Chapter 3

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She pulls the car out of the underground garage too quickly and the tires skid on the wet pavement. She looks up at the sky and the rain falling on the windshield.

"It's a good thing you didn't try to walk home," she says studying the clouds above in the dark sky.  He sits nervously next to her still thinking about the phone call he overheard. She drives in silence and he can tell her mind is a million miles away.

He sees her grip the steering wheel tightly. He wants to give her a chance to talk about what's going on. He wants to help her. He smirks realizing the irony of trying to figure out what's wrong with her, when a few hours earlier she was trying unsuccessfully to figure out what is really going on with him. But that's different, he just can't tell her, not now, not yet.

"What time will Hyun-woo be home?" he asks, opening up the chance to find out more about the phone call. She shakes her head.

"Depends what time the bar closes," she smirks almost to herself.

"I thought he was working?" he tries not to give away that he overhead the conversation.

"Oh he says that socializing is work." Her hands get more tense, squeezing hard on the leather of the wheel. "That probably depends on who you socialize with though."

"Why don't you go with him?"

"I have to be at work early, I'm up for a promotion and I have to watch my step. Not that I'm invited," she says with growing anger. She makes a turn towards the street and pulls up in front of his apartment building. She puts the gear in park but leaves the engine running. She sits for a moment maybe waiting for him to speak, or to get out. He can tell her mind isn't in the car with him right now.

"Thanks for the ride Noona, I'm sorry to trouble you." He pulls at the door handle and steps one foot out of the car when she reaches her hand over and touches his thigh, stopping him.

"Please Yoongi, you aren't any trouble. It's nice to have someone to spend the evening with." She smiles at him with puppy dog eyes as tears begin to appear. He is half out of the car and unsure what to do, what to say. She pulls her hand away innocently.

"Thank you, I'm sure everything will be OK, I'll check in with you tomorrow maybe." He smiles, trying to be friendly and gets out of the car, putting his jacket over his head to protect himself from the heavy rain.  She waits until he's inside the outer door before she pulls away.

The moment he gets on the elevator he thinks back to what he's heard. He's cheating. Again, he thinks. It's happened before, once that he knows about, and they almost broke up. This time, they might actually break up. His face grimaces as he thinks about not being able to see her again.

Then, some part of him thinks about what that might mean to him, if she wasn't seeing his brother, if she was just, single, and free to see who she liked, maybe, him. His eyes grow wide and he tries to shake off the idea, knowing it's ridiculous to hope for such a thing.

The elevator opens on their floor and he sees the door to their apartment open. Namjoon is standing in the doorway talking to someone he doesn't recognize. He walks quickly toward the pair.

"I'm sorry I'm late Namjoon, I was at my brothers." Namjoon nods knowing where he was, and indicates to the man in the doorway.

"This is Dong-wook, he's already finished interviewing everyone, but if you have a few minutes..." he looks at the man.

"I'm sorry I have another engagement. I need to catch my taxi," he says putting his things away into his messenger bag. Yoongi looks disappointed and a little embarrassed. The man notices. "But, if you want we can talk while I wait for it to arrive," he suggests. Yoongi looks over at Namjoon who nods once, telling him to do it.

"Uh sure, yes. I'll get the elevator." He steps back down the hall to push the button as Namjoon says goodbye, closing the door.

Dong-wook steps up beside Yoongi, making mental note of his appearance. Yoongi tries to ignore it.

"Your hair is wet, is it still raining?" he asks.

"Yes, but we can stand in the lobby to wait." They step into the elevator.

"Namjoon tells me you write a lot of the lyrics for the songs." He seems to start right in with interview questions, but he's saying them as though it's just friendly talk.

"We both write a lot." Yoongi tries to answer in a way that makes them both look good.

"Where do you find inspiration?" That's a question he's been asked before and it frankly sucks because who even knows where it comes from, he just prays it keeps coming.

"Life experiences mostly." A stock answer should do. They get off of the elevator in the lobby and step near the doors to wait for the car. Dong-wook isn't satisfied.

"It's a lot of male posturing, I mean, a lot of proving yourself to others and showing off confidence." Yoongi nods.

"Sure, that's part of it but it's not all that's on the album."

"Right, a song like 'Just One Day', " he references a song off the album they released earlier in the year.

"Yeah, I wrote it." He thinks back to his inspiration for that song, it was seeing her at Christmas at his parents. Staying in the same house. Four days of running into her coming out of the shower, her long hair wrapped in a towel, or seeing her sit comfortably with his parents talking, helping his mother cook.

"It's a beautiful song, makes me think of first love. Is it?" He looks at Yoongi who keeps his eyes staring out at the street. He smiles privately.

"Yeah, definitely. It's just that feeling of regret, of not being able to have what you want and someone else has it. But a song like that and also 'Like' it's written from like a teenagers perspective. It's frustration and first love. I wrote that one in 40 minutes," he says laughing at himself. That comment definitely draws Dong-wooks' attention. He's made a mental note of it.

"About the same girl?" Yoongi nods. "Does she know it's about her?" Yoongi grins a big gummy smile and laughs.

"Definitely not."

The taxi pulls up outside the front door as Dong-wook's phone chimes. "There's my taxi. It was nice to meet you Suga." He bows his head quickly as he pulls his collar up to brave the rain. "And who knows, maybe it will work out for you two in the end."

Yoongi watches him get into the waiting car and pull away leaving the street empty. The rain beads on the glass to the front entrance and he thinks again back to that time.

"Maybe it will," he says to himself.

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