twenty-two: cant promise that things wont be broken, but ill never leave

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[Jayy's POV]

My eyes flashed with anger as Dahvie and JBigga took Perrie away with Levida, staring hard at Jeffree. He sighed and looked at his nails, "Gosh, girls are so high mainentence,"

"And you're not?!" I screamed, throwing my arms out

"She's the one that carried a mistake," Jeffree replied, looking at me snidely


"Sure she isn't Jayy. Tell me, did you plan for her to be concieved?" Jeffree asked, putting his hand on his hip

I looked down, "No, we didn't plan her--,"

Jeffree cut me off, "Then she's a mistake, clearly,"

"NO SHE IS NOT! If she was a mistake then I wouldn't have stayed with Perrie! I wouldn't love her!"

"Do you even love Perrie? She looks so underage," He chuckles

"Jeffree, I love her with my entire being. She's my life. She saved me from bullies in middle school, and for that, I owe her everything. I fell in love with her over the course of three years we've known each other. She's my other half. And that baby she carried for seven months is my life as well. I, Dahvie, and Perrie love her to death. She's a sweetheart...she's not a mistake Jeffree," I said, tears in my eyes

Jeffree looked at me sympathetically, "Oh...I didn't know. months?!" He yelled, "That baby is gonna die!"

"She is not going to die! Don't let Perrie hear you say that, she's been through enough being told the baby would be a miscarriage but she lived,"

" cousin's baby was born as a miscarriage, but lived at seven months. He...he well...died at the age of one from heart failure. His heart wasn't fully developed. Jayy, the chances of Levida living is slim,"

I looked down, "Oh my god..."

"I'm sorry Jayy. But its true,"

"You still think she's a mistake don't you,"

"Yes," Jeffree said

"Your only saying this because you want me for yourself. But that'll never happen, I have Perrie,"

Jeffree's nose flared, and he sent his manicured hand at my face. I dodged it, and Se7en held Jeffree back. Jeffree kicked at me, before growling, "Don't ever say that! You wanted to be with me!"

"No, Jeffree, I never wanted to be with you. I want to be with Perrie. Please, accept that," I pleaded


My eyes widened, and I felt my heart stop. I never remembered having sex with Jeffree while I was with Perrie...I was too busy to do anything besides Perrie herself. I've only slept with her. 

"I never slept with you,"

"Do you not remember? You came running to my house with Dahvie while Perrie was with her mom, and we all got drunk. You came onto me, and we fucked in my bedroom," Jeffree snickered, probably replaying the event in his little head

"No I don't remember that. You fucking intoxicated me! You raped me!" I screamed

Jeffree pushed out of the guys grip, and huffed. He walked away, and disappeared. Guess he's off the tour now. brokenCYDE departed after wishing me a good luck, chasing after Jeffree.

I walked inside the house, seeing Dahvie cradling Perrie in his arms. JBigga saw me, and walked towards me. I threw my hands up, "I didn't sleep with Jeffree,"

"We know, Dahvie explained everything. It's just...Perrie heard what Jeffree said about his cousin's baby...she thinks Levida's gonna die," JBigga admitted

"We'll go get Levida checked out...see if everything is okay inside. If not, I'll do whatever it takes to make Levida live. And Pez....I have to see her," I said

JBigga moved, and I walked towards Dahvie, who looked at me sadly. Perrie looked up, and shot up. She held me tightly, my arms wrapping themselves around her waist. She cried into my shoulder, her body shaking. She whimpered out the words I dreaded to hear,

"Levida's gonna die, isn't she?"

I cupped her face, her hands moving over mine, which lay on her cheeks delicately, "No sweetheart. Levida will not die. We'll go get her checked out by a baby doctor, and see if her organs are fully developed. We'll do everything we can to keep her heart beating. She will not die, baby, I won't let it happen," I promised

"I believe you," She sniffled

I kissed her forehead, and hugged her again, "Good,"

She giggled, "Your hairs tickling me!"

I nuzzled the ends of my bangs over her nose, making her burst into laughter, "JayyBear, staph!" she laughed

She covered her nose and ran off upstairs, and I chuckled, "Damn, is she bipolar?" My eyes flashed to JBigga

"Nah, I don't think so. She can just get happy quickly is all," I replied, "But I've thought she's had bipolar disorder before," I laughed

Dahvie laughed, "She probably does, we just don't know it,"

"Probably," I said, "Well I'm gonna go find her. It was so nice to see you again J, thanks for helping me out today,"

"No problem man! Anytime!" We exchanged a hug and I disappeared upstairs, becoming a ninja and getting eerily quiet.

I looked around the main hallway that wrapped around the stairs and went straight forward. I didn't hear any movement or quiet giggling, so I tiptoed around the couches, looking for Perrie. I didn't see her, so I repeated on the other side.

Still no Perrie. I headed into Dahvie's room, looking under the bed, the closet, the window blinds, the bathroom, the shower, in the cabinets, in the treasure chest, and behind the door.

I was puzzled. Where was this girl?

I headed to my room, finding no trace of her. I went to the guest room, and that's when I heard the giggling. I walked towards the bed, seeing her underneath it. I grabbed her ankle and yanked her out, making her scream in horror and freak out. I laughed my head off, hovering over her.

"You almost gave me a heartattack!" She exclaimed

I pecked her lips, "You were the one hiding from me,"


We climbed up on our bed, and Perrie turned on her side, and decided it was her bedtime. I glanced at the clock, "8:30," I shrugged, holding her until she had fallen asleep.  

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