Chapter 6 - Survival

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- "What?" Thomas says.
Minho falls on the ground. I walk towards Thomas.
- "What the hell were you thinking?!" I yell at him. "Do you know what the fuck you've just done?!"
- "What happened to your arm?" He gets up.
- "I asked you a question first." I stare at him dead in the eyes.
I am beyond angry towards Thomas. Not only are we stuck in the maze for the night, he also decided to join us. Now we have an even lesser chance of survival.
- "Y/n." Minho says.
- "What?" I say rudely while turning around to him.
He looks at me signaling to calm myself down. Thomas walks towards Alby and squats. He looks at Alby's forehead.
- "What happened to him?" Thomas asks.
- "What does it look like?" Minho answers, panting. "He got stung."
I look at Minho terrified.
- "What happened to his head?"
- "I did what I had to do." Minho answer while looking at me. "To protect her."
Thomas turns around and looks at me. I am jump, when I hear a noise from the grievers. The three of us look up. Minho slowly gets up and we walk away from Alby and Thomas. I hate doing this, but we need to leave Alby behind.
- "Alright help me get him up." Thomas says.
Minho and I look at him confused.
- "We got to go." Minho answers. "The maze is already changing."
- "Hey guys! We cant just leave him here."
Minho and I look at each other not knowing what to say. We both know that if we help Alby the chances of us actually surviving are even smaller than they are now. Minho turns around to look at Alby on the ground. He then looks at me.
- "Help me get him up." Minho says.
He walks up to Thomas and Alby. I follow him.
- "Not you." Minho says.
- "What?" I answer.
- "You're not helping." He points to my arm.
The guys lift Alby up and puts Alby's arms around them. They also grabs his legs. He is kind of in a sitting position.
- "Guys please. Let me help." I ask.
- "Absolutely not." Minho says.
Both of them seem to struggle and I hate myself for not being able to help them. They start walking and I go in front of them. We walk for some time until both of them are too tired.
- "Sit him down." Minho says.
Both Thomas and Minho are breathing very loudly. They put him down against a wall. I hear another sound from a griever, and this time it is much closer. Minho and I look at each other in total panic.
- "This isn't going to work." Minho says. "We gotta go."
I nod, agreeing to what Minho said. I love Alby more than anything, but, this is a life or death situation, even though we are already dead.
- "Thomas." I say. "We gotta go now."
- "Wait. Wait, wait wait. What are you guys talking about?" Thomas asks.
I look at him, thinking he is a complete idiot.
- "We gotta do something. We gotta hide him." Thomas continues.
- "Where?" Minho asks.
- "I don't know. Minho just think. Or y/n....You guys are telling me there is not a single place we can take him?"
I scoff. He really doesn't know what he just put himself into. Minho yells and shoves Thomas into the wall.
- "Listen to me chug face. Take a look around. There's no where to go."
Minho lets him go and looks at me. He takes a step back and goes next to me. Thomas grabs his chest and gets up.
- "You don't get it." Minho says. "We're already dead."
My heart tightens when I hear him say this, because I know it's the truth. Thomas looks behind Minho and walks past us. He looks at the ropes of leaves dangling on the wall.
- "No. Thomas. Absolutely not." I say.
Minho looks at me confused and Thomas turns around.
- "What other solution do you have uh?" Thomas says.
- "It's too dangerous."
- "Can someone please tell me what's the idea?" Minho asks.
- "To attach Alby up there." Thomas and I say at the exact same time, pointing at the top of the wall.
- "Y/n? How did you know Thomas was thinking on doing that?"
- "Because." I sarcastically smile. "If I were new to the maze, stupid and did not know the dangers of being stuck in here during the night, that's the first thing I would think of doing, instead of leaving Alby behind."
Minho takes a breath.
- "Let's do it." Minho says.
- "Excuse me?" I say.
- "Look." He says. "If you would of thought of doing it, then it it must me a good idea."
I never would of thought Minho would agree to this. I turn around and grab a few ropes. The guys get Alby. I look at Minho not knowing what to think. We attach the rope to Alby and they pull to bring Alby up. I look around nervously, hoping I won't see a griever. The sun sets down and it is now night.
- "Guys are you almost done?" I ask.
They continue on pulling.
- "Does it look like we're done?" Says Minho.
I hear a noise from afar.
- "Guys..." I say.
I walk away from them and look in the alley to the left of us. I see a griever. It is the first time I see one, and honestly I didn't know what to expect, but it is definitely scarier that I thought it would be.
- "Guys." I say panting. "Minho. Thomas. We got to go. Now!!"
Minho looks in my direction and sees the griever.
- "No. No. No, no. Just a little bit more." Thomas says.
Minho looks at me and then at the griever. I am completely frozen.
- "Stay with me Minho." Thomas says.
- "Guys...seriously..." I say.
- "I'm sorry Thomas."
Minho lets go of the rope and hits my chest, signaling that we must leave.
- "We got to go."
I nod and follow Minho.
- "Thomas!" I turn back around to face him while running. "Come on!"
Minho and I run away as fast as possible, not looking back.
- "Minho!" I slow down.
- "Y/n. Come on. We gotta go!"
He grabs my arm, trying to bring me with him.
- "We have to go back for him."
We hear the griever again and it seems close. We run as quickly as possible.
- "Please Minho!" I yell while running. "We have to find Thomas."
As I finish saying this, I hear a scream. I stop, and so does Minho.
- "Did you hear that?" I say.
- "Come on. This way."
I follow him and we hear another scream from Thomas. We turn the corner and out of nowhere Minho bumps into Thomas. They both yell out of joy.
- "You crazy son of a bitch." Minho says.
I instantly smile when I see Thomas alive. We all look at the griever. It is stuck in some ropes.
- "Come on. Come on." I say while starting to run.
They both follow me. I hear the noise of the maze changing.
- "It's changing." Minho says. "It's changing! Come on, come on, come on."
We all sprint as quickly as possible.
- "This one is closing!" I yell.
We turn to the right and Minho and I run as quickly as possible. Once on the other side I turn back around, and notice Thomas did not follow us.
- "Thomas!" I scream. "What the hell are you doing?!"
- "Thomas!" Minho yells.
Thomas looks at us and then looks away. I hear the griever coming closer.
- "What are you waiting for?!" I scream.
- "Get over here!" Minho screams.
The griever screams.
- "Come on." Thomas says.
For a brief second, I stop breathing. I know exactly what Thomas is thinking on doing. He then starts running as fast as possible and the griever is behind him coming at full speed.
- "Come on Thomas!" Minho yells. "Don't look back!"
- "Come on Thomas! You got this!" I yell, terrified.
- "RUUUUUUUUUN!!!" Minho and I both yell at the top of our lungs.
Thomas is running as fast as possible and the door is closing quickly. Minho and I continue on screaming at the top of our lungs. I don't know what to think. It is either he dies from being squished or being killed by the griever.
The door closes and Thomas completely bumps into me. The world suddenly stops when he touches me. My hand touches his hand, and I look into his eyes. It's him. I faintly hear Minho screaming of joy and briefly see them hugging each other. I don't really pay attention, because my mind is replaying all of the previous moments I had with Thomas. From when we were kids, to right before entering the maze. Thomas was the boy I was looking for. The boy who I had fallen in love with. Memories of us start flowing in my head. I don't know how long I stood still for.
- "Y/n?" I briefly hear.
I see the image of Thomas and I kissing and giggling.
- "Y/N?!" Minho yells, pulling me out of my thoughts.
- "What?" I say, shocked and confused.
I look at Thomas not knowing what to say.
- "He made it!" Minho jumps in my arms and hugs me tightly. "We made it."
He pulls away and smiles. I awkwardly smile. I look at Thomas and walk towards him. I push him in his chest.
- "Why the hell did you do that?" I scream. "What were you thinking?!" I push in the chest. "You could of gotten yourself killed!" I push him again. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"
I keep on pushing him in the chest, and eventually, completely break into tears. I fall onto the ground, my head between my knees. Normally, I would of been worried, but also very excited of the situation that just happened, but because I now know who Thomas really is, I feel angry and scared. I cannot lose him again. I am still in a ball crying, when Thomas squats next to me.
- "Hey." He gently says. "Hey. Im ok. Im alive." He puts his hands on my arm.
I do not answer.
- "Y/n...hey. I'm alive. I'm ok"
I gently look back up at him. He wipes the tears off my face and we stare into each other's eyes. The world around us stops. I feel safe and happy again.
- "Ok lovebirds that's enough." Minho says.
Thomas and I look away from each other awkwardly. Minho helps me get back up and I hug him tightly.
- "I cant believe we survived a night in the maze." I tell him.
- "We made history." He jokes.
We pull away from each other giggling.
- "Thomas." I say.
He looks at me.
- "What happened to Alby?"
- "Last I saw him, he was fine." He says.
I look at Minho and we both smile. I know we are thinking the same thing. Thomas needs to become a runner.
- "Come one guys." Minho says. "He's this way."
We all happily start walking.
- "How's the arm doing?" Thomas asks.
I look down to look at it. It seems pretty purple.
- "I wish I could say good, because I don't quite feel anything, but when looking at it, it definitely is not good."
The sun starts to rise. We walk for a few minutes. I keep on replaying the memories of Thomas and I in my head. When I first saw him the day he came up, I knew there was something about him, but I never thought it would be him. But it all makes sense now; how similar we are. We've always been the same. Curious, adventurous, "ballsy". We finally find the wall where Alby is hanging.
- "Nice work." Minho says smiling.
Thomas gets on the ground.
- "Can you help?" He asks Minho.
- "Yeah. Of course."
Minho also gets on the ground. Thomas unties the knot he made and they both grab the rope. They get back up and start pulling Alby down. Once he is back on the ground, the sun is completely up. We untie him.
- "Come on. The doors are about to open." I say.
They grab Alby, the same way they did during the night, and we slowly make our way towards the door. We are almost at the entrance, when I hear the doors open. We finally turn the corner and I can see the guys from afar. I see Chuck and Zart looking at us, while the others are walking away.
- "No way." Zart says.
The rest of the guys turn around. I break into tears, full of joy. I sprint towards them.
- "Newt!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.
- "Y/N!!" He yells back.
- "YES!! YEAH!" Chuck screams.
I hug Newt tightly.
- "I thought I would never see you again." He tells me.
I pull back and wipe the tears of his face.
- "What happened to your arm?" He asks.
- "I'll tell you later."
I turn back around to face Minho, Thomas and Alby. They put Alby on the ground and both Thomas and Minho are on their knees. Everyone is talking on top of each other asking us questions. I kneel down next to Thomas and Minho.
- "You saw a griever?" Chuck asks.
- "Yeah I saw one." Thomas says.
Minho and I look at each other.
- "He didn't just see it." Minho says.
- "He killed it." I continue.
All the guys remain quiet and look at Thomas in shock.

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