Chapter 22

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Soojung was smart enough to stay quiet, keeping her head bowed as Jaemin left, leaving her alone with Jeno again. She had heard the words exchanged between the two males and had a feeling Jeno wouldn't be in a good mood afterwards.

Surprisingly, Jeno didn't lash out or anything as he sat beside her, the two of then quietly feeding the cats.

"I'm so sorry, he wouldn't have found out if I didn't leave the cat food at home." Jeno said to her.

"It's okay, Jeno. He would have found out eventually." Soojung told him.

Jeno let out a deep sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair, clearly frustrated.

"Soojung, is it okay if I drop you off and head home tonight?" Jeno asked.

He really didn't need to ask and Soojung knew that Jeno was just being polite at this point. She nodded her head.

"Yeah, go and sort things out with your best friend." Soojung told him.

"Thanks, you're the best." Jeno said, leaning forward and giving her a soft kiss.


Jeno really wanted to stay over at Soojung's but knew that his friendship with Jaemin was more important.

Jeno wasn't even surprised when he saw Jaemin standing in the middle of the kitchen with his arms crossed.

This is not good.

Jaemin wasn't really the type to get mad, so when he did, you knew you had messed up. You had messed up bad.

"Jaemin, look. I can explain." Jeno said but Jaemin wasn't having any of it.

"Yeah, explain, go ahead Lee Jeno. Explain why you've been spending nights with Soojung even when I told you not to. Explain why you lied to all of us, right under our noses. Explain why you chose that girl over the rest of us, your family, the ones that will risk our lives for you over and over again without a moment's of hesitation. Explain why!"

Jeno winced as Jaemin's voice echoed through the apartment. If any of the others were home, they certainly wouldn't be coming out of their rooms any time soon.

"I..." Jeno really didn't know what to say. "I really..."

"What, Jeno? What can you possibly say to explain what you have done?" Jaemin asked. "Please, enlighten me."

Jeno gulped the lump in his throat, taking a deep breath, closing his eyes.

Just be honest, Jeno.

"Jaemin, I think I love her." Jeno said to the male standing across from him.

He could tell Jaemin had not expected those words to come out of his mouth as he opened his eyes after a moment of silence.

Jaemin had no expression on his face, still taking in Jeno's words. "You what?"

"I think I love her. I think I love Soojung." Jeno said again with a bit more confidence. Jaemin shook his head though.

"No no, you don't even believe in love. And you know the rules, you can't be with her Jeno, she's not a Phoenix." Jaemin reminded him.

"Yeah but-"

"What you're feeling is probably infatuation." Jaemin said, making his way to the other side of of the counter where Jeno was. "And it probably has to do with the colour of her hair. You only think you love her because she reminds you of Seolhee."

I don't think so? Jeno thought but the fact that he was questioning it made him think again.

Do I love her? Or do I think I love her just because she reminds me of Seolhee.

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