Chapter 3

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"What are you doing?" Soojung said to the blond male that was taking a seat beside her in the lecture hall.

"Sitting, why? Is this seat taken?" Jaemin said as he took his notebook out.

"No but don't you want to sit somewhere else?" Soojung said, eyeing the rest of the lecture hall, hoping that Jaemin would take the hint.

"Nope." Jaemin said, whipping his phone out.

Soojung sighed, realizing that she was stuck beside the male for the rest of the semester.

Soojung knew that being friends with Jaemin would put her in the bad books with the rest of her peers. She was hoping that being Jaemin's lab partner would be the closest she would be getting to him but clearly, he had other ideas.

The lecture soon began and Soojung made an effort to pay attention and to take notes, knowing how hard her major was. To her surprise, the second the professor opened his mouth, Jaemin's phone was gone and he was doing the same. She was even more shocked when his phone began to buzz and instead of answering it, Jaemin turned it off before putting it away.

I guess he really is studious.

At the end of the lecture, the professor had one more announcement.

"For this semester, our students will be taking a few shifts at Neo City's hospital each week to learn more about medical practices. Make sure to sign up for the department you would like to volunteer with tonight so you can all begin your shifts next week." The professor said before dismissing the class.

As Jaemin began gathering his things, Soojung decided to drop her pride, giving the gang member a chance. "Which department are you thinking of signing up for?"

Jaemin hesitated before giving her a look. "Trauma, what about you?"

"Trauma too." Soojung told him.

Jaemin gave her a small smile, nodding his head. "Guess we'll be seeing each other a lot, huh?"

"Yeah." Soojung said as she walked with him out of the lecture hall.

Soojung froze as she caught sight of Jeno, who was clearly waiting for Jaemin again. Soojung felt her stomach drop as his dark eyes met hers.

Jeno's head snapped towards Jaemin as he realized his friends had exited the room and Soojung took her chance to get away from the two boys as fast as she could.


"Why are you always with her?" Jeno said as Jaemin took his side, the two heading to the parking lot as they were done for the day.

"With who? Soojung?" Jaemin asked. Jeno nodded.

"Maybe because we're studying the same thing, you fool. We're also interested in the same specialization."

"Specialization?" Jeno said as they arrived at their motorcycles.

"Yeah, she's interested in trauma too. Oh, that reminds me, we're volunteering at the hospital for class so I'll be busy during some evenings now." Jaemin informed him.

"Don't tell me, tell Taeyong." Jeno said as he got onto his bike.

Jeno blinked as he saw Jaemin's sheepish grin and did not have a good feeling about it.

"Well you see, I was hoping you would talk to him for me."


"Well if it's not my favourite cuties." Soojung said, smiling as she bent down towards the cardboard box beside the dumpster with remnants of various blankets and scarves inside.

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