Ex-cuse me?!

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It's been a while since Shawn and I went out for a fun night out, so today our plan was to do that. We're going to a newly opened Japanese restaurant, the earliest reservation we found was for tonight, and we booked our table two weeks ago, it is that popular.

10 PM at the restaurant

"Did I mention how you look so ridiculously handsome tonight?" I told Shawn as we were sitting at our table

"Yes you did, multiple times" He said while laughing

"Not my fault you look extra attractive today" I said

"Says the one" He said while holding the menu

Our food had arrived, and we finished eating...

"It's insane" Shawn says while leaning towards the table with his right elbow resting on the table, staring at me.

"What is?" I asked out of genuine curiosity

"A two-level restaurant packed with almost 400 people, yet you are the only one who stands out from the crowd, it's insane" He said

"It's so weird that we've been married for some time, yet I run out of responses to your unique compliments, Shawn" I said while blushing hard.

Later on, we ordered the bill and waited for the waiter to give it to us.

Out of a sudden, a lady approached our table.

"Unbelievable, is this actually you?" She said as she approached Shawn specifically.

Her bombshell blonde hair, tall slim figure, tight and short sequin black dress... She looked stunning, almost as if she was a model. 

I was caught off-guard for a second there.

"Oh hey Celine, this is my wife, Sophia" Shawn replied, not sharing the same enthusiasm level as she was.

"Hello" I say to her, smiling.

"Oh my goodness, wife, wow! Well Sophia, I'm Celine, Shawn's unforgettable ex." 

Pardon me? Unforgettable as in what? How can anyone respond to that? I thought to myself.

"well that's a dramatic way of putting it" Shawn says while fake laughing, to fill the silence

"Not really, you look really hot though, wish I was Sophia" She said while laughing

I'm officially uncomfortable. 

I see Shawn looking at how uncomfortable I was, so he said "I'm here with my wife so please leave us alone and have a good night"

"Okay I just wanted to congratulate you Shawn on your marriage" She said as I looked away to hold myself.

"We got it" Shawn said with a more serious tone and facial expression.

"Oh and.." She said as she picked up a pen from her pouch and wrote on the tissue paper from our table, "here's my number, once your marriage goes south and you get a divorce, hit me up" She said as she handed it out to him, hoping for him to take the piece of tissue.

Shawn was shocked from the disrespect she had shown

"Actually.." I said as I took the tissue and ripped it into many pieces, "I'll make sure that's never going to happen" And placed the shattered tissues on her hand.

Shawn smirked and tried to hide his laughter.

"Excuse me?!" She said

"Must be sad being THAT miserable to chase a married man, bonus points for doing that right in front of the wife, even more extra points for losing a guy like Shawn, move along" I said while giving her the petty face.

Shawn couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing.

"Ugh!" She said while stomping her foot and left.

In the car

"Sophia, I honestly did not know you had it in you" He said while looking at me 

"Had what?" I said, acting dumb.

"The catty attitude" He said while laughing

"You learn something new everyday" I said with a grin on my face, "but that attitude is saved for such bratty women" I said back

"Damn you are not one to be messed with" He said.

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