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Gazing at the tar black canvas adorned with pearls, cool breeze dancing with silky brown hair making them dishevelled but still looking pretty as ever. A soft smile emblazed the alluring features of the beauty sitting in the balcony of Kim's residence.

He continued peering at the beautiful night sky, sitting in a big swinging chair. A blanket covering his lap as he enjoyed the chilly night.

As usual cut off from the others he was spending his time alone. He wasn't welcomed to share their joyous moments. And now he was used to this treatment. Cheery laughing voices got surprisingly loud indicating the source of voice approaching him.

He frowned not really getting why they were coming upstairs. He was told by his step mother that today Nara and her boyfriend is going to have a dinner together so he shouldn't join them or disturb them.

The footsteps got louder as a beaming Nara clinging to her boyfriend entered the balcony. Taehyung stared at the two, with confusion.

Nara dragged Jungkook towards a chair and made him sit there and finally spoke.

"I'm gonna do dishes till then wait here."

Jungkook stayed quiet. She then turned towards Taehyung.

"Tae can you please accompany him for a few minutes. I'm gonna help mom with cleaning up the mess."

Taehyung didn't know how to respond. He couldn't say no because she'll ask the reason and he can't tell anything to her, besides it might be impolite so he just nodded, defeated by the situation.

"That's great. Enjoy you two I'll be back."

Taehyung sucked up a deep breath and played with his fingers awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.


A soft hushed voice reached his ears as he looked up at the owner of the voice. There he sat, looking handsome and composed as usual, gazing at the aforementioned.

"It's Taehyung for you."

He corrected in a small voice, as he stared back at the dark black orbs. Jungkook smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Yeah... I realized.... Now it's just--- Taehyung for me."

Taehyung looked away. He didn't want to feel the hurt visible in Jungkook's voice.

"You made it like this..."

Taehyung replied as he smiled prettily. He leaned back in the chair as he glanced back at the sky.

"You made me like this..."

He murmured softly and closed his eyes as he started humming to himself. He wanted to distract himself before he would burst out crying.

Jungkook sat there, speechless. He wanted to ask a lot of things but it seemed like he lost the opportunity. He peered at taehyung's face. Beauty dripping from each and every feature. His long ashes resting on his pink soft cheeks. Cherry lips slightly parted as he sang a beautiful melody.

He knew he misunderstood something but he didn't know what actually went wrong.

And now he just have to find answers in the silence, because word's ended long ago between them.


A weak passed in just a blink of eye. And now Taehyung was headed towards seeing the apartment he was hopefully going to buy.

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