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Continuous knocks on the door made Jungkook stir up in his sleep, annoyed. He sat up on the bed ruffling his bed hair. Groggily he muttered a 'come in'.

The old butler entered the room, gloomily. Jungkook knitted his brows not understanding his facial expressions.

"Mr J-Jeon is n-no more."

Jungkook didn't react. His eyes blankly staring into the space. After a while he nodded and told the butler to start preparing for the funeral.

Just as the butler left he got up and walked into his bathroom to get changed.

When all the arrangements were made and his father's body was brought to the cemetery, Jungkook was expecting seeing this.

Apart from few office workers and business partners there weren't a lot of people who came.
He took a deep breath, greeting everyone formally as they started preparing for the burial.


Taehyung was busy making porridge for himself as he wasn't feeling well. He had been having constant headaches due to all of those past events.

His train of thoughts was stopped by a phone call he received from Yoongi.

"Hello Yoongi hyung."

He happily uttered but hearing Yoongi's voice he frowned.

"Taehyung.... I know Jimin might get angry but I wanted to tell you this..."

"What is it hyung."

He asked worriedly.

"Mr Jeon Jaehwa died."

Taehyung stilled hearing his words. That man who killed his mother finally met his end.

"Oh.... When is his funeral?"

Taehyung asked dryly.

"Huh? Why are you asking this? Tae bear I told you so you would be aware of the news that your mother's murderer is no more-"

"Hyung... When's his funeral?"

He repeated the question. Yoongi sighed and answered his questions not knowing why the boy was asking that.

'Of course Taehyung won't attend it. Why would he?'

That's what Yoongi thought.


"I'm so sorry Mr Jeon. May he rest in peace and God gives you the strength to bear this all."

Jungkook was now just nodding his head like a robot. Too tired to know who was talking to him. He knew very well nobody felt bad for him. They all are businessmen. They know where to put an input because they are always expecting an output in return.

They're just here to be on good terms with the new official heir of all the properties of Jeon Jaehwa.

They all left one by one leaving him alone to sit near the grave in the deserted cemetery. His eyes were empty, devoid of any emotions. He himself didn't know what he was feeling at the moment.

"I'm late?"

A soft voice perked up his ears. His heart pounding harder just by feeling his presence. With an astounded face and shocked eyes he turned around.

There he was standing just a few centimetres away from him, holding a bouquet of flowers, eyes gazing at him fondly.

Jungkook's throat felt dry. He slowly stood up, still keeping those expressions. His lips quivered forming a sentence to say to the boy standing in front of him.

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