Holding You Through a Panic Attack

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It's nine at night, Shawn was upstairs on the phone with his mother. I was downstairs looking at my empty inspiration wall that is supposed to be filled with collages of my designs, I could not focus these past few days, I don't have ideas. I just remembered I had to submit these early by tomorrow morning, shit, I am doomed.

Suddenly, I saw the living room spinning. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I will black out. My heart is hammering inside my chest. The room spins and I squat on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something my brain and body can cope with. I feel so sick.

I hear a faint voice calling "Sophia". I couldn't answer, I'm shaking.

"Sophia where are you?" Shawn calls my name

"Sophia you gotta look at this" I hear the voice approaching from upstairs

"Sophia, why aren't you answering me??" Shawn said as he came down the stairs.

"What do I do, my career is over, how can I design this, I'm a failure..." I murmur to myself at the corner, on the floor in a foetal position.

"Sophia? Shit!" He said once he entered the living room.

"Babe, hey, babe look at me, listen to me, you're going to be okay" Shawn said trying to calm me down as he held my head.

"But my career I don't know what to do how to fix this, Shawn am I a failure?"

"No, no no. You're a hard-working angel and I'm so proud of you please look at me"

"I can't... I can't..."

I put my hand on my chest as I gasp for air.

Shawn carries and lays me down on the couch, and unbuttons my shirt.

He constantly put his hand on my chest, and my neck, to check my heart rate.

"Wha- why am I feeling this? Am I going to be o-o-ok-kay?" I asked

"Breathe baby breathe, you're going to be alright, just look at me. I'll do whatever makes you comfortable." He said as he held my hand and stroked his thumbs on my face.

"The- the lights. Turn them off. It's too bright"

Shawn's POV

I dashed to turn them off, leaving us with a warm ambience with the warm yellow lamps turned on at the corners.

Sophia is talking like she doesn't have enough time to say what she needs to. Her words are crowded together and some are missing. Her sentences are fragmented and her thoughts seem to jump from one thing to another. All her fears are tumbling out unchecked by her brain, she's unable to analyze things or assess risk.

Now she's right in front of me, her fingers are white-knuckled holding onto my sweater and she's asking me if it will be OK. It tell her yes. I tell her over and over, stroking her back and planting kisses on her face. I need her to calm down.

"Here" I gave her water and placed the cup on her soft, yet shaky lips, making her drink it.

I sit with her patiently as I assured her and kept her in touch with reality, while holding her shaky hands.

She closes her eyes and breathes in and out as I count for her.

-15 minutes later-

She stopped shaking, her breathing is back to normal, and opens her eyes.

"Hey baby.. how do you feel, are you ok?"

She nods innocently but tiredly, making my heart melt even more for her.

"What do I do now? I'm supposed to give them my designs by tomorrow morning-"

"Shh" I place my finger, covering her mouth. "You literally just faced a panic attack. Would you rest for me please? I'm so worried about you"

"B-but they won't forgive me"

"No buts. I am a doctor baby did you forget that? I'll report this to your workplace and give you an absence for the whole week. I got this covered babe"

"What would I do without you, give me your hug"

I leaned in and hugged her tightly for a long time, with the comfort of silence.

Author's Note:

Hii! I've gotten many requests to write dramatic scenes to show Shawn's caring side. All I have to say is, expect them coming! :)

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