Chapter 11 - Figuring out the maze

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I wake up around the same time as Minho. I get out of my hammock and walk away, quietly, in order to not wake up the other boys.
- "Ready to get the greenie?" Asks Minho.
- "Let's go."
We walk in direction of the pit.
- "You think he's going to do ok?" I ask.
- "I guess we'll see."
We get to the pit and we both squat down. Thomas gets up.
- "Big day greenie! You sure you don't want to sit this one out?" Asks Minho.
- "Come on, get me out of here." Says Thomas.
Minho unties the knot and opens the door. Thomas steps out.
- "Lets go."
We walk towards the secret runner place to get our backpacks. Minho is in front.
- "Good morning." Says Thomas, leaning in.
- "Morning." I look at him. "Ready for your big day?"
He chuckles.
- "I was born ready."
- "You wish."
We walk in the house and we all grab our backpacks. I don't know why, but I feel nervous that Thomas is coming with us.
- "Y/n?" Asks Minho. "You sure it's a good idea for you to put a backpack on?"
- "Uh...yeah."
I try to put it on, but it's not working too well.
- "Give me the stuff you need, I'll put it in mine." Says Thomas.
- "Thanks."
I take out a few things and hand them to him. Minho looks at me and smirks.
- "Alright greenie," Says Minho, "normally, we break in the new recruits slow, a chance to get their feet wet. But because you're pretty much already soaked, we were thinking we would just dive right in. If that's alright with you."
- "Hell yeah." Answer's Thomas.
- "Good! I like your enthusiasm, but don't get sloppy."
I lean over the map.
- "Listen up." I say. "We are going to take this route," I point to it, "through the narrows until we reach section 4 all the way to section 7. Its a long way. If we're gonna make it to the outer ring and back, we got to keep moving, unless you want to repeat last nights events."
- "We don't want that." Says Minho.
We go outside and Thomas follows us. He leaves the door open.
- "What are you doing?" Asks Minho. "Close the door."
Thomas looks at the both of us, not knowing what to do.
- "Close the door." I say.
He turns around and closes it.
- "Come on." Says Minho.
We start walking in the woods, towards the entrance of the maze.
- "Alright greenie," Says Minho, "you may think you know the maze, but the narrows are only half of it. We don't care how many grievers you've killed. The outer section, will spit you out before you even realize you stepped wrong."
- "So," I continue, "be alert. Follow our lead. And don't forget the number one rule," I stop walking, "never stop running."
I look at Thomas dead in the eyes. He needs to be aware what he is putting himself into.
- "Good look for you." Teresa says out of the blue.
Thomas walks to her. They are whispering so I can't quite hear their conversation, which makes me jealous in some way.
- "Stop being so jealous." Says Minho in my ear.
- "What?"
He giggles.
- "You two need a minute?" He says to them.
They turn around to us. Minho and I walk to them.
- "Let's go! We're already burning daylight." Says Minho.
Thomas follows us. We walk in total silence at the entrance of the door. I look up at the sky and every cell in my body is hoping that we will make it back in time today. I look at Thomas and he seems a bit nervous. We get at the entrance and the doors slowly open up. Minho and I both look at Thomas and smile.
- "Let's go!" Says Minho.
He starts sprinting and I follow him. I run right next to him and Thomas is right behind us. We're running in the narrows.
- "This way." Says Minho.
We take a turn.
- "Come on! Not much further till the inner ring." I say.
We turn to the left and finally enter the inner ring. As planned, we reach section 4. We will run until section 7. I notice Thomas looking around, shocked. I don't know what he's thinking, but I do have a feeling he is extremely excited. We finally get to section 7 and enter. That's's not supposed to be open. We slow down. Minho looks at me worried.
- "It's strange." I say.
- "What?" Asks Thomas.
- "7 is not supposed to be open for another week." Says Minho.
We get to the outer section where the blades are and I see Thomas's surprised look. I had that same look on my face the first time Minho and I discovered this place.
- "What the hell is this place?"
- "We call them blades." Answers Minho.
We walk and I see a red shirt on the ground. I bend down and grab it. The guys bend down too.
- "It's Ben's," Says Thomas, "isn't it?"
I look at Minho and take a breath.
- "Yeah."
I put the shirt down and get up.
- "A griever must of killed him down here."
Suddenly, a weird noise happens. It starts beeping. Thomas swings Minho around and grabs the metal object. We all stare at it. Thomas starts walking, listening to the sound. It's showing us the way.
- "I think it's showing us the way." Says Thomas.
I smile, knowing I had just thought of that a second before. I walk, following Thomas who is listening to the beeping. He stops.
- "Wait." He says.
- "What what what?" Asks Minho.
- "This way."
He turns to the left. The beeping intensifies and we see this alleyway in front of us. I've never seen this palace before. We walk in. I look at Minho. How could we have missed this?
- "Guys. You've ever seen this place before?"
- "No." We both answer at the same time.
I look around in awe of what I'm seeing. We get at the end of the hallway, where there is a wall.
- "Agh." Says Minho. "It's just another dead end."
He kicks his leg on the wall.
The beeping intensifies itself even more and suddenly stops. The brick wall starts going up. The guys and I look at each other. Other doors behind it also open up. This weird circle thing at the end opens up too.
- "You guys sure about this?" Minho asks.
- "Nope." We both answer.
Walk to the circle thing and Minho places his hand on it. He lifts it back up and there's some slimy stuff on his hand.
- "Grievers." He says.
This red light starts beeping and this weird thing happens. It's as if the thing scanned us. A bell is ringed.
- "The hell was that." Says Minho.
An alarm goes off, which makes us all jump by surprise. The same sound the doors made when they open up, happens again.
- "We got to get out of here." I say.
We slowly start running.
- "Give me the key. Give me the key!" Says Minho.
Thomas throws it to him and Minho places it in his backpack. We sprint as quickly as possible. We finally see the blades again and slow down. I notice the blades are closing.
- "We got to to. Run guys! We're going to get trapped!" I yell.
We run as quickly as possible trying to dodge the blades closing. It is the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. I closely follow Minho and we both get on the outer side, but Thomas is still trapped. We are running besides him.
- "Guys!!!!!" He yells.
I notice the panic in his voice and my heart tightens.
- "Come on Thomas! Let's go let's go!" Minho yells back.
I pull my hand out to the side.
- "Come on Thomas! Grab my hand!"
Thomas brings up his pace and throws himself on the other side and grabs my hand. I pull him in.
- "Thanks."
- "Keep going! Keep going! Let's go!" Yells Minho.
We continue on running but suddenly stop. The ground starts shaking and breaking. Some pieces start lifting and this huge door slowly starts falling.
- "OH MY GOD!!" I yell.
We run to the right and barely avoid it. When it hits the ground it creates a big boom and the ground starts breaking. I turn around and see everything going to shit.
- "Come on! Don't look back!" Screams Minho.
I pick up the pace and so does Thomas. We continue on running and the only way out is slowing closing. We jump up and the wall above us is getting smaller and smaller.
- "Shit, shit, shit." I say crawling.
I finally reach the other side and fall on the ground. Minho is on my left and Thomas on my right. We are all on our backs looking at the wall closing. I let out a breath and put my head on the ground.
- "That," I say, "was insane." 
We slowly get back up. I hear the sound of the maze changing. I look at Minho. I quickly get up and walk as fast as possible. I look to my right and stand there completely frozen. I can see the glade. The guys come up to me and look. We all smile.
- "Is that what I think it is?" Asks Thomas.
- "It's the glade." Says Minho.
I turn my head to face the other way and I can see the glade on that side too. The guys turn around too.
- "I think we just solved the maze." I say smiling.
- "Come on." Minho says, starting to run.
We enter back into the glade, where a bunch of guys are waiting for us.

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