Chapter 1 - The backstory

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- "Come on lets go!" Says Minho.
I run as fast as I can and eventually, I pass him.
- "Hey!" He says.
- "Hehe I told you, you couldn't keep up with me." I say laughing.
I finally enter back into the glade and Minho is right behind me. I turn around to face him.
- "You know. After all this time, I still can't believe you actually think you could ever beat me." I say.
He rolls his eyes and we slow down. We walk towards the middle of glade, where most of the boys are. They all say hi to us as were walking by them. Minho and I split up.
- "Y/N!"
I turn around to see who is talking to me. I see Newt running as fast as possible.
- "How was it out there today?" He says when he is finally next to me.
- "Good actually. I beat Minho again too."
- "Of course you did." He smiles.
- "The new greenie arrives tomorrow right?"
- "He sure is."
I turn around to see Alby.
- "What makes you think they're a He?"
Alby chuckles.
- "Well, based on previous greenies you are our only girl, so I am basing myself on that."
- "Ah another man to crush on me." I say with a grin.
- "Hey not all of us think about you in that way." Newt says, rolling his eyes.
I chuckle and slowly walk away from them.
- "Oh also," I turn back around, "where's Chuck?"
- "Last I saw him he was helping Frypan in the kitchen." Says Newt.
I nod and head towards the kitchen, where a couple of guys say hi to me on the way there. I see Chuck coming back to Fry with a bucket a water.
- "Ah there's my favorite little one." I say.
- "Y/N! You're back already?" Chuck says.
- "Yessir." I say chuckling. "Hey Fry what's up."
- "Ah you know the usual. Just finding all of the rest of the food that we have, and clearing things up for the new batch tomorrow."
- "Well in that case, I will leave you too it. Chuck come with me."
Fry smiles and Chuck looks at me worried, as if he did something wrong. I walk away and slowly walk around with no clear destination in mind. Chuck is next to me, completely silent, and he seems quite worried.
- "Everything alright?" He says.
- "Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
- "About?"
- " know. Your promotion."
- "Oh."
- "It's a big job you're starting tomorrow and you should be proud of yourself." I give him a nudge. "But that also means you need to be more responsible."
- "Yeah I know."
- "I know you can handle it though."
He smiles. We continue walking in silence. We finally get into the forest and just walk. I've always liked walking with Chuck. It's never been weird and awkward with him. He's the youngest in the glade and I feel as if I have some sort of responsibility towards him because of it. I arrived a few months before him, so I've known him since he's arrive here. Oh and I'm Y/N by the way, and as mentioned before, the only girl in the glade. I was the sixth one to arrive here. First, it was Alby, then Newt, Frypan, Minho, Gally, and then me. Let's say at first the guys didn't quite believe in me because I was a girl, but they soon realized they were wrong.
Everyone here in the glade has a job, in order to keep things organized. I am lucky enough, and well very skilled, to be apart of the runners. Every morning, the other runners and I, including Minho who is our leader, run into the maze in order to find a way out of here. We haven't told anyone, expect for Alby, but we've already mapped the entire maze, and yet we still haven't found a way out. The guys are slowly starting to lose hope, but I am trying not too, because I do believe there is a possible way out of here. I remember one of the first few days after I arrive in the glade. I challenged Minho to a race as a joke and ended up beating him, and that was the day I became a runner.
In the glade, every single guy has something for me, whether it is they think Im pretty or they like me. And it was very hard at first. In some way, I do quite understand since I am the only woman they have ever since in their life, ever since coming into the glade. I did have to make a few rules, in order for them to see me as more than just a woman, and therefore treat me equally as they would to a man. Today, they all give me the respect I deserve.
I care about everyone here, but Chuck, Minho, Alby, Frypan, and Newt, are the ones I take care of the most. I've built a very special relationship  with all of them, especially Newt. It's as if we had a close connection before the maze. One other thing you need to know, is that no one here can remember anything but their names. It's quite weird actually but, what's even weirder is that I'm not the same as everyone. I do kind of remember a few things from my life before the maze, but not really. As said before, I have a strong connection with Newt, but this is because of a specific reason. The first time I met him, I was completely shocked. I knew him from somewhere but I couldn't remember from where. It's like it wasn't the first time I saw him. The other weird thing I remember is the guy I was in love with before entering the maze. I don't remember his name, nor what he looks like, but I do remember how I felt around him, how it felt to have our hands intertwined, and the way he used to kiss me. This haunts me everyday. For some reason, I feel as if the people who put us here did this to me for a reason. Why would they make me remember all of the moments I had with him, but not allow me to remember who he is? The only person who knows about this is Alby. After almost being here for 3 years, I still haven't found out who this guy is, nor where I know Newt from, but I do plan on figuring it out, especially when we get out of here.
- "Y/N?" Chuck says pulling me out of my thoughts.
- "Uh yeah?"
- "You want to head back before it gets too dark?"
I nod and we head back to the glade. I see most of the guys around Fry's table waiting for dinner. Chuck and I head towards them and the guys great us. Just like every month, everyone is filled with excitement, ready to see who the new greenie is. For me, I feel the complete opposite. I am always scared to see who comes up, and especially, terrified to see if it will be the guy I used to love.

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