That dumbass

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"Fine! Hurry! We're gonna miss the bus!"

"You seriously get on my nerves..."

Akira is bright and positive. She's a part of the social circle in class and our grades. But what they don't see is that...

She's dumb.

"Oh you guys are finally here!" Gin said as I puffed for air. That dumbass really did it this time!

"Sora!" She shouted and pointed at me. 

"I definitely definitely, won't lose to you this year!"

It's only the start of high school, why is she so pumped up? I sat down on my desk,I'm glad it was the around middle of the class, so I can focus on the lesson. The class was divided into a balanced of four rows with four columns. But there was a problem. 

A big one.


"Sensei!" Akira raised her hand. 

"Yes Tsumu-san?" 

"Can I change seats?" 

Well there's one thing we agree on.

"I'm sorry Tsumu Akira but you're not changing seats." The teacher then placed the attendant sheet on the desk. It's the opening ceremony and my first year of youth is going to be the worst time of my life.

"Why the hell do I have to sit next to you?" Do you think I wanted to end up in the most unlucky seat in the entire world too?

"Rotten luck huh." I said as she groaned. I faced forward to pay attention to what the teacher was saying but that dumb ass...! 

"Pssssttt....Shitty Sora! Shitra! Sora!" She hissed.

"Focus on class!" I whispered. 

"It's homeroom idiot, and why are you here?" 

"What do you mean why am I here?" I asked back. 

"In my class. Class 1-D. The lowest class of the first years? Mister smart idiot?" I really hate this girl. I clenched my pencil and whispered back.

"...I missed an exam...c-cuz o-of my cold..." I didn't look at her,I stared deep down at the blank page that was soon to be scribbled with notes. 


I seriously hate you...!

"OK! So, everyone volunteering for class monitor come up and introduce yourselves." He announced. Surely, there's no doubt I must be the monitor. Like every other year, like every other day. I have to be the monitor.

"Sensei!! I want to go first!" Akira raised her hand and shouted. 

Is she digging her own grave? 

"Ok Tsumu-san, go ahead."

Is the teacher blind?!?

"Hi everyone! My name is Tsumu Akira! There's no need for formalities since we're in the same class. And I swear! If I become the class monitor you will have the time of your high school life!" 

Not bad..

"I will make our class beat Class A and we'll have more bonding time and fun than any other class! Because the only motto in my life is to have fun and live life in the moment!"

Okay, I take that back. I totally take that back.

"Okay,Tsumu-san. Next!"

"But sensei I'm not-"

"I said Next!"

I got up and headed towards the class,she shot me glaring daggers.

/Ha you think you can beat me?/

/Just you wait shithead, I'll rip that smile off of your face./

/Try me dumbass./

I cleared my throat after out mental fight and started.

"Good morning Class D. I am Takahashi Sora. For as long as I can remember I have been the monitor of my every class. Therefore, I think I am the best choice for this job. I will try my utmost best to fulfill our desires and wishes for the whole semester. Because in this developing age, we need brains more than brawls. Education is an important role in our lives. Therefore, I would try my best along with my classmates to have a decent amount of grades and graduated. I look forward to working with you all."

I bowed and headed back to my seat. 

/Fuck you Sora./

/We're in class, Akira. Save your insults after sensei decides the class monitor./

"Anyone else?" he asked as silences coated the room. 

"Okay, then I'll announce the results now."


"Since there's no volunteers and no one is willing to vote. Takahashi Sora will be your class monitor,"

Now I can learn in peace.

"And Tsumu Akira will be the representative of the class committee. Of course for meetings and projects you both are in charge of each other. Welp, since that's all I have to say. Take out your textbooks." 

The class went into disappointed groans and shrugs. They should be grateful that there's someone willing to prepare us for our futures.


It was already lunch break, and of course, that tyrant had to come disturb my peaceful mental revision.


"It's Sora. S-o-r-a. "

"I know." She faced up to me with predatory eyes. That look doesn't suit her at all. Her black hair was tied up into knots of craziness, just like her. 

Seriously...she's not cute at all. 

"I-i...look fo-forward...t-to..."

Oh? This'll be fun.


"w-wo-working with you..."

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that, could you please-"  


She banged my desk and demanded. 

"Don't ruin my high school life, Shitty Sora." 

"Hmm...okay." I confirmed as I went back to eating, she rushed her small group of friends and chatted whatever anime she watched last night. 

Akira is a dumbass, a dumbass who's naïve, selfish and loud. She doesn't think one bit for her future. Nor herself. For real...

She's not cute at all.


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