Chapter 5 - Saving Alby

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I wake up earlier than usual because I went to bed very early last night. I am quite hungry so I decide to grab my backpack and head to Fry's kitchen to get something to eat. I take a few snacks and place them in my backpack. I also grab an apple and eat it on the way to the entrance of the maze. I sit on the ground because I know Minho won't be getting up for still a couple of minutes. I sit facing the closed doors of the maze and I think about the conversation I had with Alby yesterday. Every cell in my body is hoping he won't come. I hear a couple people talking so I get up and turn around. It is Newt, Alby and Minho.
- "No. No. Absolutely not." I say.
- "Good morning to you too." Newt says sarcastically.
- "Already that I don't want Alby going in there, there is no way Newt is coming too." I stare at Minho right into his eyes.
- "Oh no. I'm not going in there." Newt says.
- "What?"
- "We wanted to talk in private. The four of us." Alby says.
I look at the guys confused.
- "After what happened to Ben yesterday, we need to make sure that everyone in the glade is safe. Yes, we are putting ourselves at risk today by going in there, but it's important that everyone here remains healthy. No one can know though that we are thinking there might be a problem, which is why we wanted to talk over here." Alby says.
- "Were going to retake every step we took yesterday and try to see where in the maze this could of happened. We're going to see what we could do in order to prevent more people of being stung." Minho adds.
- "As of me." Newt says. "I'm going to stay here and make sure everyone continues on doing their thing and keep the air peaceful and calm."
I nod.
- "And I imagine I'm going in with you guys?" I ask.
- "Yes." Minho says. "I need you there with me, like I always do."
I smile. The doors slowly start to open and I take a deep breath. Newt shakes Alby's and Minho's hands and wishes us good luck. I am about to leave, but then turn around to hug Newt.
- "I'll see you later." I say.
- "Be safe please."
I nod, stare at him for a couple of seconds, and turn back around. I sprint as fast as I can to catch up to Alby and Minho. I finally catch up to them and I am stressing very much. Not only do I not like the idea of re-tracing our steps from yesterday, I definitely do not like the idea of Alby coming with us. I know Alby knows more the maze and the glade than anyone since he was the first one that came in here, but he is not a runner. Minho and I, we do this everyday, but not Alby. We finally slow down and we start to look around.
- "You guys really think we're going to find something?" I ask.
- "Honestly, I don't know, but definitely something happened." Alby says.
I hear a sound from the sky and I look up. It seems as if it's about to rain. Minho walks in front of Alby and I.
- "Y/n." Alby whispers.
- "Yeah?"
- "Did you...did you ever figure out yet who that guy is? The one that you were in love with before." He looks at Minho, hoping he didn't hear.
- "No." I sadly say. "I haven't yet."
Alby nods.
- "Keep me updated." He says.
- "I think we should split up." Minho says. "Y/n you go there." He points to the left. "Alby go this way." He points to the right. "And I'll go there." He points in front. "Let's all meet back here in a couple of minutes."
Alby and I nod. We all separate from one another and I look around. I don't really know what exactly we are looking for, but I have a feeling I will know it when I see it. I still look around and then realize I have been gone for quite some time. I turn around to head back to the guys and I see Alby.
- "Alby!" I say surprised. "I thought we were meeting back were we separated." He doesn't say a word. "Well...then. We should get back."
I take a few steps and I pass him. I turn around to face him.
- "Alby?"
He looks at with a weird look on his face. He runs up to me as fast as possible and shoves me. I bang into a wall and my arms cracks. I yell in pain and Alby is on top me.
- "MINHO!!!! HELP!!" I yell.
I try to fight off Alby as much as possible. He tries to bit me. He got stung.
- "MINHO!!"
Suddenly, I see Minho hitting Alby in the head. Alby falls onto the ground and is completely passed out.
- "You ok?" He says worried.
- "Yeah. I'm fine."
- "The both of you weren't back so I got worried."
He helps me up.
- "Oh my." He says.
His eyes are incredibly big and he is staring at my right arm. I look down and notice that my arm is completely dangling and is pointing in the wrong direction. I look up at Minho.
- "That's not normal." I say.
It starts to rain.
- "For fucks sakes. REALLY?!"
I grab a rock and throw it on the wall.
- "Hey!" Minho yells.
I kick the wall with my foot.
- "HEY!"
I jump, startled, and look at Minho. I don't know why I am so angry, but I have a feeling things will not end well today.
- "We have to go y/n. It's getting late and we need to bring him back before the doors close."
I look at Alby on the ground.
- "Should I get some help?" I ask.
- " No." He says.
I notice he is worried because the doors are about to close. There is not enough time for me to get some help.
- "Come on." I say. "Let's grab him together and I'll help you as much as I can."
He nods. He grabs Alby's chest and head and I grab his feet with my arm as much as I can. I slowly start to feel the pain. After only a few second of carrying Alby I drop him on the ground.
- "What the hell y/n. It's only been a few seconds."
- "Give me a minute."
I rip of my shirt and in a few seconds create something to help keep my arm in place.
- "Gally thought me how." I say. "In case something like this would happened."
We grab Alby again. I try very hard not to cry, because I know the doors are about to close soon, and it is still raining. I never realized how big the maze was until now. Alby slowly starts to wake up again. We put him back on the ground and Minho hits him again, which puts him right out.
- "Y/n. We need to hurry."
- "I know. I know."
We look at each other, terrified. We grab Alby again and no matter how hard we are trying we still can't walk quickly. I try as much as I can to not think about my arm, but it is quite impossible. It finally stops raining. I try to take as many breaths as I can trying to forget that we might be stuck in the maze for the night.
- "Come on. We got this! Almost there." Minho says.
Minho and I are almost at the entrance of the maze. We finally turn the corner and we see all of the boys waiting. They all scream telling us to be quicker. The doors are slowly closing. We won't make it I tell myself. Minho and I drop Alby on the ground, knowing there is no use in trying anymore. I look on the ground, avoiding eye contact with the guys, knowing I won't be seeing them again. I think of Newt and my heart shatters in a thousand pieces.
- "Congrats." Minho says. "You just killed yourself."
I look at Minho confused why he said that. I the look in front of me and see Thomas, panting, on the ground.

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