Chapter 12

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"How are you feeling?" Soojung asked as she helped Jeno sit up, a bowl of soup on the coffee table in front of them.

"Like crap." Jeno replied, wrapping the blanket around him. He felt weak and vulnerable and hated it.

His comment made Soojung chuckle as she passed him a change of clothes that he was pretty sure from his closet.

"One of your friends dropped this off. Um, the skinny one that's not exactly tall but has looks that can kill but then again, I think all of you have that." Soojung rambled. "The art student. The male one that's not Ayeon."

Jeno smiled at her words. "Renjun."

"Uh, yeah him." Soojung told him. "The washroom's down the hall, do you need help?'

"I'm good." Jeno said but his legs felt like jello as he got up and his head began to spin. If he didn't grab onto Soojung, he was certain that he would have fallen onto the ground like an idiot.

"On second thought, I'll help you." Soojung said, guiding him to the washroom.

Jeno hated feeling like this but he honestly had nothing to say as he stared at his reflection in the washroom.

His lips were pale and his skin was a sickly green. His hair was a complete mess and he couldn't believe that Soojung had seen him like that all morning. He was definitely sick. Very sick.

Jeno slowly peeled the clothes covered in sweat, dabbing his body with the towel Soojung had given him before changing his clothes.

When he eventually came out, clutching onto the door, Soojung was outside waiting for her.

"Don't worry about your clothes and the towel, I'll take of that." Soojung said. Jeno simply nodded as the two of them returned to the couch.

Jeno was thankful that Soojung immediately returned the blanket to his shoulders as he sat cross-legged on the couch.

"You don't have to feed me." Jeno said as Soojung lifted the bowl up but the girl didn't seem to convinced.

"I don't want you spilling soup all over my floor, couch, and blanket so open up." Soojung said.

Jeno watched as Soojung gently blew on the soup, making sure it wasn't hot before leaning towards him.

This is really awkward, Jeno thought.

"I feed patients at the hospital all the time so get everything out of your head and just drink the soup. Please?" Soojung begged.

Did I say that out loud? Jeno thought as he opened his mouth, letting the girl feed her.

Jeno had to admit, the soup was good, and warmed him up as he clutched tightly on the blanket.

"Is the soup okay?" Soojung asked. Jeno nodded and he felt butterflies in his stomach as the girl smiled.

Soojung continued slowly feeding him until he finished.

"Where are you going?" Jeno asked as she got up, picking up the bowl.

"Just to clean up, I'll be back in a few minutes." Soojung told him before giving him a glance. "Will you be okay without me?"

Congratulations, you officially sound like an idiot.

"Yeah, just wondering." Jeno said, trying to play it cool as Soojung left the room once again.


Soojung had a huge grin on her face, finding it quite entertaining to see how much of a child Jeno seemed to be when he was sick. He was like a toddler that refused to have his mother help him despite how much he needed it.

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