
10.6K 449 62

"Tae wait!"

Nara's voice rang throughout the house. It was early in the morning when Taehyung got up and dressed up to leave for hospital. However his peace was soon disturbed by her shrill voice.


He asked in a firm tone, taking Nara by surprise.

"Why are you being rude? Are you alright?"

"Nara you see if that's what you're gonna talk about then please you can wait because right now I have an emergency."

Without giving her a chance to talk further, Taehyung took his leave. The recent events surely spoiled his mood and life. He only wanted a peaceful escape now from all this, nothing else.

Reaching the hospital, he immediately rushed towards his office and changed into surgical uniform, the patient was taken to the operation theatre and the surgery started.

After hours of successful surgery, the patient of heart attack was saved and sent to a private room. Taehyung entered his office and changed his clothes. His assistant lead in the patient's attendee to inside his office.

He didn't expect, to see a wary looking Jungkook entering his office. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Jungkook halted in his steps when he saw Taehyung sitting on the doctor's seat. He didn't know Taehyung worked in this hospital.

Recovering from the astounded state he padded forward and quietly took a seat in front of him. Taehyung was dumbfounded by Jungkook's presence but soon got ahold of the situation. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Daegun bring me the file of the patient."

His assistant nodded and brought him the file. Trying to stay as professional he could, he discarded all other thoughts.

"Mr Jeon your father has acute evolving myocardial infarction, particularly in anterior heart wall, we performed a surgery. His heart is still weak we'll keep him in our observation for a few weeks then he will be discharged."

"If he faces any pain in future please inform us as soon as possible. That's all for now. You can meet the patient after he regains conscious."

He looked up after completing his speech and found Jungkook surprisingly quiet and calm. Jungkook nodded and opened his lips to speak but Taehyung cut him off.

"You may leave now. I have other patients to check."

Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat and didn't say anything else. He stood up and left taehyung's office quietly. Taehyung sighed and leaned back on his chair.

"You know him?"

Daegun muttered. Taehyung looked at her for a moment then shook his head.

"No I don't."

'I know nothing about him. Maybe I just know him as much as you know. His name, surname and father's name....I don't know him at all. Even if we lived together for sometime, I still couldn't know him. We are..... Just strangers. Nothing more than that.


Jungkook was laying in his bed, eyes wide open, as he stared at the ceiling. He remembered his meeting with Taehyung today.

"You may leave now I have other patients to check."

He recalled taehyung's words. He stood up and exited the room. He was about to go away when he heard the girl's voice whom he presumed as his assistant.

"Do you know him?"

"No I don't."

He closed his eyes. Words can hurt a lot more than actions. Taehyung's slap didn't hurt him as much as these three words of him.

Tears escaped his eyes. His heart was aching. If felt like he was feeling the same pain he felt when he was alone and hadn't met Taehyung yet, when his mother died and he would sit in his dark room feeling lonelier than ever.

Taehyung and his words weren't leaving his head. He couldn't forget the tears he saw that day. He didn't know why Taehyung was, confidently calling the baby his again and again.

If Taehyung was the one who was speaking the truth then all those people were lying? Then what about all those times he was with Minjun. His head was going to explode.

He didn't know at all whom to trust. Yeah maybe he regretted his decisions but then again he can't forget that Taehyung was that woman's son.

Jungkook raked his hand in his hair.

'I don't know anymore.'

'If Taehyung was the right one....'

He didn't know how he would face him, how guilty he would feel but Taehyung can't be right. Jungkook had proofs about cheating.

And Taehyung just using him for money.

He sighed and decided to think about it after meeting him.


Taehyung was driving back towards his home when he got a call.

He parked the car at a side of road and picked it up.

"Hello Mr. Kim. I wanted to inform you that the apartment I had chosen to show you is completely according to your demand. When can you come to visit it?"

"Oh that's great but I am not going to be free this week. Is it okay if o visit it next Monday?"

"Yes sir as you say."

"Thank you so much for your help."

Taehyung uttered happily.

'Finally a good news.'

He wanted to leave the house as soon as possible. After hearing Nara's talk that day. He didn't feel like staying there for a longer time.

Especially till her birthday. He knew he won't be able to hide his pain. It was hurting him more than he ever imagined.

He shook his head, trying not to think about it. He knew he would cry even imagining that. He wondered where he went wrong in that relationship to end up this heartbroken.

Starting the engine, he drove towards his hell again. Sometimes he just wanted to run away from everything and everyone. But it's so hard to get out of this world's grip. The hardships will follow you everywhere. You can't hide from your fate.

He parked the car in the driveway and got out. After greeting the miad he just straight away walked towards his room.


I'll try to update the next chap faster but no promises^_^

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