Chapter 21

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"You seem happy." Ms. Kim said as Soojung entered the hospital room, a wide smile on her face.

"I'm in a good mood." Soojung told her as she placed the tray down, ready to feed the woman.

As soon as Soojung lifted the spoon, Ms. Kim's eyes immediately darted to her new watch. "That's new."

Soojung nodded her head. "It was a gift."

She watched as the woman gave her a smirk. "A gift from a special someone?"

"Perhaps." Soojung said, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before proceeding the feed her patient.

"Tell me about them." Ms. Kim said, surprising Soojung.

"You want to hear about my love life?" Soojung asked. Ms. Kim nodded.

"The hospital is boring and the nurses have terrible gossip. Give me something more interesting."

Soojung chuckled, thinking about her nights with Jeno.

"Well, he's interesting." Soojung started. Ms. Kim already seemed very engaged.

"He's someone that comes off as strong and intense, so he scares a lot of people away." Soojung told her.

"I'm guessing he's not like that?" Ms. Kim said.

"Not at all." Soojung answered. "Quite the opposite."

"He definitely takes some time to warm up to as he doesn't like opening up, but once he does, he's the warmest person I've ever met." Soojung told the woman.

"He's kind-hearted and compassionate. He notices things without you realizing, and even though he's not used to showing how much he cares, when he does, it just makes you feel all good inside."

"You sound like you're in love." Ms. Kim pointed out. Soojung paused for a moment.

"In love?" Soojung asked. Ms. Kim nodded.

"This man, he's seems like someone that people avoid, scared to get too close. But you, you've seemed to have found another side to him which helps you accept the colder side to him. And judging by how he seems to be comfortable with opening up and being around you, I think he loves you too."

"You really think so?" Soojung said, looking into Ms. Kim's eyes. The woman shrugged.

"I may have been here a while but that watch looks expensive. It's not some gift that a guy gives any girl so I definitely think you have a special place in his heart." Ms. Kim told her.

"Hm." Soojung said, absorbing Ms. Kim's words as she stared at the watch around her wrist.


Soojung looked up as she noticed someone sit beside her in the library and had to admit, she was not expecting to see the girl beside her.

"Soojung, right?" Ayeon asked. Soojung nodded her head.

"Yeah, and you're Ayeon?"

"Yay! You remember my name!" Ayeon exclaimed before the students around them shot her looks. "Sorry."

Soojung couldn't help but smile, finding the girl entertaining. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I actually had a question for you." Ayeon said, he voice now lowered.

"Mhmm?" Soojung said, putting her pencil down.

"Well," Ayeon said, running her fingers through her hair. "I wanted to dye my hair but I don't exactly know where to go since I moved here in the beginning of the school year. I mean Renjun said he could do it but I really don't trust him, you know how precious hair is to a girl."

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