Chapter 2

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He follows after her to the kitchen.

"Noona, I got extra sauce too, the way you like it," he says and then he grimaces at the stupid statement as it comes out of his mouth.

She turns to him, studying him. He always seems so nervous around her and she finds it cute. She starts to dish out the food, knowing that all the containers will be shared between them and Hyun-woo will not make it home in time for dinner. They sit together at the counter and start to dig into the food, passing dishes between each other in a comfortable ritual.

"So what's going on today then?" she asks, chewing.

"I have to do an interview later, and probably choreo after." He takes a big bite.

"No, I don't mean that. Why did you need to come here today?" She stops eating and looks at him. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just, sometimes I miss home." He looks up at her, and they share a moment. He wonders if she knows he's lying, and that what he really wants to say is that he can only be away from her for so long before he needs to see her face again, and see her smile. His mind wanders as she stares back at him.

"Do you want a drink?" She interrupts his thoughts as she steps up to the refrigerator. He watches her, still in a bit of a trance. "Soju?" She holds up a bottle to him, tempting him with a sly smile, "Or should you not, since you have to do an interview?" she frowns.

He shakes his head, "No, no, I can." He smiles, relieved. "I don't have to say much anyway," he teases. She pours him a glass.

"Do you want to play a game with me?" she asks. It makes him swallow hard on the Soju, and cough a little, but he knows she means Nintendo.

"I'll watch you play." He wipes his mouth with a napkin and tosses it onto his bowl. He grabs his drink and follows her to the living room, stretching out on the couch.  As she turns on the game system, he stretches his arm across the back of the couch and he imagines what it would be like if she just sat down in his arm, and cuddled close to him. If he could stroke her hair, and kiss-

"You look lost in your own world." She interrupts his fantasy.

"Uh, no. Sorry," he stammers embarrassed. She sits down next to him, closer than he expected but not as close as he wants. Still, she's an arms distance from him. She turns to face him.

"It seems like there's something going on with you right now. It helps to have someone to talk to, someone who knows you and will be on your side." He hears her words but he can't stop thinking about how lovely she is, and how kind.

"Honestly Noona, I'm fine. I just want to sit and relax. I like being here." He smiles up at her, trying to convince her that everything is OK with his forced expression. She raises an eyebrow at him suspiciously. She leans closer to him and reaches up her hand, placing one finger on his temple as she taps his head.

"There's more going on in here. Maybe you'll trust me enough to share it one day." Her finger against his hot skin makes him jump a little. In all the months he lived there with them she only ever touched his hand twice, and he remembers absolutely everything about that touch.

"Maybe," he says, smiling at her. She turns the game on and starts to play. He lays back farther on the couch to watch, nursing his drink.

He watches her play, not bothering to provide commentary. It's almost hypnotic feeling her sitting close to him as her body bounces on the cushions, moving the controller rapidly, so determined as she moves through the game.

He refills his drink, pouring the last of the bottle into her glass and sits a little closer than he was previously. She doesn't seem to notice as she focuses hard on the screen. He knows he's playing a dangerous game, and one with no point because she lives with his brother, and he loves his brother, but, he still wants her. He sighs a little as he gulps the drink.

He sets his empty glass aside and settles in, letting his mind think back to the first Christmas together. Sitting across from her, awkward and blushing as he watched his brothers hand twist her long dark hair in his fingers. They had already decided to move to Seoul together for work, and he had already been accepted as a Trainee for BigHit and was making plans to move to Seoul himself. The idea that he would stay with them was both thrilling and terrifying because he knew he had to focus on his training, and she was definitely a distraction.

He actually felt a little relieved when he moved into the dorms and he hoped their relationship might change a little, grow up a little, with the distance and with his growth as a performer. He had a mini album out now, with songs he helped write. He'd performed live and even had adoring fans. Maybe she would see him less as a kid brother.

He honestly never thought of her as a sister. He couldn't imagine his brother ever settling down, even when he lived with the perfect girl, his eye was always wandering. He didn't much think he deserved to have a girl like Yumi but it made him feel ashamed to think it.

He doesn't realize that he's drifted off to sleep until he wakes, confused, unsure of how long he's been sat on the couch, and wondering what it is he hears coming from the kitchen. He looks around, not seeing her, the glow of the tv on the wall illuminates the room. He realizes it's her voice, arguing. He listens hard to try to identify what is going on and he realizes she's on the phone.

"You've been working late every night this week. How much more of this excuse do you expect me to believe?" Yumi says in a muffled angry voice.
She pauses while she lets Hyun-woo respond. "Not good enough. I'm going to bed. I have to be up early. Don't bother to wake me if you decide to come home." She grows quiet. He hears her moving some noisy things around in the kitchen before he recognizes footsteps coming towards the door. He drops his head back on the couch, pretending to still be asleep.

She steps in to the room and sits beside him. He keeps his eyes closed, his mind racing. He's never heard her say anything like this to his brother. He hears what sounds like sniffles and he thinks she might be crying. His brain is in a fog, unsure what to do. He doesn't want to embarrass her but he wants so much to comfort her, to stop her tears, to kiss them all away.

His phone rings loudly from the couch cushion next to him. He ignores it hoping it will stop. He listens intently as he hears her crying stop.

"Yoongi?" she whispers. He doesn't move, hoping the phone will be quiet and he can go back to figuring out what to do next. He feels her reach across his lap, her body so close to his, so warm, her long hair tickling the skin on his forearms raising a trail of bumps. He holds his breath as her hand rests on his leg, her other hand reaching between the cushions next to him. The feel of her hand on his thigh is excruciating and intoxicating at the same time. He stirs as she finds the ringing phone, just as it stops. His eyes pop open and stare at her, she looks up at him startled, freezing in place.

"Oh Yoongi, your phone was ringing." She looks at it. "Namjoon called." Suddenly, he remembers the interview.

"Oh shit! What time is it?" He takes the phone from her, seeing that it's 8:45. "I'm late." He darts up off of the couch. I have to go now, probably have to run all the way there." He straightens his clothing, hoping the jacket is covering his growing excitement from being that close to her.

"Do you want me to give you a ride home?" she offers. He smiles, knowing he would like nothing more. Well, almost nothing.

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