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Sunday, March 13, 2038


This was the day I was going to do it... I was gonna ask Gavin to be my fiancée. I've been wanting to do this for 3 months now, but I always thought it was too early. I mean, is 6 months long enough to ask someone? He gave me a promise ring last month on my birthday so maybe I'm moving too fast?.. but we'd never argued except at the station where he starts problems with everyone and everything that exist. But I'd hope that with this engagement. We could finally tell people back at the station that we're a thing. Hopefully.

I glanced at the black velvet box sitting in the passenger seat and a smile grew on my face. Yes, was the word that would determine how this day went. Why wouldn't he marry me? I looked in the mirror, messing with the strand of hair falling down my face. "I can do this!"

I lost thought when I notice how moody the atmosphere is, with the rain slowly coming down and androids roaming about doing their daily thing. Felt like I was in a thriller or something... My eyes focus on a small house with a faded blue exterior that I've seen so many times. But my eyes quickly dart to the vehicle in the driveway. Doesn't look like tina's car but maybe she bought a new one...

The excitement in my stomach was like something I'd never felt before, as I parked taking the small box. Stepping out of the car was even more nerve-racking, as I speed walked to the obviously fake rock, taking the key from under it. I made my way to his door, taking a deep breath.

 "We can do this..."
I put the key in and twist the doorknob, walking in. I threw the matching leather jacket he got me on the couch. The butterflies in my stomach were raging and I couldn't stop the smile on my face.


I could feel my body heating up as Nines started kissing my neck. I couldn't help but feel bad, me and Y/N have been dating for like 6 months and it's been amazing. But sometimes I have these urges that he can't- I stopped mid-thought when I saw Y/N in the doorway, just staring with a small black velvet box in his hands.

"I'll go..." Nines murmured quietly, walking out of the room. The front door slammed shut and Y/N stared at me with tear-filled eyes, and I instantly regretted everything I had done for the past 2 months.

"Y/N... I- I'm sorr-" I choked, but before I could even finish my sentence, he quickly walked away, swearing under his breath. Tears swelled in my eyes after I realized what he was gonna ask. I quickly caught up with him grabbing his wrist. "I'm sorry! Let's just talk about it! Please!" I begged.

"I don't wanna talk, I'm done," he said with tears running down his face.

I quickly hugged the back of his defined tall body, not letting him get to the door. "Y/N baby, please... I love you! Just let me explain!"

He turned around and stared at me with puffy red eyes, "Here..." he growled, pulling off the promise ring I gave him and putting it in my hand. He gave me one last glance before walking out the door. 

The anger in my body quickly bubbled up, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. "GET THE FUCK BACK IN HERE NOW!" 

He glanced at me getting in his car. Everything in me fell apart as he drove off. 


My cry became sobbing as every memory of nines on him popped into my head. I kept driving through it, increasing speed as every tear and thought came up. I looked up for a second and I hit another car flipping over so many times that I had become disorientated before I even noticed that my car was flipped over. Drifting in and out of consciousness. I was aware of the bloody taste in my mouth and the blood dripping from my head. 

A cold feeling developed in my chest and the sound of rain on metal was so loud, only to be replaced with sirens. Blue and red lights highlighted the shattered pieces of glass around me and I could hear a faint voice in my ear going in and out, "Y/N Ar- yo- alright?"

But I recognized it and slowly, weakly, called out his name. "C- Connor?"


To Be continued...

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!

Sincerely, Los

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