Chapter 14 - Sundown

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I start packing my stuff in order to be ready for sundown. We're leaving the maze for ever today and who knows what's waiting for us out there. I grab a few weapons and some food and place them in my bag. I cant make it too heavy because my arm is still in the cast. While packing, all I can think about is Thomas. I don't understand how it's possible he doesn't remember...but if he does, why did he lie to me? It's almost sundown when I realize I forgot my favorite pocket knife. It's still in the runner secret pit. I walk into the forest, go into the pit, grab my knife and leave. As I'm walking back, someone grabs my arm and shoves me into a tree.
- "What the hell?!" I scream.
I look up and see Newt and Minho. I shove off Newt's arms.
- "What do you guys think you're doing?" I say.
- "What is the matter with you?" Asks Newt.
- "I don't know what you're talking about." I say, lying.
- "Dont lie to us. First, you act the way you acted last night, and then today, you've been rude and distant ever since Thomas told us the truth." Says Minho. "What are you hiding from us."
- "I'm not hiding anything!" I say. "Jeez, come on we have to go, sundown is soon."
I am about to leave but Newt shoves me back into the tree.
- "Y/n dont you dare try to lie to me. I know you're hiding something." Says Newt, angrily. "I'm your twin after all and I know you better than anyone else here, but even Minho knows that you're hiding something."
- "We aren't leaving here until you tell us and if you take your time then you will ruin the plan. So start talking." Says Minho.
- "And don't even try to lie, cause I'll know."
I've never seen them this angry before, and honestly, it is making me angry.
- "Yeah well your little lie detector test on me doesn't completely work." I say, out of anger.
Newt takes a step back.
- "What is that supposed to mean?" Says Newt.
I try to speak but nothing comes out. I know I should tell them, but I don't know how they would react. Thomas is their friend after all...and I have been lying to them for years.
- "I...I..." I take a deep breath. "I've been lying to all of you. Since the beginning."
- "What?" They both say at the same time.
- "I've been lying to all of you except for Alby. I did remember something from before the glade when I came up..."
They both look at me confused and shocked at the same time.
- "I remembered someone, but not really. I remembered the guy I was in love with from before the glade. I couldn't remember his name, nor what he looked like. But, I remember how I felt around him, how I felt in his arms, holding his hands...and...the way he kissed me."
- "Thomas..." Says Newt.
I look on the ground.
- " first when I saw him in the glade I didn't think much of it. I thought he was good looking but I mean he was just a regular glader, but every time I was around him, I felt good. I realized it was him when we got stuck in the maze during the night." I turn to face Minho. "Do you remember when Thomas had just killed the griever and he bumped into me?"
He nods.
- "Yeah...well when he did and our hands touched, all of the memories of us flooded my head. That's when I realized it was him. I don't know if you remember this Minho, but I was frozen and not saying anything."
- "That was because of that?" He asks.
I nod.
- "The reason why I acted that way last night, is because of my fear to lose him again. For three years, I felt empty without him. I would never forgive myself if something happened to him, and today..." I start to cry. "Today...when I asked him if he remembered anything else and he said no, my heart shattered in a thousand pieces. He doesn't remember us. He remembers everything from before the glade...but us..."
Newt hugs me tightly and I completely break down in his arms. I am lucky to have him.
- "Hey it's alright." Says Newt.
I let go. Minho puts a hand on my shoulders.
- "I think he's lying to you." Says Minho.
- "What?"
- "I see the way he looks at you, and I bet that the reason why he didn't tell you is because he's scared of what you might say. In his mind you can't remember anything from before the glade."
- "He's right y/n." Says Newt.
I look at them not knowing what to say.
- "We should leave. It's getting late." I say, wanting to change the subject.
I start walking away and head to my hammock. I grab my bag and go at the entrance of the maze, where two poles are placed up. I am very confused on why there are poles. A few other boys join. I turn around and see two guys holding Thomas and one holding Teresa. Thomas is looking down, pretending to be sick. They finally get to the entrance next to the poles and the two guys let Thomas go. He falls right onto his face.
- "Hey!" I yell.
They look at me and then at Gally. Gally walks up to Thomas.
- "This is such a waste." Says Gally.
- "Gally!" Says Winston. "It doesn't feel right man."
I smile.
- "Yeah, what if Thomas is right?" Asks Jeff. "Maybe he can lead us home."
Every inch of my body is happy. This is exactly the action we need for our plan to work.
- "We are home." Says Gally. "Ok? I don't wanna have to cross any more names off that wall."
- "You really think banishing us is gonna solve anything?" Says Teresa.
- "No." Says Gally.
I roll my eyes. Typical Gally response.
- "But this isn't a banishing. It's an offering."
- "I'm sorry what?!" I yell, completely forgetting about the plan.
- "You shut up or you're going with them." He yells back to me.
I take a step back.
- "What? Wait! Gally what are you doing?" Says Teresa.
The guy attaches her onto the pole. My heart is racing.
- "You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the maze after what he has done? Look around you! Look at our glade! This is the only way."
I look at Newt and Minho and we all nod to each other.
- "And when the grievers get what they came here for everything goes back to the way it was." Says Gally.
I turn around and see Chuck in the background, with all of our stuff.
- "Are you listening to this?" Says Teresa. "Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy!"
- "You shut up."
- "If you stay here, the grievers are going to come back. They're gonna come back and they're gonna keep coming back until you're all dead."
- "Shut up!" He turns to the two guys who brought Thomas. "Tie him up!"
The two guys stand there put.
- "Did you hear me? I said tie him up!"
The two guys bend down and grab Thomas. Thomas elbows one of them in the stomach and grabs his stick. He hits him in the face. Minho, Newt, Fry and I grab our swords. Newt and I shove the guys who tie them up. Minho puts his sword on Gally's and Fry cuts Teresa free. I grab a stick and go next to Thomas. Chuck runs towards us. Minho walks around Gally still pointing his sword to him and comes next to us. Teresa, Thomas, Newt, Fry, Chuck, Minho and I are facing the group, weapons in our hands.
- "You're full of surprises aren't you?" Says Gally.
- "You don't have to come with us, but we're leaving." Says Thomas.
- "Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance." I say.
- "Don't listen to them, they are just trying to scare you." Says Gally.
- "No. I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared." He takes a breath and looks at me. "I'm scared." He looks back at the group. "But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here."
I see Winston looking around. He's debating I can tell.
- "We don't belong here. This place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least out there we have a choice." Thomas takes a pause. "We can make it out of here. I know that."
Winston walks towards us. Jeff looks at him and follows.
- "I'm sorry." Says Jeff to Gally before walking next to me.
A few other boys follow and they gather behind us.
- "Gally, it's over." Says Thomas. "Just come with us."
- "Good luck against the grievers." Says Gally.

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