Chapter 15 - Escaping

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Minho hits my shoulder signaling for us to leave. I turn around and wait until everyone goes in front of me. I turn back around to look at the glade for the last time. Even though I want to leave, i have a feeling I will miss this place. The group left so I run towards them. I stay in the back in order for no one to get lost, but also, in some way, to avoid Thomas. I get to see everyone's reactions which is incredible. Most of them have never been in here.
- "Everybody, this way!" I hear Thomas scream.
We're still running in the narrows when Minho comes next to me.
- "Aren't you supposed to be with Thomas at the front?" I ask him.
- "Nope. So now I guess you have to go up there." He says, winking at me.
- "You can't be for real."
- "Go. Or I'm gonna grab you and put you up there myself."
I roll my eyes and make my way to the front of the group. We are now in the inner ring, next to section 3. Thomas turns around and sees me right behind him. He slows down a bit to get to my level.
- "Keep it up guys! We're almost there." He screams to the group.
He gets a little closer to me.
- "You alright?" He says.
- "Yeah." I say, a bit rudely.
- "You sure?"
- "Can we just talk later?" I ask.
He seems shocked by my tone, but nods agreeing. We finally reach the open section of today and run in the blades. We get to the area that we discovered. Thomas stops and signals everyone to do so. He looks into the alleyway.
- "Is it a griever?" Asks Chuck.
- "Yeah." He answers.
- "Shit."
- "Hey language kid." I say.
He playfully punches me in the arm and we both giggle.
- "You take this Chuck. Stay behind us." Says Minho handing him the key.
Thomas puts his hand on Chuck's shoulder, because he's panting. Chuck is still a child and gong through something like this at such a young age is inspiring. I could never.
- "It's ok. Just stick with me." Says Teresa.
- "Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open." Says Thomas. "We stay close, we stick together and we get through this. We get out now or we die trying."
Thomas looks straight into my eyes.
- "Be careful." He says to me.
I look at him not knowing what to say. Why did he only tell me to be careful?
- "Ready?" He says.
Everyone nods and get their weapons ready. I put my sword in my bag and tighten the stick that's in my left hand. Minho takes his sword out of his bag and mouths to me 'we got this'.
- "Alright." He takes a breath. "LETS GO!"
Thomas starts running in the alleyway and we all follow. We're on a platform. I try not to show it, but I'm panicking on the inside, terrified of losing my friends. The griever turns to us and charges. We all hit him with our weapons and it goes behind us. It starts hitting at us from behind.
- "Look out!" Screams Newt.
The griever hits us, but we all dodge it.
- "PUSH IT!!!" Screams Thomas.
We charge towards it but it doesn't work. It swings its tail above our heads.
- "Look out!" I scream.
It grabs someone and throws him off the edge. It charges again and Teresa hits it with all of her force. That's my girl. I turn around and see that Chuck dropped the key.
- "The key!" He yells.
- "Shit." I say.
He runs towards it.
- "Chuck!" Teresa and I both scream.
- "Watch the edge!" She says.
We both start to run to follow Chuck. The key is about to fall of the edge when Chuck grabs it. He's leaning over the edge. Teresa and I grab him.
- "We got you Chuck." I say.
- "Pull me up!"
I look down and see a griever. I turn to the right and see the guys pushing off the other griever over the edge. We pull Chuck back up onto the platform. We take a step back because the griever next to us gets on the platform. I turn to my left and see another one.
- "Come on!" I say to Chuck and Teresa.
We start running to get to the group.
- "THOMAS! THOMAS!" We all yell.
- "Guys?" I hear him say.
They turn around to us and all of their faces drop. We get to the guys and they all start hitting the grievers.
- "Keep it steady guys!" Says Minho.
Teresa, Chuck and I get to the wall and it opens up.
- "It worked!" Says Chuck.
- "Guys! Come on!" I say to the group.
- "Go!" Thomas says to us.
I look at Teresa and Chuck and we run through the doors to get to the circle thing. It opens up and we enter. The guys are slowly backing up. We get to the end of the circle thing and there's no way out.
- "AGH! THERES GOTTA BE A WAY OUT!" Screams Teresa.
I turn back around and see that the guys are struggling.
- "I'll be back!" I yell.
- "Y/N!" Screams Chuck.
I run towards them and and charge with my stick. A guy is thrown off the edge.
- "Going to the beach. Seriously? What the hell Newt." I say.
- "OH SHUT UP." He says back to me.
- "Thomas!" Teresa screams. "There's a code! 8 numbers."
- "Eight sections of the maze." Thomas and I say.
- "Minho! Y/N! What's the sequence?" Thomas asks?
- "What?" Says Minho.
- "SEVEN!" I say.
Minho looks at me confused.
- "The sections of the maze, whats the sequence?" Thomas says.
Minho's face lights up.
- "SEVEN! ONE! FIVE! TWO! SIX! FOUR!" We both say.
We stop trying to hit the griever in front of us.
- "Keep going!" Screams Thomas.
- "Heads UP!!!" Yells Newt.
I look up and see a griever coming down. It falls on Minho and I.
- "MINHO! Y/N!" Everyone yells.
- "AAAAAAH!" We both yell.
The other grievers come closer as well. I try to fight them off as much as possible, but it's literally impossible, especially because of my arm. Minho and I look at each other and there are tears strolling down our faces.
- "GET OFF OF US!" Says Minho.
Jeff charges in and the grievers gets off, freeing Minho and I. We both back up. Jeff gets stabbed.
- "JEFF!!!!!" Winston yells in pain.
Fry grabs Winston and backs him up. I look at the grievers taking Jeff away and I stop breathing, remembering the moments I had with him. He saved Minho and I's life.
We all slowly back up in the circle thing.
- "SIX. FOUR. EIGHT. THREE. YOU GOT IT?" We both say.
- "Keep holding!" Thomas says.
Newt's stick breaks and he falls back.
- "Newt!" I say.
- "Almost there. Come on!" Says Thomas.
- "The door opened!" Says Chuck.
Suddenly the other doors close and the grievers get squished. I smile. The circle thing closes and we all fall and scream. There is this other door behind us. I look at everyone confused. Teresa opens it and walks out.

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