Chapter 27

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Soojung's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her name to see Jeno lying there, staring back at her. She instantly got out of Jaemin's bed to meet Jeno, taking his side.

"You're awake." Soojung said as she sat down in the chair.

"Yup. And gosh, these bullet wounds hurt." Jeno groaned.

Soojung smiled as she gently pet his head. "Don't move, it'll only hurt even more."

"But I want to make room for you."

Soojung froze. "Me?"

Jeno nodded. "I can't have you sleeping in Jaemin's bed when you can be by my side instead."

Soojung wasn't sure what to do but seeing Jeno determined to move over was enough to convince her to help him before sliding under the covers beside him.

As Soojung stared at Jeno's features, Jeno brought hand up, lightly brushing his fingers against her face. "I thought I lost you."

"You almost did." Soojung told him. "Lucky for you, you got shot so I had to come back and save you."

Jeno laughed before his face twisted in pain from his injury and Soojung regretted her words. "Sorry."

"No, I kind of deserved that, didn't I?" Jeno asked.

"Well, I talked to Taeil." Soojung told him. "So I have a question for you."

"Shoot." Jeno said as Soojung turned to her side to face him.

"Is it true that you use girls as an excuse to get some alone time?" Soojung asked.

She watched as Jeno's eyes widened. "Did the boys find out?"

"No, just Ayeon and I." Soojung answered. "But is it true?"

Jeno nodded his head. "Yeah, it is. I learned it from Taeyong but I guess you already knew that."

"So the girl at the club..."

"Meant nothing to me." Jeno said and Soojung felt him take her hand in his. "You, on the other hand, mean everything."

Soojung felt sparks fly from Jeno's touch, and it took everything in her to stop herself from wrapping her arms around her. She still had so many questions for him.

"You changed your hair." Jeno said softly. Soojung nodded.

"Yeah, I dyed it with Ayeon. Do you like it?" Soojung asked.

"I do. I love it. Almost as much as I love you."

Soojung wasn't sure if I heard that right but apparently she did as Jeno continued talking.

"I know, you weren't expecting that, were you? The Lee Jeno that denied love with his entire body just confessed his love to you. Well, what can I say, Im Soojung? I guess you convinced me that it really does exist." Jeno said, tugging her closer to him.

"I'll admit, I did question it, especially when Jaemin suggested that I only felt this way for you because you had the same hair as Seolhee but as soon as I saw you with your new hair colour, it became so obvious that you were nothing like her yet I still felt the same way about you."

"And quite honestly, as much as a nice girl Seolhee was and as much as I did love her, I don't think we would have worked out in the end." Jeno said, surprising her.

"Really?" Jeno nodded.

"Yeah, first of all, she liked puppies more than kittens. We had that fight a lot." Jeno said, making the her giggle.

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