Family meet Tristan

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-Meliodas POV-

Elaine have just moved in with us in the mansion. Who knew Ban had a son?! I bet Tristan and Lancelot will be the best of friends like me and Ban!

It have been a whole year ago since Tristan was born. He have just learned to walk and talk a bit. He is able to deactivate and activate his powers too.

"Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked. We laid down in bed together. Tristan and Lancelot is already asleep in their own rooms. The other sins is also asleep.

"Yes Elizabeth?" I asked, looking at her with a smile. This first year have been a bit problematic. If one of the children cries, then the other do too and they can't calm down without us parents with them.

"We have enough money and things, so I was wondering, maybe it is best if we stop woking as a mafia leader and spy." Elizabeth suggested, making me ask "What? Why?"

"Because Tristan and Lancelot will be in danger if their parents is wanted by the police." Elizabeth said. She was right.

Letting out a sigh, I said "You are right. We both are billionaires so it shouldn't be a problem." I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled and snuggled in my chest.

"I love you Meliodas." She said as I put my arms around her and said "I love you more."

. . . . .

Me and Elizabeth haven't been doing anything illegal in one year now. It is working pretty good and the sins stopped when I stopped.

Zeldoris is coming over with Gelda and Estarossa to meet Tristan for the first time. None of them have any children yet, so they want to spoil Tristan with gifts. I have told them that they DON'T need to do it, but they do it anyway.

The doorbell rang and I walked to open the door.

"Hey brothers and sister in law." I said and let them inside.

"Where is that kid? I want to spoil him right away!" Estarossa said. They all had gifts so that you nearly even could see their faces. Okay, you couldn't see their faces.

"You haven't even meet him yet and you have that many gifts?" I asked as I closed the door. Then Gelda asked "So, who is your girlfriend then? You didn't even tell us you had a girlfriend before yesterday."


"I wonder how Zel and Esta is doing. I haven't heard anything from them since that mission that we didn't even do. You know, when the ten commandments made you angry." I spoke to Elizabeth as I looked up in the ceiling. Elizabeth was reading a book while I laid down in thought.

"Tell them to come over then." Elizabeth said. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I will call them right away!" I said and picked up my phone. I was about to call when Elizabeth spoke up "About a phone, you never gave me back my phone three years ago."

"Hehehe, well, the things is..." I said, trying to come up with an excuse, but she spoke first, saying "Don't tell me you don't know where it is."

"That is soooooo... true." I said. She sighed and said "Guess I will have to buy one tomorrow then."

"Yeah." I said and dialed Zeldoris number.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Sup brother. So, I was wondering if you want to come over and hang out with me and and my family. You haven't meet our son either, right?" I asked, as he yelled "I AM A UNCLE?! HOW LONG?! AND SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND?!"

"Chill out bro. Do you want to come or not? You can take Gelda and Esta with you, the sins won't be here either." I said, making him answer "We will come by 3 PM tomorrow! Make place for gifts!"

"You really don't h-" I was cut off by him hanging up, making me groan as Elizabeth laughed of how that turned out.


If I remember correctly, Zel and Esta wasn't in good terms with Elizabeth. So, I guess it's good that she is out buying a phone by now.

"You will meet her eventually." I answered Gelda's question. They nodded and placed all the gifts in the living room.

"Wait here, I will go and get Tristan." I said and walked up to Tristan's room just to see him play with a barbie doll and a dinosaur.

"Hey Tristan. Ready to meet your uncles?" I asked as I took his small hand.

"Bhat is tha tuncle?" Tristan asked, making me say "A uncle is your dad's or mom's brother."

Then we arrived in the living room to see Gelda and Estarossa talk while Zeldoris had boring waiting.

"Is that Tristan? He looks to be about 3 years old. Since how long have I been an uncle?!" Zeldoris asked as Tristan hide behind my leg.

"So cute! How old is he?" Gelda asked, making me answer "2 years."

"I have been a uncle in 2 years?! And you didn't even tell us you had a girlfriend?!" Both Esta and Zel yelled. I just shook my head and say "Wife. We have been married in about a year and a half."

"You even- what the hell Meliodas?! You didn't think of inviting us?!" Esta yelled, making me defend with "I sent you both a invitation. It was you that never come."

"We never got any!" Zel said. I then answered "Hmm, strange."

Suddenly, we heard the door open and looked there to see Elizabeth walking in. Tristan then ran to Elizabeth and said "Mommy!"

Oh god, please don't tell me Elizabeth and my brothers have some issues with each other.

Elizabeth picked up Tristan and kissed his forehead before putting him down again. She seemed to have been shopping to dinner while buying a phone. She was fast. Both Zeldoris and Estarossa looked a bit uneasy as Elizabeth walked inside. Tristan walked after her.

"Are you back already?" I asked as she nodded and asked "What do you want for dinner tonight?" from the kitchen.

"Anything is good." I said before looking back at my brothers and sister in law. They was all looking at Elizabeth or me.

"Didn't you two break up three years ago?" Gelda asked, the first one speaking. I took a hand and rubbed my neck and said "I was kind of over reacting."

Then Tristan come running towards me, hugged my leg and said "Daddy, twell mommy I don't nweed vegetwablews!"

Gelda said "Awww" while my brothers sat down in the couch.

"Tristan, this is your uncles Zeldoris and Estarossa and your aunt Gelda." I told Tristan. He looked up at the three and hide behind my leg.

"Awe twey evil?" Tristan asked, making me pick him up and say "No, they are kind."

He looked at the three, but then turned so that his back was facing them and put his face in my neck, whispering "Twey loowk scwary."

Well, I can't blame him, Gelda have fangs and red eyes while my brothers have black eyes and a mark on their foreheads.

"They are kind." I said and put him down to sit on the couch. We have two three couches. One in front of the TV and the two on the sides of the middle couch. We also had a table between the three.

Zeldoris, Gelda and Estarossa was on one of the side couches and me and Tristan on the other.

I sat down next to Tristan and he immediately crawled up and sat in my lap. He loves to cuddle and it comes from me.

"So cute." Gelda said. That made Tristan even more shy and put his face in my t-shirt.

We sat down and talked in about 10 minutes. Mostly about how life is going. Then Tristan finally showed his face to them again.

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