Chapter 11

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She carries her glass into the bedroom. He suddenly realizes what she has said and he chases after her. When he enters her bedroom, he sees all of the drawers open, and all of the clothes inside piled on the bed next to a large suitcase. He looks around the room confused. She has several boxes stacked in a corner.

"But Hyun-woo is at a hotel. There's no need for you to pack." He places his drink down on the dresser next to hers. She continues folding clothing and placing it into the suitcase. She shakes her head.

"I'm the one that's leaving. I'm packing what I need for now and I'll send for my other things later." She closes up a small cardboard box next to the bed and puts it on top of the others.

"Actually, I'm very glad you're here. I want you to have something," she says, leaning over into her suitcase.

"What is it?" He steps closer.

"I bought this for you for your birthday last month, but I didn't see you to give it to you." She pulls out a small box, and hands it to him. He takes the box, and opens it to see a ring with a large blue gemstone, and etchings on the side. He smiles at it. "I found it in a shop few months ago and it made me think of you." He lifts the heavy ring out of the box and puts it on his finger. "It's Lapis Lazuli, it's believed to offer 'good luck' or it can also mean 'love me'. She says as though those words won't send a shockwave through him. He fingers the stone, staring at it admiringly.

"Are we married now?" he teases, smiling up at her. She laughs. "I love it Noona, it's beautiful. It's so thoughtful, but then you were always so thoughtful to me." She smiles, pleased and turns back to her packing.

"Hand me that small drawer please." She points to a drawer behind him. He dutifully pulls it out and sees its full of her lacy, silky underwear. He carries the drawer to the bed, staring down at it, unable to look away. So many beautiful little delicate pairs, and the scent of the sachet in the drawer smells like lilacs.

She notices him staring at the clothing as he reluctantly puts the drawer down on the bed near her. One pair fall out onto the bed and he reaches to pick them up, his fingers running across the silky fabric. His mind racing with thoughts of holding something that had been that close to her body. He reaches his hand out to her, almost shaking, and won't look up at her. She takes the panties from his hand and stops packing as she stares at him.

"This isn't fair on you, I'm sorry," she says as though she can read his thoughts. "Come on, let's go finish our drinks in the living room. We can talk, not pack." She tries to smile at him as he looks up at her.

"I, I came over to see if I could help you, so if you want help packing, I can do it."

"Nah, let's get drunk instead." She grabs the glass and walks past him into the living room. He looks around at the mess of the bedroom and takes his glass, following her out.

He looks at her curiously, trying to figure out what is going through her mind. She's sat on the couch, on her knees, feet tucked under her body and she's putting her long straight hair up into a messy bun.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks.

"There is no more to say, it's done." She finishes the drink and hands the empty glass to him. "Fill me up please." He takes the glass to the kitchen, refilling it and his own, and returns to hand it to her as he sits down beside her.

"You must want to share something, it's ok if you want to say mean things about my brother, he's the one who screwed up," he says. She focuses on the glass in her hand, staring hard into it.

"I told him I got my promotion, and he told me to quit my job and he proposed. As though that excuses everything." She shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, I know you were working hard for the promotion. Is that why you fought? You didn't want to stop working?"

"Oh that isn't it. There was a time when I would have quit my job to be married to him. That part of me has been steadily chipped away by years of sorrow. Deep down, I thought I could be enough for him, I thought I was pretty enough, sexy enough, caring enough." She takes another drink from her glass, and returns to staring into it, searching for memories, or answers.

"Oh my God Noona, you are all of those things," he leans in. "You are the most perfect girl, he's a complete idiot to not see that."

"I agree!" she says looking at him. "You would never have treated me that way."

"No! I worship the ground you walk on," he says, forgetting himself. "I mean, I would, if you were mine," he says softly. She looks closely at him as he drops his eyes from hers, his skin flushing with embarrassment and the thrill of saying the words out loud to her. She takes a big drink, her eyes study him and she leans in closer.

"It's ok Yoongi, I know you've always had feelings for me." Her voice is low and serious. His eyes lock onto hers, fearful and unsure, but searching her reaction.

"It's more than feelings Noona- Yumi," he corrects himself, feeling his voice lower as he admits this truth.

She smiles at him, waiting just a moment before she leans in closer to him, her face hovering just beneath his. Her eyes looking deeply up into his own. He holds his breath unsure what will happen. She lifts her hand to slide over his neck, raising goosebumps on his skin as she pulls his head down close to her. He is frozen, unable to move, unable to breathe, his mind on fire with a mixture of fear and excitement.

She slowly lifts her face up towards his, very slowly touching her lips to his, softly and agonizingly gentle as he feels her plump bottom lip brush against his and he can feel her shallow breath against his cheek. His lips remain sealed shut, every muscle in his body tense and filling with heat at her touch. Her hand pulls his face closer still and he feels her tongue slide over his lips, pushing them apart and an electric charge runs through every nerve ending in his body as he feels the warmth of her tongue pressing firm against his. He may only be dreaming this, he has imagined it so many times but this feels so much more intense. He closes his eyes to sink in to her kiss.

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