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"Taehyung you'll be bored alone."

"Nara I'll be fine."

Taehyung uttered as he continued using his phone. Nara whined as she tugged on his shirt.

"Tae you never come out of your room. You'll enjoy going to an amusement park with us."

Taehyung sighed. It was Sunday and apparently Jungkook was taking Nara to a festival. It was already hard enough for him to not get hurt by seeing them together.

"Nara I don't want to tag along. Just enjoy your time with.... your b-boyfriend."

He pressed his lips into a thin line, feeling a pang in his heart calling Jungkook someone else's. But he shook his head.

"No no Taehyung you aren't gonna think about him. You have no rights. And.... he hurt you."

He mentally reminded himself. But Nara was adamant.

"C'mon tae, please if you'll be there I won't feel nervous, you know Jungkook is quite intimidating. And our relationship is still new--"

"That's why I'm telling you to spend time with him rather than asking me to come along."

Taehyung murmured bitterly as he stood up, but a knock on the door made both of them turn around.

"Can I come in?"

Nara hurriedly opened the door. Taehyung stayed quiet.

"Oh Jungkook you are here!"

She beamed and hugged him. Taehyung looked away. Jungkook's eyes were on him and he could feel his strong gaze.

"Yeah. Let's go if you're ready."

"Actually.... I was thinking why don't we ask Taehyung to join too?"

Taehyung's eyes widened as he snapped his head towards Nara. He clearly had said 'no' but Nara still won't understand.

"Oh yeah? Sure I don't mind."

Jungkook muttered looking at Taehyung with mischievous eyes, Taehyung bit his lips in nervousness.

"N-nara I don't want to. Just.... enjoy your time with your b-boyfr----"

He stammered but Jungkook cut him off.

"Your brother seems to be really shy and introverted Nara."

Jungkook gazed back at Taehyung as he gave a smile, which Taehyung could surely tell was fake.

"I don't mind Taehyung rather it would be more fun if you join us."

Taehyung looked away. He knitted his brows. He hated his mocking tone. He never expected him to ever talk to him like that.

"Okay okay, hurry up! go change."

Nara pushed him towards the bathroom. He sighed and started getting ready.

Taehyung was sitting in the back seat looking outside as he tried his best to control his emotions. His heart clenched whenever the other two would laugh or flirt.

He closed his eyes. Life was going to be this tough, he never thought. After a few minutes they reached the park. The three of them exited the car, as Nara and Jungkook walked hand in hand with an adorable Taehyung trailing behind.

Nara and Jungkook were enjoying as they just came back after riding the roller coaster, and now headed to buy cotton candy. Taehyung had refused to join as he was scared of heights and said he'll wait for them. He was sitting alone on a bench looking at them with a soft but envious smile.

He frowned when suddenly he felt cold liquid wetting his shirt. He looked at the person whom he was ready to scold but once he saw a cute five year old boy, standing there holding his now empty water bottle and looking at him with doe eyes. Taehyung smiled as he saw the boy, looking scared.

"Why did you do that baby?"

He asked gently as he caressed the boy's hair the boy jutted his lips into a pout.

"Shought itsh a pwetty doll."

The baby blabbered shyly. Taehyung giggled as he pinched the boy's cheeks. Suddenly a man's voice interrupted him.

"I'm so sorry. Doha why would you do that?!"

The man slightly scolded the kid as he muttered apologies. Taehyung shook his head as he picked up the now teary eyed boy and glared at the man who seemed to be of his age. He guessed.

"Don't scold him. Babies are innocent. He didn't do it purposely."

Taehyung muttered as he rubbed the little boy's back who was now hugging his neck. The man flushed red, embarrassed. He scratched his neck awkwardly as he now took a proper look at the boy in front of him.

He was.... ethereal. His heartbeat increased as he took in the heavenly features. He continued staring at the beautiful boy but soon looked away when Taehyung scolded him.

"Stop staring creepily."

The boy just nodded, cheeks painted red and eyes sparkly. After a moment he spoke again.

"I'm Han Yejun. This is my nephew Doha."

Taehyung gazed at him skeptically for a few seconds but then nodded.

"Kim Taehyung."

Before both of them continue their chat, Jungkook's voice caught taehyung's attention.

"Taehyung? Who is this?"

Jungkook asked eyeing the boy. Taehyung didn't answer as he and Jungkook continued to stare at eachother. Taehyung's face was blank while Jungkook had a frown adorned on his face. Yejun sensed the awkwardness, so he took Doha from Taehyung.

"Uh... I'll take my leave. It was nice seeing you Taehyung."

Taehyung smiled lightly. Yejun left after bidding Taehyung goodbye.
Taehyung now turned away from Jungkook and sat back at the bench completely ignoring him.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but then heard Nara's voice.

"Jungkook let's go to that stall please."

She dragged him with himself not even asking Taehyung to join. Taehyung took a deep breath and started playing with his fingers. How pathetic was his life, again at that point, where it was years ago, when Taehyung would sit on the stairs as a child and would look at happy faces and hear laughter of people, celebrating downstairs. He would envy them. And now again he's envying someone's happiness.

'When would I find my own happiness?'

He would question his fate.

'Maybe never.'

He murmured teary eyed. His happiness ruined him to the point that he no longer wants to even breathe. But again he is pushing himself to walk alone in this darkness, just because he don't want have a sad ending, especially created by himself.


Those who don't vote and comment I hope you all get Minjun as your boyfriend or Nara as your girlfriend. ♪~('ε` )💜

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