Chapter 5

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He wakes late the next morning, having slept through the boys eating breakfast and crashing around the room to get ready for a photo shoot. He opens his eyes to see his phone nearly dead after spending all night unplugged. Plugging it in near his bed, he looks over his last message to her the night before, smiling. He wipes the sleep from his eyes, runs his fingers through his dark hair and takes a quick selfie. He sends it to her with a message:

'Soju at 8.'

He wonders if he shouldn't be texting this to his brother instead. What happened when they got home last night? Did they argue? Or was she asleep?  Did he even come home? He doesn't always. His phone vibrates and he raises it to see a message back.

'Don't send pics when I'm working, you'll make all the girls in the office jealous.'

His eyes grow wide, feeling the first flush of what might be a compliment, of sorts. He reasons, she wouldn't say that if it wasn't a good pic, or if she didn't understand how anyone could find him attractive.  His thoughts run away with him, tearing through his mind like a freight train, full steam ahead. He feels powerful in that single moments interaction. 

"Su-Ga!" He hears Namjoon yell from the other room. "Get up! Photo shoot."

He double checks that his phone is charging and rushes to the bathroom to shower. Today he's going to feel very confident at the photo shoot, for a change.

He gets ready quickly and returns to the room to find Taehyung on top of his bunk staring at his phone, still plugged in to the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he barks at him, startling the younger man. He sits up quickly. Taehyung smiles as Yoongi grabs the phone out of his hands.

"Who's Noona in the bikini Hyung?" The words bite at him as he realizes Taehyung, little Tae, has seen that picture of Yumi he considers so private.

"Get off my bed!" he ignores the question, hoping his shouting will scare off anymore questions. Tae slowly climbs down off the bed.

"Well, she's hot whoever she is," he mumbles almost to himself. Jungkook walks into the room.

"Who's hot?" He stares at them both. Yoongi bristles at the total lack of privacy.

"Hyung has a picture of Noona in a bikini," he tells him. Jungkook looks at Yoongi smiling, almost laughing.

"Noona is Yumi, his brothers girlfriend Taehyung, it's not like that," he says explaining it.

"Well, she looks hot in the bikini," Tae offers as an excuse and it makes Jungkook look at his elder, studying his face, flushed with embarrassment as he tries to not make eye contact.

"Come on, we're going to be late," he tells them both, following Taehyung out of the room. He stops and checks to make sure Yoongi is behind him and thinks about the implications for a moment. Yoongi notices his stare and whispers to him as he passes.

"It's just a vacation picture from Okinawa. I just didn't want to explain it to Taehyung, he shouldn't be looking at my phone." He walks past the younger man, following Taehyung out into the hallway. Jungkook watches him, not believing a word.

They all pile into the small elevator to meet the van out front. The photo shoot is at their company headquarters and they have several hours of Hair and Make-up before they start shooting. He wonders if maybe he should change his hair color. He looks over at Taehyung, his dark brown hair mostly orange now. It suits him, it makes him stand out. But then Taehyung doesn't need hair color to stand out, he's one of the visuals of the group.  He wonders how much easier life would be looking like Taehyung, or Jin. Just to know that women find you instantly attractive and never question yourself.


By the time they get to the studio, Yoongi has decided he wants his hair to be different, maybe red, maybe orange. He asks the hairstylist what she can do before the shoot and she recommends a red color so she doesn't have to spend time bleaching it out first. He sits back for the procedure, scanning through his phone checking social media for any recent updates and music news for any mentions of them. He's not sure when the interview they did yesterday will be published, even though he wasn't properly interviewed he's sure Namjoon made sure to mention all their key talking points.

He's much more confident in this new hair color and the other members seems to like it, or at least they aren't ready to make fun of him in front of the photographer and the stylist. He's happy to look different, maybe a little more dangerous, less like a kid. He isn't a kid, far from it. He feels like he maybe never was a kid, always feeling a little too grown up, even though he has a soft side that is perfectly happy to be childish, when it came down to it, he was always the person to act like the grown up. He's given some of that over to Namjoon in the group, but he definitely feels older than they are. He wonders if Yumi sees him differently now that he's 21 and not 17.

On the way back to the dorm, Jungkook is sat next to him. He thinks for a moment, watching Yoongi stare out the window at the streets passing by before leaning over close to him.

"Do you think Noona will like your new hair color?" he asks very quietly, smiling. Yoongi shoots him a look with a flash of anger and a bit of a warning. Jungkooks smile is disarming. "I understand, really." he says leaning even closer.

"I don't think you do, she's like family," he says turning away from the maknae.

"Yeah but a different kind of family," Jungkook says and he looks away knowing that he's figured it out correctly. Yoongi shifts in his seat uncomfortably.  Jungkook continues. "You're going over there tonight though right?"

"Yeah, but my brother will be there too," Yoongi dismisses his comment.

"Are you sure about that?" Yoongi thinks for a moment, he never actually asked that, he just assumed, or maybe more accurately, he didn't want to think about it one way or the other. If he's there, he's there, if he's not...

"Yeah, he'll be there, he wouldn't stay out two nights in a row," he says, but he looks away, unable to face Jungkook when he's not being honest.

"Just be careful hyung," Jungkook looks at him, staring a hole in the back of his head.

"What are you two whispering about?" Taehyung turns around and interrupts their conversation.

"Nothing, Yoongi is just going out tonight," Jungkook covers for him and looks away.

"Right, yeah, hey can you stop the van? Drop me here?" Yoongi shouts to the driver. He looks back at him from the rearview mirror. "Stop here, I'll get out and walk from here, it's closer anyway." The driver pulls the van to a stop at the side of the busy street close to their dorm.

"Where are you going Yoongi?" Namjoon asks, but Yoongi is already out of the van, he turns and calls back to them.

"I'll be back early, just going to visit family," and he turns and walks quickly away from them.

Namjoon looks back at Jungkook who turns away from his stare, focusing out the window. He shrugs before he shuts the van door, motioning for the driver to carry on.

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