still I can't. Maybe....it was all my fault. You are right I'm selfish. I just wanted to be with you so I tried....tried so hard to make you love me, but now I see my love wasn't as strong as I thought of it to be. The hate with which you filled your heart burnt the home I made of love into ashes.'

'Why am I the only one suffering?'

'I hope you'll realize your mistakes and you don't have to pay as much as I paid. When you'll come to know the truth....'

'I hope it won't be too late.'


Updates would be after 3 -4 days, for sometime:-)

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