twenty one - hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care

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I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I shot up, racing out of bed. I groaned at the pain in my lower body, but continued to the source of the sound. I opened the door to her nursery, smiling at the scene before me. 

I found Jayy bouncing our little girl, calming her down easily, "It's okay baby girl, you're okay," he repeated 

I leaned against the doorway, smiling, "Oh my little Levida," Jayy whispered


"Levida?" I said

Jayy looked at me in alarm, "You're up!"

"Yeah...did you name the baby Levida?" I asked

He looked at the baby, "Her. I started calling her that...sorry," He said

"It's okay," I said, smiling

He smiled happily, "You choose the middle name," 

"Hmm...Levida Marie?" I cocked my head to the side, waiting for his reply

He looked at her and smiled, "Levida Marie it is," Jayy said

"Is she sleeping?" I asked, glancing at the tiny infant 

"No, she's staring at you. She wants to see you," Jayy corrected

I walked to her, and indeed, she was staring right at me. I reached down, and took her little delicate body into my arms. I smile at her little face, her blue eyes staring at me with so much thought. 

"We're lucky you know," Jayy said, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder 

"Lucky for what?"

"That she lived. The doc said she barely had the chance, but pushed through. She's a fighter," Jayy replied, stroking her cheek

"I'm so glad she's here. I couldn't live with myself if I lost her," she sneezed on my wrist, "Oh my, get a Kleenex!" I said 

Jayy ran to the box, and came back with five sheets. I wiped her tiny nose, and my arm, "Do you think she's sick?" I asked 

"I dunno. The doc said call her whenever.  But her sneezes are so cute!" Jayy fangirled 

"You weirdo!" I laughed, "Stop fangirling over a sneeze,"

"Hush, you know you thought it was adorable too!"

"Oh hush JayyBear," I said, laying her in her little bed, "When are we leaving for tour?"

"In about two weeks. We're gonna bring my mom on tour so she can help watch Levida while we're at shows and shit," Jayy said, walking into his closet

I nodded, sitting on our bed, "I've been considering....a solo career in rock music," I confessed

Jayy poked his head out of the closet in shock, "Seriously?" 

"Yeah, music's one of my passions and I'd love to do it," 

He smiled happily at me, "It'd be great. Levi would grow up in such an amazing envoirment, besides the hate," Jayy said, disappearing back into the closet

He came back out shirtless and wearing studded jeans. He looked amazing, as usual. Then I realized what I was wearing.

Some pajamas. Ew.

"OH MY GOD I GOTTA GET PRETTY!" I ran to the bathroom, brushed through my mess of hair, lined my eyes with eyeliner, and touched up on my lips with lipstick.

I walked to the closet, coming back with a Rolling Stones shirt, black leggings, and some heeled Vans. My baby fat had gone down to a minimum, but I knew I had to work off the rest of the fat. I placed a black hat on my head, letting my bangs fall helplessly on my face. I smiled to myself, and left the closet. (picture on side)

Jayy was downstairs, so headed downstairs, Levida cradled in a blanket in my arms. Jayy and Dahvie were outside actually, and then I saw it. The gigantic tour bus we'd be touring in. And Jeffree Star, JBigga, and  brokenCYDE. I gasped, and then Jeffree caught sight of me and little Levida.

"Who's that?" Jeffree asked Jayy curiously, "And why does she have a newborn? I thought you hated kids Jayy,"

BrokenCYDE and JBigga looked at me curiously, and Jayy looked back. He smiled at me, and looked back at Jeffree, motioning me to walk forward with his hand.

"Everyone, I want you to meet the love of my life, my girlfriend, Perrie," Jayy said, smiling proudly at me

"I thought you were gay?" JBigga said

"I was bisexual. But I fell in love with her, so it's whatever now,"

"Who's the kid?" Jeffree asked

"Oh. Everyone, this is our daughter, Levida Marie,"

"Dear god, you knocked her up too? Poor girl!" Se7en said

Jayy glared, "I didn't knock her up. I had sex with her, and she got pregnant. And now we've got a beautiful baby girl," Jayy said, "So deal with it,"

Jeffree raised his painted-on eyebrows, "So, how old are you Perrie?"

"Sixteen," I replied

Jeffree's eyes narrowed, "She's a minor Jayy! You got a minor pregnant!"

"Are you forgetting that I'm a minor too?" Jayy snarled


Levida woke up, her little face crumbling, and started crying loudly. I gasped, glaring at Jeffree, "You woke her up!" I cried

Jeffree glared back, "Good. She doesn't even need to be here, because your boyfriend was stupid," Jeffree snarled

Tears filled my eyes, and I looked at him in disbelief, "This baby isn't a mistake. I-I-I love her, and so does Jayy and Dahvie," I choked

"Are you sure about that? Jayy sure didn't love you when he got you pregnant,"

The tears finally fell, and Dahvie and JBigga rushed me inside as things got heated between Jayy and Jeffree. I could hear them screaming at each other, and it broke my heart. I started to cry, sitting on the couch, cradling Dahvie.

"Don't listen to Jeffree sweetheart. He doesn't know the struggles you went through," Dahvie said, holding me tightly

"He called her a mistake! She's not a mistake!" I cried

"I know she's not a mistake. She's meant here for a reason," Dahvie said

JBigga smiled at her, "Goddamn, she's a beautiful baby."

"Thank you," I smiled at JBigga

He smiled back, "Seriously though, don't listen to Jeffree. He's just upset that Jayy isn't on the market anymore," JBigga said

I wiped my tears, and looked down at Levida, "I just don't want her thinking she's a mistake,"

"She won't. She was born into a hugely loving family. She'll never feel like a mistake or an outcast,"

As we were talking, I heard something Jeffree screamed that broke my heart, "BUT YOU FUCKED ME WHILE YOU WERE WITH HER!"

Dahvie's eyes widened in fear, "Y-you knew about this?"

"He didn't cheat, Pez. Jeffree...intoxicated him and pretty much raped him,"

It still killed me

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