Chapter 19

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It had become a pattern.

After every hospital shift, Jeno would pick Soojung up, the two carefully avoiding Jaemin before going to see the stray cats. Then Jeno would stay the night at Soojung's place, cuddling and giving her enough kisses to last a lifetime.

It was kind of weird for Soojung to avoid Jeno during the days, even though she saw him with Jaemin all the time. It was also weird to see him with the cross on his cheek, sending anyone that looked in his direction a death glare.

But as Jeno sat beside her with an arm around her as she softly petted the cat in her lap, everything just felt so right. She felt comfortable and at home with Jeno, and had a feeling the male felt the same way.

"Ready to go?" Jeno asked, holding Soojung closer to him as she shivered from the cold. Soojung nodded and they said their goodbyes before making their way to Soojung's apartment.

Since Jeno was here so often, there was already a portion of Soojung's closet for him. Soojung didn't mind one bit, often stealing his sweaters to wear at home.

Soojung was wearing one of them as she came out of the bathroom after taking a nice warm shower. Jeno was settled on the couch, browsing through the different channels on the television, already changed into sweatpants and a black shirt.

"Your hair is soaking my shirt." Jeno whined as Soojung slipped into his arms, placing herself on his lap before giving him a peck on the nose.

"Whoops." Soojung said with a giggle as Jeno tickled her.

"Jeno, I can't breathe!" Soojung exclaimed as she pulled Jeno closer to her, arms around his neck. Jeno only laughed as he stopped, holding the girl close to him.

During their time together, Soojung had also learned more about the male. Turns out Jeno could play the guitar, autumn was his favourite season, and loved the smell of mint, which just happened to be the same scent as her shampoo.

Despite his looks, Jeno loved cuddling, often burying his face into the crook of her neck. He was always respectful though, making sure she was comfortable and wasn't pushing Soojung past her limits.

Soojung didn't mind though, loving Jeno's warm embrace. Jeno was well built and she often found herself running her fingers over the veins on his arms, mesmorized by how handsome Jeno was.

Soojung's favourite thing about Jeno, which he only showed when they were alone, was his eye smile. The way his eyes disappeared when he laughed made Soojung want to stare at him all day, the corners of her lips moving upwards with his as well.

"Go dry your hair and I'll meet you in bed." Jeno said, giving Soojung a kiss before the girl returned to the washroom.

When Soojung entered her room, she saw Jeno smiling at his phone. Her curiosity got to her as she climbed into bed beside him.

"What are you looking at?" Soojung asked, making Jeno quickly hid his phone from her.

"Promise not to make fun of me?" Jeno asked. Soojung gave him a look.

"Why would I make fun of you?" Soojung asked.

Jeno shrugged his shoulders, taking a deep breath before showing her his screen.

Soojung was not expecting to see a picture of herself holding one of the cats, smiling. Jeno must had taken it earlier that night without her knowing.

Jeno locked his phone though, making his screen turn dark. Soojung glanced up at him to see the male's ears turning red.

"Embarassing, I know." Jeno said, putting his phone down. Soojung shook her head.

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